"BECAUSE" - The Beatles
First off and on a personal note - this song of the Beatles has always "blown my mind" (as they sing in the song itself) !! The artistry just comes from another place, that sacred place which once the artist accesses - endless creativity abounds. When you listen to the lyrics closer, the reason the "blue sky" and the "wind" being "high" are blowing the artists mind... is because LOVE has entered his life. "Love is All - Love is You"... and once this awakening occurs, the world is forever changed - the blue sky, the high wind, and all of life manifesting itself to you, have acquired a forever changed meaning.
A side note: The beginning of the song is attributed to John Lennon listening to Yoko Ono play Bethoven's Moonlight Sonata on her piano, and asking her to play it backwards... that's where the inspiration of the intro to the song came from. (I haven't tried playing the Moonlight Sonata backwards, but hope to one day - you could in the old days with old record players.)
Hafez tells us beautifully here, that "never", once your heart has awakend to LOVE will you die; that you will enter the realm of life eternal once you have been touched by LOVE.
هرگز نمیرد آنکه دلش زنده شد به عشق
ثبت است بر جریده عالم دوام ما
Once touched by LOVE, no heart will ever perish
Chronicled is this truth to love's longevity, in creation's canon.
To Hafez, this awakening to LOVE - is celebrated via the even greater truth that not only does it sesitize you to the beauties of creation and of nature, but in actual fact, is the very elexir of eternal existence and longevity. The Beatles celebrating the awakening - Hafez reminding us of the impact of the awakening on our life's longevity.
Abbey Road: The mug in the photo is a picture of Abbey Road and what I drink my coffee out of usually, while posting my Hafez Blogs - and then it so happens that "Because" is also a track out of the Beatles Album: Abbey Road.
VIDEO: The video of "Because" I'm pasting below - it continues to "blow my mind"! I hope you enjoy it, too:
Recently by Hafez for Beginners | Comments | Date |
HAFEZ: Joe Biden | 12 | Oct 13, 2012 |
HAFEZ: Et si tu n'existais pas | 3 | Oct 06, 2012 |
HAFEZ: Omar Khayyam and "Koozeh.gar" | 2 | Sep 30, 2012 |
Person | About | Day |
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گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
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Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Thank you dear TS9, Let me add that
by Soosan Khanoom on Sun May 27, 2012 12:45 PM PDTShahin has not insulted the religion ( Shia or Sunni ) he mocked the Political and cultural environment both inside and outside of Iran as well as the ruling hypocrites of IRI.
Shahin has stated it clearly that since he has not insulted the religion he will not going to ever apologize for his song. I wish we had more brave people like him rather than the ignorant ones of which there are no shortage of on this site.
Still. In my opinion even if he insults the religion he should be free to do so , but, the fact is that he has NOT.
by Truthseeker9 on Sun May 27, 2012 11:58 AM PDTThanks for the clarification. I don't know much about poetry, but liked the message of that beyt (or phrase).
Benevolence with friend; and moderation with the enemy
I like that ... though the enemy in this case is killing our loved ones. I look forward to more inspiring quotes from our wise poets. Anything that will put us on the right path and better frame of mind.
Thanks for the poem. Anyone knows I'm not into poetry really. But all sources of knowledge and ispiration can help bring people together.
TS9, in my opinion
by Soosan Khanoom on Sun May 27, 2012 11:49 AM PDTHafez mocks Hypocrites regardless ....
I have a feeling that if he was around he would be whispering some songs of shain Najafi and George Harrison . For Shain see my blog on him as well as his recent controversial song and for George harsion check this out !
"Brainwashed" - George Harrison - YouTube
Brainwashed in our childhood
Brainwashed by the school
Brainwashed by our teachers
And brainwashed by all their rules
Brainwashed by our leaders
By our Kings and Queens
Brainwashed in the open
And brainwashed behind the scenes
God God God
A voice cries in the wilderness
God God God
It was on the longest night
God God God
An eternity of darkness
God God God
Someone turned out the spiritual light
Brainwashed by the Nikkei
Brainwashed by Dow Jones
Brainwashed by the FTSE
Nasdaq and secure loans
Brainwashed us from Brussels
Brainwashed us in Bonn
Brainwashed us in Washington
Westminster in London
God God God
You are the wisdom that we seek
God God God
The lover that we miss
God God God
Your nature is eternity
God God God
Your are Existence, Knowledge, Bliss
The soul does not love, it is love itself
It does not exist, it is existence itself
It does not know, it is knowledge itself
How to Know God, pag 130
They brainwashed my great uncle
Brainwashed my cousin Bob
They even got my grandma
When she was working for the mob
Brainwash you while you're sleeping
While in your traffic jam
Brainwash you while you're weeping
While still a baby in your pram
Brainwashed by the military
Brainwashed under duress
Brainwashed by the media
You're brainwashed by the press
Brainwashed by computer
Brainwashed by mobile phones
Brainwashed by the satellite
Brainwashed to the bone
God God God
Won't you lead us through this mess
God God God
From the places of concrete
God God God
Nothing's worse than ignorance
God God God
I just won't accept defeat
God God God
Must be something I forgot
God God God
Down on Bullshit Avenue
God God God
If we can only stop the rot
God God God
Wish that you'd brainwash us too
Hafez's children / A challenge
by Hafez for Beginners on Sun May 27, 2012 11:50 AM PDTTruthseeker: That might be a Ladinsky quote you put here - my gut says it is. Ladinsky's work is nice, but is NOT Hafez. Not a single of his poems has been traced to Hafez and he admits to having "dreamed" them all. It is heartbrakingly fraudulent - he's a good enough poet, why call them "translations?" And I constantly have to tell American friends this. Google the story in the Canadian Parliament - a politican wanted to celebrate Persian New Year / No-Rouz with a quote from Hafez - and blurted something from Ladinsky's book. It caused an embarrassment as not a single Iranian scholar in the land could find which line it was. Recognizing Hafez to some of us is like recognizing your own child. Ladinsky's book doesn't even have one of Hafez's children in it - they are poems, original poems by the author, simply inspired by Hafez. If I wrote a play in Japanese inspired by Shakespeare - selling it as a "translation of Shakespeare" would be very, very mean.
Hafez is spectacularly hard to translate beautifully. But I can partake with you one Beyt to help you understand better his world:
The peace of both worlds lies in two fundamental truths:
Benevolence with friend; and moderation with the enemy
Whoever that "enemy" might be. I'll leave it to those Hafez connoisseurs who come here, to in an instant recognize which "child" this above Beyt is and perhaps share with us!
by Truthseeker9 on Sun May 27, 2012 11:26 AM PDTI suppose I just wanted a beyt about love. Here' one I found:
"Love sometimes wants to do us a great favor: hold us upside down and shake all the nonsense out."
I think I may like the man after all.... I think it may explain the reaction of many who come to IC and their comments about the regime and what drives the regime. It maybe seen as Hate but it is a response to personal pain and the suffering of others.
"troubled times"
by Hafez for Beginners on Sun May 27, 2012 11:19 AM PDTTruthseeker: Hafez lived in heavily tumultous and troubled times. All our poets did. I'll leave the rest to you to figure out.
From what you have learnt from him
by Truthseeker9 on Sun May 27, 2012 11:12 AM PDTWhat is your personal take on what he'd say about what IRI stands for, its behaviour, its treatment of Iranians? I am not asking what you personally think of IRI but what Hafez would think of IRI. Are there any beyts we can learn from?
I ask because I see you and SK talking about suffocation and hate, and reference to this site. And the word Love is mentioned.
by Hafez for Beginners on Sun May 27, 2012 11:04 AM PDTTruthseeker: I am not Hafez's dokhtar khaleh ... so wouldn't assume anything what he'd say, beyond my own personal take on what I've learned from him. From how I've understood the man, you keep your faith in the good alive. I'll leave you with that - go and do something good - if your hands are tied, you will still find something to do.
That's just my take.
Please remember that "Good Words, Good Thoughts and Good Deeds" - that I'm so proud came to Christianity via the Persians - didn't mean being "good" only when things are rosey.
Again, just my take. I would recommend reading the Divan to see what your take on what he would do.
by Truthseeker9 on Sun May 27, 2012 10:54 AM PDTWhat would Hafez say about IRI, the regime in Iran if he were asked?
by Hafez for Beginners on Sun May 27, 2012 10:53 AM PDTSoosan Khanoum: Thank you. I do believe we are also living in a world that is "suffocated by hate" as you say... and so it is reflected every where. I often tell the Hafez students in our gatherings: Do you think Hafez was living in times of peace and harmony? Mongul invasions left, right, and center; Repression abound... you name it.... But, Hafez teaches us to steer our own ship and stay afloat - no matter how much grime covers the surroundings. That's the key - and it is in his honor that I try my best to not succumb to the "suffocating hatred." As Hafez says Soosan Khanoum, it's "love" that you take with you and remember in this life - that is all that lasts in this "gonbad-eh davvar."
In a site that is about to be suffocated by hate
by Soosan Khanoom on Sun May 27, 2012 09:29 AM PDTThis blog of yours is like a fresh breath of air.
Thank you Afsaneh Jan.
: )
Hafez and Rumi say the same things - in different ways
by anglophile on Sun May 27, 2012 07:54 AM PDTTheir difference is in thier emphasis. While Hafez openly embraces the earthly love in harmony with the love of the divine, Rumi sees the earthly love as a precursor to the spritual love:
من آدم بهشتي ام، اما در اين سفر
حالی اسير عشق جوانان مهــوشم
من که امروزم بهشت نقد ، حاصل می شود
وعـده ی فـردای ِ زاهـد را چـرا بـاور کـنم؟
زِ ميوه ها ي بهشتي چه ذوق دريــابــد
هر آن كه سيبِ زنخدانِ شاهدی نگزيد
Rumi, while not denying the value of the earthly love, emphasises on its role as a guide to lead the lover to the love of the divine
عاشقي گر زین سر و گر زان سر است
عاقبـت ما را بـدان سر ، رهبـر است
"Eshgheh zamini":
by Hafez for Beginners on Sun May 27, 2012 06:44 AM PDTDarius Kadivar: Thanks for the very interesting post.
Anglophile: Thanks - "Eternal" longevity does imply a non-material realm. Having said that there are major distinctions between Hafez and Rumi - with Hafez being renowned to celebrate a co-existence of the Earthly and the Spiritual. "Eshgheh zamni" a big player in his world. So, you could say this "awakening" of the soul - also continues to eternally manifest itself in the physical beauties and truths of life here and now. "Heaven on Earth" was very big to Hafez.
FYI/Princess Soraya greeted by The Beatles in the Bahamas
by Darius Kadivar on Sun May 27, 2012 01:55 AM PDTHELP! Princess Soraya greeted by The Beatles in the Bahamas
Of love and longevity
by anglophile on Sun May 27, 2012 01:50 AM PDTتو خود حجاب خودی حافظ از میان برخیز
Thank you
by Hafez for Beginners on Sat May 26, 2012 12:38 PM PDTZed: Glad the song touched you - Hope Hafez did too, of course.
Thank you for beautiful blog
by Zed on Sat May 26, 2012 12:35 PM PDThighly creative decade
by Hafez for Beginners on Sat May 26, 2012 12:43 PM PDTOon Yaroo: Thanks for you comment. Do remember, there were hundreds of "Gurus" around in the 1960s - MEHER BABA is the Guru that championed HAFEZ and was not the "Yogi" the Beatles visited in India.
I have no idea if the Beatles ever even knew Meher Baba - I know Pete Townsend of The Who did - but that's not even the point.
The point is: that Eastern mysticism had a profound effect on the spiritual awakening that occurred in the West circa 1965-1975. Some of these "mystics" were real - some fake - again, that's not the point. The point is: There came to be in that creative decade, trans-cultural connections, via universal spiritual truths, that forged much profound creativity in music, cinema and the arts.
Dear HFB! That's not true! McCartney said....
by Oon Yaroo on Sat May 26, 2012 11:36 AM PDT"....McCartney said The Beatles' association with the Maharishi was "a public mistake",[98] and Lennon "an error of judgment"...."
PS - "Because" video
by Hafez for Beginners on Sat May 26, 2012 11:10 AM PDTPS - I posted this particular "Because" video - there are many - as whoever made it, did a wonderful job!
Fanoos: Good to know you're a Beatles fan.
1965-1975: Mostly, if you tap into much of the Western Arts brom the 1965-75 decade - the East was a massive inspirational influence. Probably the biggest from among spiritual gurus of the era: "Meher Baba", would cite HAFEZ as his master.
I saw the Beatles in Amjadeeyeh in 1968!
by fanoos on Sat May 26, 2012 10:33 AM PDTThey performed all their standard hits but this one I liked very much!
"nice song"
by Hafez for Beginners on Sat May 26, 2012 10:28 AM PDTAlbaloo: Glad you liked it. That song really is a masterpiece - what happens to the artist when touched by authentic (not fake) Love.
Thank You, I liked the song very much.
by Albaloo on Sat May 26, 2012 10:14 AM PDTThank You, I liked the song very much. As usual, nice blog on Hafez.