The good Iranian Islamists


by Fred

It wasn’t that long ago when well thought-out words and promises produced glimmers of hope for some solid progress. A new American President with a whole new perspective on everything including the mortal threat posed by IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic was going to be the harbinger of change for the better.

But after nearly a year and half what we got on the Islamist Rapists’ game changing weaponized nuke program is nothing but the repetition of the repeated, at times being performed by the same actors who have been performing the same scenes.

The administration’s fresh look and perspective on IRR has turned out to be the same reactive policies of the past thirty years only this time with sanitized vocabulary of more hip and up to date language.

Listen up, the Islamist Rapists are marching on with their weaponized nuke, there ain’t no reforming them messianic buggers, Robert Gates the current Secretary of Defense who has been involved with them from day one way back in 1979 is on the record as saying: “I have spent 30 years in the search for the elusive Iranian moderate.”

Before it is too late the sane world lead by DC, the Democracy Central has to impose unilateral airtight sanctions and at the same time openly help fed up Iranians with material help to overthrow the nuke acquiring, war desiring, Iranian men, women and children raping, maiming and murdering messianic Islamists Rapists.

Stop this fruteless search for the nonexistent solution within the context of the Islamist Rapist Republic, regime change now!






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more from Fred

Fred and massoudA

by Free on

Great post, Fred. I agree with you as usual. Regime change NOW!

massoudA writes, " Fred - I never for one minute had any hopes Obama would do anything to help Iran and Iranians - in fact I am very much a believer that IR spend a ton of $$$$ to get him elected."

I couldn't have said it better! I was against this amateur "professor" since DAY 1 -- specially when he started advocating negotiations with Iran without preconditions. My disliked for him turned to a mild hatred when he repeatedly bent over on his knees and went out of his way to call Iran the "Islamic Republic of Iran." That was his pathetic way of recognizing the illegitimate regime. Mind you, he has sent Ali geda Khamenei 3 personal letters of friendship. 

Then, my mild-hatred for President BlameBush turned into full-blown fury when he waited 10 full days to condemn the vicious crackdown in June, while it took him only 3 hours to condemn the LEGAL removal of President Zelaya from the Presidency of Hondurous by their Supreme Court. Another lefty who condemn Zelaya's removal was Hugo Chavez. When a thug lefty petty dictator takes the same policy position as the President of the United States, freedom in Iran is in real trouble.

And let's not forget that while John McCain refused to accept donations via pre-paid credit cards (because the money could not be traced to its source), the Obama campaign happily accepted them, and ultimately spent $800 million (an all-time record) in buying the White House. How can we be sure if the mullahs, through their proxies, didn't contribute heavily to the Obama campaign, specially through those untraceable pre-paid credit cards?

Mola Nasredeen

Fred INC,

by Mola Nasredeen on

When are you going to send in the Persian speaking one?


The rabid "we"

by Fred on

All the rabid Islamists/Anti-Semites and their likeminded lefty lap poodles of ally are now all for “Iran and Iranians” in plural "we".  

Great news, there is hope even for these rabid buggers.  No more the hell with Iran and Iranians' interests, long live Palestine? Khodeti!

Mola Nasredeen

Fred INC,

by Mola Nasredeen on

We know for the longest time you have been on assignment. We know there're more than 2 of you writing here and advocating on behalf of Israeli Lobby. But I repeat "Long Live Iran and Iranians, the hell with Israel."



by Fred on

I think by now most know nations do not have permanent friends or enemies rather permanent interests. I am one of many who believe America, Iran and Israel have mutual permanent national interests.

Looking at it from this perspective, when it comes to America helping Iranians getting rid of rabid messianic Islamist Rapists who are blocking democracy in Iran and peace in the entire ME, it would be quid pro quo and no favor from Mr. Obama or anyone else.  

Mola Nasredeen

"The Hell with Israel

by Mola Nasredeen on

Long live Iran and Iranians!" Said Hazrate shotor.



by masoudA on

Let's assume micheal ledeen is here posting as Fred.    Do you have a problem with what was posted here or are you just a wise guy revealing identities.   People choose handle name to protect their ID - what right do you think you have to reveal it?  You have no idea how pedestrian you seem - and how hezollahi your approach appears.  

 Fred - I never for one minute had any hopes Obama would do anything to help Iran and Iranians - in fact I am very much a believer that IR spend a ton of $$$$ to get him elected. 


IRR's lovelies II

by Fred on

What did I say about them Islamist Rapist supporters, changing the subject is their only tool. Keep it up, you are doing a good job


Whatever, Ledeen

by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan on



IRR's lovelies

by Fred on

It is so cute to see Islamist Rapist Republic supporters try to address the issue at hand the best way they know, changing the subject. Keep it up lovelies; you are doing a fantastic job.


Hey Michael

by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan on

Why change your name to Fred? The only association it invokes is "the Flintstones" and neanderthals, etc. Michael was a better name so stick to it.