Out of left field


by Fred

The latest hoopla coming from the sane world about their possible decision to impose some sort of punitive measure on the nuke acquiring, Iranian raping, torturing and murdering rouge regime of IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic sounds as a case of déjà vu allover again, again.

The moves in the slow dance between the sane world and the Islamist Rapists ever since an opposition group alerted the world to IRR’s nearly two decades old vast full cycle clandestine nuke program has become too predictable and monotonous to even warrant any attention.

First act is the sane world talking tough, then the Russian and Chinese pouring cold water on their chest-thumping resulting in Islamist Rapists getting to have the last laugh and chest thumping of their own. In the mean time IRR continues with the raping, murdering Iranians and adding to their large stockpile of enriched uranium.

Right on queue the chorus chimes in with talk is good, no talk is bad. The sane world politicians taking opposing positions to please whatever audience they might be addressing at the time is a sideshow of all its own. In the mean time IRR continues with the raping, murdering Iranians and adding to their large stockpile of enriched uranium.

Then is time for the nuke shuttle diplomacy sequence, a meeting in Paris, a meeting in Moscow, a meetings in Brussels, a meeting in Timbuktu to finally come up with yet another asinine joint statement asking Islamist Rapists to do that they say will never be done. In the mean time IRR continues with the raping, murdering Iranians and adding to their large stockpile of enriched uranium.

The grand finale, the sane world setting the nth deadline declaring if in six months time Islamist Rapists do not respect the will of International community it will face the consequences which might even include some sort of punitive sanctions. In the mean time IRR continues with the raping, murdering Iranians and adding to their large stockpile of enriched uranium.

Look boys and girls of the sane world, look at what the Islamist Rapists are doing to the enslaved Iranians, raping men, women and children, tying them to trees and whipping them, chopping their limbs off and the rest you can even watch some of it on YouTube. If they are not stopped, if the Iranian people are not helped to overthrow them, guess what and you can look it up, they are preparing and have repeatedly announced their firm intention to fulfill their messianic mission of “management of the world”.

Go ahead and laugh at the notion, but when them nuke acquiring Islamist Rapists have instigated a cataclysmic disaster don’t be acting like it was out of the left field.




Recently by FredCommentsDate
ادا اطوار اسلامی
Dec 05, 2012
مسجد همجنسگرایان
Dec 05, 2012
Iranians are legitimate target
Dec 04, 2012
more from Fred

Indeed Q

by kharmagas on

One of your best comments


Beauty of propaganda under military corporate fascism

by Q on

The beauty of the military industrial complex and it's corresponding corporate fascism is that in a nominal democracy, public opinion can be swayed by relentless lies, propaganda and negative advertising, suppesedly an excercise of "free speech".

(Ironically costs a lot of money to buy people's time so they can keep yelling it.)

While everybody has a "vote", this concept is meaningless in practice when corporate media and "other" national lobbying interests have enough money to pay people to lie 24/7.

When a normal human being with a job and a family with limited time for research hears nothing but "Evil Iran will rape your daughters", by lobby owned media and lobby owned people, it will have a predictable effect in the outcome of "democracy." This is why significant portions of otherwise perfectly rational people were convinced Saddam Hussein will Nuke New York City with a model RC plane.

Propaganda is nothing but advertising designed to push enough psychological buttons to make people do something so the clients can make money.

It works great for selling cars.
It works equally well for selling wars.


Robert Gates: "The

by vildemose on

Robert Gates:

"The secretary also said significant international sanctions would be levied if Iran continues with its current nuclear program, and added that all options, including military action, must stay on the table.

"I think that you are going to see some significant additional sanctions imposed by the international community," Gates said. He cautioned that "any military action would only buy some time, maybe two or three years."

Gates said Iran's provocations were bringing together the international community, including Russia and China, which have long been reluctant to punish Tehran but are now showing more willingness to confront the regime over its nuclear program. Iran insists its program is for civilian energy purposes."


Anonymous Observer

Bavafa - Mehrban

by Anonymous Observer on

 "You asked me questions and you got the answer, what you are made of?"

No...I didn't get an answer.  I got 1960's Bolshevik rhetoric which did not answer my questions.  And for your question, the answer is that I am made of durable plastic.  

And no, your view on "Zionism" doesn't tick me off.  You can have any view on anything that you want.  What bothers me, however, is for people like you to use "Zionism" and "struggle against Zionism" as a tool of oppression against the Iranian people.

Mehrban Jaan: no worries.  My material is not copyrighted. :-)) 




by Mehrban on

Yes.  on all points, including P.S.



by Bavafa on

I guess the idea is to clarify any ambiguity. You made it clear where you stand on the issue (you are against war) and I made it clear about my apology for misunderstanding your point.


P.S. And I did respond to your question, rahter clearly or as best as I could in the other post.


Hi! AO

by Mehrban on

It is nice to see you.  Sorry, I did kinda copy your question on the other thread.  



by Mehrban on

where do you see me condoning the action?  My last sentence says that war, in my opinion would be a gift to IR, who as you well know is no friend of mine.

The point of the comment is that the possibility of war is very real (sanctions or no sanctions).  


AO: Just wondering why are

by Bavafa on

AO: Just wondering why are you so offended by me or any one else exposing Zionist and their action? Are you for Zionism?

Is it my view on Zionism that ticks you off so much or where I stand on IRI, or you are just a ticked off person by nature?

You asked me questions and you got the answer, what you are made of?




by Bavafa on

Maybe it is my command of English, but no matter how many times I read it (and I have read it more than once) It really seems that not only you are not condemning such moves, you are indicating unless Iran (paraphrasing here) gives up their nuclear program, there will be war and you condone that action?

Am I still reading it wrong? If so, my apology and would welcome every ones condemnation of any talk of war against Iran.


Anonymous Observer

Mehrban Jaan

by Anonymous Observer on

You expect too much when you ask Mr. Mehrdad:

"I think you should read my comment a little more carefully."  

  He won't.  He's a one trick pony: Palestine this, Israel that, bomb Iran this, you're Zionist , sorry, "Zio-Nazi" that.  He's actually filling in for his blocked mentor, and the prolific propaganda spammer, "Shah Gholam".     The good news is that his type of rhetoric has become stale, and has outlived its usefulness.  And the Iranian people know it.   


Beauty of democracy

by Fred on

I think Iranians in Diaspora, the overwhelming majority of whom are fence sitting, should get involved and do whatever their conscience dictates.

As someone who appreciates America’s democracy I believe every American voter is taken seriously, and with a president with African father, that an Iranian-American’s opinion is as good as any other American is a given.   



by Mehrban on

Double post



by Mehrban on

On the contrary, I am very much opposed to war against Iran.  I think you should read my comment a little more carefully.  


Balh, balh balh

by Bavafa on

It is good to know that Mehrban has jump on the band wagon of bomb bomb Iran. I almost mistook her for some one that has the interest of Iranians at heart.



Israel is desparate for airtight sanctions


sanctions drama (UPDATED)

Word on the Hill is there is a big push to pass Dodd's Iran
sanctions bill by unanimous consent in the Senate (and a similar effort
underway in the House). ... State is supposed to send over a letter
saying "please wait," but letter said to be slowed up for some reason
not clear if because of ordinary bureaucratic stuff or inter-agency
squabbling. NSC has been completely silent, we're told. Lots of pressure
from pro-Israel groups to get this through pronto.

UPDATE: No movement in the Senate in the end today .... that could
mean they got either a formal or informal objection from some Senate
office. So for now, nothing, it's just sitting there. 

Also heard that State did ask Senate to hold off.

More: From
. The initial hotline request came on Monday night,
initiated, it seems, by Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ)... The Dems "hotlined" it
Tuesday around noon. As of this afternoon it seems to be stuck, possibly
because of Administration intervention though not confirmed ...


Should Iranian-Americans support America's wars?

by AMIR1973 on

Many of the people who visit, blog, and comment on Iranian.com (if I had to guess, perhaps a large majority) are Iranian-Americans, myself included. We live in the US, pay taxes in the US, and hold US citizenship. The US government acts in our name as Americans and wages its wars with our tax dollars. For many if not most Iranian-Americans, it is the only government in the world that does so. What the US government does with our money and in our name strikes me as the most important and relevant political question to an Iranian-American. And yet, some of the commentators on Iranian.com (many of whom might be Iranian-American) don't say a peep against America's two wars right on Iran's borders. In fact, one would get the impression that, if the US were to attack Iran, it would be legitimate, understandable, acting in self-defense, and entirely the fault of the (lousy and murderous) Iranian regime-i.e. the US government would be blameless. Why don't more Iranian-Americans speak up about the wars that they are paying for? This question and my comments are not specifically directed at Fred, but to Iranian-Americans in general. If possible, I would like to hear peoples' views on this. Regards.

Ali9 Akbar

BTW Fred Iran's Military IS beginning to turn against...

by Ali9 Akbar on


It's all about sane Israel

by پندارنیک on

What will "the sane world" be left with if Israel conceded she had no choice but tolerating "nuclear Iran"?
Will "the sane world" theory crumble, then?


What can and should Iranians do to help other Iranians?

by AMIR1973 on

Fred, in your opinion, what should Iranian-Americans and Iranians do? Should we call our congressman and urge them to vote for sanctions on fuel? How much do our opinions even matter to them?


This is an un-sustainable situation

by Mehrban on

For IR to taunt the world and the world to do nothing about it.  I believe both scenarios (ie) 1- airtight sanctions (if unsuccessful to stop enrichment) and 2- no action while IR taunts the world, can lead to war.     I believe there are enough people that rather take IR at face value rather than trust its self preservation instincts.  Those people would not hesitate to take nuclear facilities of Iran out which may mean war.  In my opinion, under no matter what scenario until the threat of a nuclear Islamic Republic is out there the possibility of war is very real. 

As it has been said by other bloggers, a war may be the best thing that could happen to IRR. 


fortunately for you Fred,


fortunately for you Fred, the world is anything but sane these days.


Mien Führer

by Fred on

Mien Führer proclaims: “so no fred, there wont be cataclysmic disaster in the middle east as a result of IRI's nuclear project.”


Mien Führer might consider relaying that ironclad assurance to the worrying sane world and rest their fears to rest.


Fearmongering Fred


Who are you trying to provoke with that kind of language? 

It is interesting that you cant seem to ever go without mentioning Iran's nuclear program. Only the Israelis and their sympathizers have that alarmist attitude towards Iran's nuclear program. They know very well, unlike their useful idiot hasabra bloggers, that IRI regardless of how brutal it is WONT be blowing up the world or Tel Aviv. They fear it because they will be restrained in waging their future wars in the middle-east. 

so no fred, there wont be cataclysmic disaster in the middle east as a result of IRI's nuclear project. But you and people like you are going to bring it about with your fearmongering campaign and your airtight sanctions that will LEAD to the cataclysmic disaster.