The none-Iranian Iranian speech


by Fred

Loving, hating, liking, disliking or being neutral about any of her other policies, when it comes to Iran, the undeniable fact is since her rebirth she has stood by Iranians at the hour of their need. The similarities of national interests in addition to well over two and a half millennia of historical ties have made it inevitable.

 If it weren’t for her clandestine delivery of anti-tank TOW missiles, fighter jet spare parts and armaments, Saddam’s invading army would have exacted even more Iranian lives to expel  as it eventually took.  And of course the destruction of Iraq’s Osirak facility by IAF where nuclear bombs were to be made with Iran as the first and Israel as the second recipient is the clearest example of commonality of strategic necessities.

The examples are aplenty, the latest one being the speech just delivered by her Prime Minister at the UN General Assembly saying things given the chance an emancipated Iranian would have said. All other speakers didn’t care enough to mention the dire plight of Iranians under the tyranny of the Islamists or even acknowledge the presence of mostly Iranian demonstrators outside the UN building. The PM of the only democracy in the Middle East, a nation which is a tried-and-true friend of Iranian people did.

 “The most urgent challenge facing this body is to prevent the tyrants of Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Are the member states of the United Nations up to that challenge? Will the international community confront a despotism that terrorizes its own people as they bravely stand up for freedom?  Will it take action against the dictators who stole an election in broad daylight and gunned down Iranian protesters who died in the streets choking in their own blood? Will the international community thwart the world's most pernicious sponsors and practitioners of terrorism? Above all, will the international community stop the terrorist regime of Iran from developing atomic weapons, thereby endangering the peace of the entire world?  

The people of Iran are courageously standing up to this regime. People of goodwill around the world stand with them, as do the thousands who have been protesting outside this hall. Will the United Nations stand by their side?”




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by jamshid on

The 30 year genocidal crimes of IRI are quite unique in the world and the region. Even the hardest of Iranian hardliners can't hold a candle to these crimes. I know you don't like hearing it, but you really need to get used to reality.

Don't get frustrated Q. I am just putting the mirror of truth in front of your face. I have a futile hope that maybe the ugliness you see will wake you up.

I bet when you were younger, you never thought that you could ever possibly end up in the same camp with Yazid, Mo'aavieh and Shemr. But there you are. As I said to you before, it has the feel of the ending in a twilight zone episode.


Sorry Jamshid,

by Q on

You can twist words, "substitute" x for y and change the subject all you want. It provides great amusement.

The 60 year genocidal crimes of Israel are quite unique in the world and the region. Even the hardest of Iranian hardliners can't hold a candle to these crimes. I know you don't like hearing it, but you really need to get used to reality.

Artificial Intelligence

I agree Jamshid

by Artificial Intelligence on

I would also like to point out that there is absolutley nothing wrong with Iranians like Q being pro Palestinian and hating Israel and its policies towards the Arabs in general. In fact it would be abnormal if they were not. However, compare how a non Arab country like Turkey treats the issue to that of IRI. Who has more Influnce on Israel and Israeli policy in its relations with the Arab countries?

Who in the Gaza war was able to put Israel on the defensive with respect to its actions? Was it Erdogan's statements and attacks on Israel that shook the Israelis or was it Ahmadinejad's statements?  Does anyone with serious power in the Arab world take Ahmadinejad or the IRI's anti Zionist statements seriously?

Whoe's speech is taken more seriously at the UN by the people who have power over UN's treatment of IRI? Is is "Yabu's" speech or is it Ahmadinejad who claimed that Jews control the world by stating ""It is no longer acceptable that a small minority would dominate the
politics, economy and culture of major parts of the world by its
complicated networks."?

IRI policy towards Israel has only helped Israel and hurt the Iranians. Israeli politicians openly favored an Ahmadinejad win to that of a Mousavi win because Ahmadinejad is the perfect sympol of Israeli arguments with respect to the nuclear issues. 

Even the Green movement protesters don't take the governments stance seriously and see it as a diversion. We have all been witness to the "Nah lobnan nah Ghazeh" slogans and "Marg bar Rousieh" response by the crowd to the "Marg Bar Esraeel" shouts by the Friday prayer leaders.    





Iran is first

by jamshid on

"Yabu is a dirty politician, hiding Israel's own crimes behind Ahmadinejad. He's used the Iran bogeyman to get where he is politically at the expense of the risk of killing millions of Iranians with a new war. Israel and her prime minister don't give a rat's ass about Iran or any Iranian, so long as they get their welfare checks from Uncle Sam."

Let's replace Yabu with Ahamdinejad and Israel with IRI in the above paragraph and see the results:

Ahmadinejad is a dirty politician, hiding IRI's own crimes behind Israel. He's used the Israel bogeyman to get where he is politically at the expense of the risk of killing millions of Iranians with a new war. IRIl and her president don't give a rat's ass about Iran or any Iranian, so long as they get their welfare checks from Uncle Oil.

If you had a shred of shame you would know that, Q.

"I was talking about barbarity and rape, that's why I mentioned the Yabu"

No. You indirectly support barbarity and rape by supporting a regime that commits these crimes.


A lot of pro-Israel propaganda on these days

by alirezag on



Thanks Fred

by Takavar on

I agree with everything you wrote in your blog and comments . I could not have said it any better.

God bless Iran and Israel.


is he?

by capt_ayhab on

Hope that you are right Mr. Q that some one is finaly out of the closet .




That's funny Fred!

by Q on

I was talking about barbarity and rape, that's why I mentioned the Yabu.

But I understand misguided Kalimi brothers who feel like they have to shield their "prime minister" in face of obvious atrocities of the ISR, the Israeli Shithole of Racism.

Just curious Fred what will your PR instructions be, the day after the Yabu starts the next 30 year war in the Middle East? How will you lecture the Iranians at that time?


Grandpa Islamist

by Fred on

Frankly Grandpa Islamist, you and your Rapist Republic Islamist bretherens are not qualified in any shape or form to talk about anything except barbarity and may be taking Islamist wedding photographs.


You're finally out of the closet, how does it feel?

by Q on

As a shameless public relations worker for Yabu, the warmongering colonist, you really ought to be aware of Yabu's history of lame fear mongering and holocaust abuse for naked political purposes.

Yabu is a dirty politician, hiding Israel's own crimes behind Ahmadinejad. He's used the Iran bogeyman to get where he is politically at the expense of the risk of killing millions of Iranians with a new war. Israel and her prime minister don't give a rat's ass about Iran or any Iranian, so long as they get their welfare checks from Uncle Sam.

If you had a shred of shame you would knwo that, Fred.