The thieving Jews

by Fred

Recently the Persian service of BBC aired a report on the Persian artifacts owned and displayed by the Jerusalem museum in Israel.

As ancient and not that ancient Iranian artifact go, the small collection Israel has does not come close to what other museums have including the British, French, German and many others.  

But according to the state broadcasting in the messianic Islamists occupied Iran, the BBC report reveals the insidious ulterior motive of “the Zionist regime”, that is the Jewish sate of Israel to non-anti-Semites.

You see to become less “objectionable”, the Jews, aka "the Zionist regime" do some international thieving.  

“to create historical facts about itself, the Zionist regime having no history or culture of its own tries to steal historical artifacts from other countries including Iran.”

I know the messianic Islamists like to deny the existence of the state of Israel and at the first opportunity “wipe it off the map”.  But denying written history, a one that dates back as far as man knows, is just too nutty even for the nuke acquiring rabid Islamist fruitcakes.



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اینهارو احمدی‌نژاد به اسرائیل هدیه کرده


thieving jews is 110% right on this one

by Anonymous8 on

i full agree with the iri view on this one.


the zionist regime has always believed it can buy history and culture. look at what they say about palestinian land. they say, they own it because they pay for it!!!

they officially say that they pay ottoman for the land, so it belongs to them.


same thing here.

Nader Vanaki

reader1 باز هم مشکلی ندارم

Nader Vanaki

کار آثار هنری و تاریخی و عتیقه جات همینه که بالاخره مشتری داره و یک کسی هم پول کلونی بابتش میده که آخر سر می شه صاحابش.  ماهم در ایران آثار تاریخی کلیمی ها رو مثل قبر دانیال با مقبره مردخای و استر و یکی از قدیمی ترین نسخ تورات داریم و این به اون در.  حالا بذار اسرائیلی های هم یه چیزی توی موزه شون از ما داشتبه باشن.  دست هرکسی باشه به جز این مفت خورها که هرچی اثر ایرانی رو ننگ می دونن ولی از پولش خیلی خوششون میاد.  کلآ من مثل سرگوز پیروز درمورد این مسائل فکر نمی کنم.

Sargord Pirouz

I really have a problem

by Sargord Pirouz on

I really have a problem reading through the imperfect grammar posted by these Israelis going under the collective name of "Fred."

What are they trying to say here in the comment section? It reads like gobbledygook, or a partially fixed-up rendering of Hebrew-to-English using Google Translate.



Nader: I take it that you do not know ...

by reader1 on

... that these invaluable collections were donated to Israel in 1969 when we had no issue with Israel and Mullas were not ruling the country. Do you still stand by your comment?

صد رحمت خدا بر اونهایی که اینها رو وقف موزه توی اسرائیل کردن و درود به غیرت و شرفشون.

I am disappointed if you do.

Nader Vanaki

نگران نباش آقا فِرِد جاشون امنه

Nader Vanaki

و باور کن اگه دست این آخوندها و سردار سپاهی هایی مثل دوزدوزانی افتاده بود، باز هم سر از همونجایی در می آورد که می بینی.  یعنی دست خود اینها هم اگه افتاده بود، اگه قیمت بسته پیشنهادی خوب باشه، به اسرائیل هم اونو می فروشند.  صد رحمت خدا بر اونهایی که اینها رو وقف موزه توی اسرائیل کردن و درود به غیرت و شرفشون.


fred they deny holocaust

by mahmoudg on

and lie through their teeths, why should they not deny other historical and factual stuff.  We all know Cyrus was the greatest law giver and he had done so by freeing Jews from captivity.  Israel has more history than anyone else in Iran.  This we all know and is embedded in history.  This Rapist regime is only on this earth for a very short period of time and will be gone, but the greatest history of mankind, that of the Persian empire and contributions to history of humanity and that of the Jews will last forever.  heck even the short 1400 pathetic existence of the Arab cult we call islam by the good graces of all mankind will not last for long.



by AMIR1973 on

Israel needs more Gideon Levys and less Benjamin Netanyahus

Who is the IRI's Gideon Levy? 


The Jewish Republic of Israel


"Remember this day. It's the day Israel
changes its character. As a result, it can also change its name to the
Jewish Republic of Israel, like the Islamic Republic of Iran. Granted,
the loyalty oath bill that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking
to have passed purportedly only deals with new citizens who are not
Jewish, but it affects the fate of all of us."



Israel needs more Gideon Levys and less Benjamin Netanyahus. 


the confused one

by Fred on

A sane world residing confused Haji in part says:

A few days ago it was “Death to wahhabis” headline where you in a rather cheeky and indirect way showed your sympathy for an Al-Queda inspired group who ruthlessly slaughtered  innocent civilians in a mosque.  It seems to me that you think it is a fair game  for these murderes to kill as long as they are against IRI.”


Two points:

1- The link to the blog the confused Haji refers to is attached. He has to prove his assertion, namely my “sympathy for an Al_Queda inspired group” or alternately take it back. Failing to do either would make him not only a confused Haji, but a liar one at that.


 2- The attached video clip to that blog never mentions what those Iranians being murdered by the rabid Islamist Rapists were accused of. If the confused Haji has incontrovertible evidence to the contrary about the three murdered Iranians he should produce it.

Such evidence does not include Islamist Rapists’ say so, they are discredited murderers. Again, failing to do so, the confused Haji should either take his charge against those murdered three Iranians back, or he is an Islamist liar on top of being a confused Haji.




Fred: You know how to bait readers with your ...

by reader1 on

.... controversial headlines!

A few days ago it was “Death to wahhabis” headline where you in a rather cheeky and indirect way showed your sympathy for an Al-Queda inspired group who ruthlessly slaughtered  innocent civilians in a mosque.  It seems to me that you think it is a fair game  for these murderes to kill as long as they are against IRI.

I commented on this topic when it was first posted in IC and paste it again here:

Dubious loyalty and Hypocrisy
Both Johanna Davood and Ayoob Rabna had the opportunity to donate their invaluable collections back to their country of birth but instead decided to give it to a foreign country which they related to only by  religion.  I wonder what excuses they had for their decision when at the time of donation we had no Mullas ruling the country. How hypocritical of those criticizing  our Mullas for destroying their Iranian heritage in favour of  their Islamic heritage but condone the action of these two individuals.
No respect for the Mullas nor for these two individuals. “