Israelis in Iranians


by Fred

Wikipedia defines the law of unintended consequences as: “Any intervention in a complex system may or may not have the intended result, but will inevitably create unanticipated and often undesirable outcomes ". 

The Islamist Rapist Republic’s thirty one years of raping, maiming and murdering Iranian men, women and children along with venomous vitriol against Israel has had unintended consequences.

A clear example of this can be seen in IRR’s Iranian national interests be damned Palestine-centric anti-Israel based policy. And no mistake should be made here; the Palestinian people at large are not the beneficiaries of IRR’s largess or concern, only the Palestinian terrorists the Islamist Rapists have in their pocket are.  

To the eternal chagrin of the Islamists this IRR policy has strengthened the historical, cultural and after the fall of IRR, strategic ties which existed before between the two nations.

In formulating their response to the clear and present danger the weaponized nuke acquiring Islamist Rapists pose the sane world and particularly the Israelis should not do anything rash.  They should be mindful of the popularity of their core values and guiding principles among Iranians which as another unintended consequence the thirty one years of barbaric Islamist dogma has helped in solidifying.

Airtight sanctions along with open-ended help with moral and material support to the enslaved democracy desiring Iranian people will facilitate the overthrow of the beacon to the Islamist menaces.

The Islamist Rapists are fond of boasting about Iranians being Basijies at heart who would defend IRR; one wonders how many of those the IRR has succeeded in turning into Israelis at heart.


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I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

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Israel is a joke. Iranians have enough to worry about then to wonder about this stupid country. Ashkenazi? No problem!

I'm sure the Armenian segment would enjoy the fact that Israel lobbied against the Armenian genocide resolution in the USA. 


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I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Why are you so obsessed with Israel?

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

Also, this blog makes no sense. 

You have no idea how Iranians feel about certain issues, especially Israel who passes out gas masks and threatens Iran the next. Stop slandering them with your baloney blogs.