Opportunistic Patriotism

by Fred

When it comes to defending IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic the old stand by for the triumvirate of Islamists/Anti-Semites and their likeminded lefty allies has always been manifesting belated opportunistic patriotism.

When the Islamist Rapists are quiet literally raping Iranian men, women and children, the patriotic triumvirate members are busy with other issues to notice it.

When it comes to the paid for friends of the Islamist Rapists like Syria or the created terrorist proxies who consistently vote with their Arab brothers against Iranian territorial rights in the Persian Gulf, the patriotic triumvirate members are busy with other issues to notice it.

When it comes to wholesale robbery of the Iranian national wealth  by the Islamist rapists, the patriotic triumvirate members are busy with other issues to notice it.

When it comes to building the low tech refineries to avoid importing forty percent of fuel, the patriotic triumvirate members are busy with other issues to notice it.

When it comes to building roads so Iran is not number one per capita in the road deaths, the patriotic triumvirate members are busy with other issues to notice it.

When it comes to a thousand and one other urgent needs the Islamist Rapists are criminally neglecting, the patriotic triumvirate members are busy with other issues to notice it.

But rest assured when it comes to imported highly volatile 1950’s nuke technology to empower the Islamist Rapists, the triumvirate members are busy with their protestation of national pride. Ergo, patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.


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