Makhmoud, the Grandson of Machiavel


Makhmoud, the Grandson of Machiavel
by Hajminator

Ahmadinejad’s rhetoric, on Monday April the 20th in Geneva, was addressed to Arab people in the street and also aimed to divert the attention of the Iranian electorate, two months before the presidential elections.

At his first electoral campaign in 2005, he had focused on economic issues and promised a general improvement of living conditions in Iran, but four years later, his records are abysmal. Unemployment and inflation have increased significantly despite a rise in oil prices. And, the situation has been aggravated by international sanctions.

Iranians criticize Ahmadinejad for having spent billions of dollars to help the Palestinian groups and the Hezbollah in Lebanon, rather than job creations in the country. Ahmadinejad, feels and knows that he is released by a majority of Ousoulgarayan (Conservatives). His political survival and that of his ultra-conservative faction is based on a strategy of tension. The Israeli threat to bomb the Iranian nuclear power plays in favor of these positions. But in case of a normalization of relations between Iran and the United States, Ahmadinejad and his supporters have no political purpose.

According to the polls conducted recently in Iran, the majority of Iranians are in favor of a normalization of relations between both countries. And only a small minority of fundamentalists objects to this restoration. Ahmadinejad cannot go against the willing of the majority of Iranians. This is why he had softened rhetoric toward Obama’s willing of openness.

What surprised him in November was the election of Barak Obama and he wasn’t really prepared for that. Today, Mahmoud is somewhat outside the process of negotiations with the United States. Recently, Khamenei preferred to mobilize his own advisors to talk with the American president. The radical rhetoric of Ahmadinejad is also a challenge to the highest levels of power in Iran. Khamenei, despite his lunatic foreign policy, has never been a Holocaust denier speaker.

Aware of these handicaps, Ahmadinejad has sought to divert the attention of the electorate in the direction of regional issues. What he is trying to do now is to force his opponents to take position for or against Israel.

The diatribe of Holocaust denial is pointed to all Arab Governments which signed peace with Israel and also to the Syrian regime of Bashar Al-Assad, which recently was involved in indirect negotiations with Israel via Turkey for the return of the Golan Heights. Loyal to his doctrine, Ahmadinejad presents himself as the only Muslim leader able to stand up in front of Israel and the West.
Go vote against him, if your love for Iran is more than Ahmadinejad’s hate for the human being.


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هاجمی و ردواين گفنگويه شما دو تا دوستان دل ما رو شاد کرد. بيشتر بگيد و دلتون شاد که دست گذاشتيد رو ريشه دوگانگی سرشت ايرانی پس از قادسيه .اين دو تا, خويه عجم بردگی و خويه خود ايستايی ايراني . تا اين درست نشه داستان تازی سروری   پايانی نداره . ويروس امتی زاييده بيست سال و سی سال نيست و دونه ايست که تخم عرب در بامداد فردايه قادسيه  در خاک ايران  کاشت ولی پرورش و گواليدن{عربي.. رشد} اونرو سپرد دسته يه مشت نخبه مليجک تازی پرست بمانند صدها شيخه چامه سرا و فيلسوفان رند و خراباتی که خار مادر گويش پارسی رو سرويس کردن و سخن شيرين ساده و روان پارسی رو تاخ زدن{عربي..تعويض} به  خميرسوپی  ابدوخياری , اوا و واژگانی بيگانه بسانه اخ تفن مستخبرن القاسرون فعل فعلاً مفعولن  افعال . اين پيشکاران و مليجکان عزت العربی همين کار رو با فرهنگ و سايکی ما هم کردن ...اين فرهنگ و الفبا و تاريخ پيشکش ...ما امت ايران اگه خيلي مرد ميدونيم بياييم همين يه مايه گويش پارسی رو زنده کنيم که خودش خيلی هنره .چون در نبرد با يورش فرهنگي بيگانه و رهايي از يوق فرهنگ عجم بردگی و امتی  ,زبان  خاکريزه  نخسته . اين که درست شد اروم اروم راه باز ميشه واسه خودباوری فرهنگی و پاس و دريبل دوم و سوم و بگفته عربا لا کذا .
دمه دو تا تون گرم



Red Wine


by Red Wine on

ما ايرانيان هميشه زياده خواهيم.تنگ نظر و با يك گوز درويش مسلك ميشويم و با يك شيشكي حديث از امام صادق ميگوئيم.تخم جن در تنبان داريم و از ادعا پر هستيم و از معنويت هميشه به دور!

باز بگويم ؟


Dear friends,

by Hajminator on

Thanks for your participation, I learned a lot.

Mehraban jan,

I think that Rezaei’s candidacy is part of their sia-lashkar bazi. The last time he presented himself he didn’t get more than 700 to 1000 votes. this time, I believe that Rezaei will not pass the first round too. Doosti migoft, sagueh zard baradar choghal, it’s so true for him and Mahmoud.

رد واین جان
اولین تازی پرستی ایرانیها که زمان یزدگرد ۳ دربازه کشور را‫ بروی اعراب گشودند، هنوز برایم خوب توجیه نشده است. از شما یا عزیزی دیگر متشکر میشم ریشه یابی این مسئله را برایم بکنید. مردم از بی عدالتی ناراحت بودند؟ که شاهان ایرانی نسبت به خونخوارهای اون زمان فرشته بودند. مردم، شکمشان مثل ۳۰ سال پیش زیاد پر بود؟ ایرانیها زیادی خود بینند ؟ اصلاً از بعد از منشور کوروش ملت میخواستند دموکراسی داشته باشند و با رجال و سلطنت مخالف بودند؟ یا اینکه همه پیرو مذهب مازوشیسم هستیم؟
‫به امید روزی که بلاخره بتوانیم بر ترسهامون غلبه کنیم، از دست خرافات نجات پیدا کنیم‌ و زیر بار زور کسی نرویم و آزادی−مردم سالاری بشوند شعار مملکتمان.

In Durban II, Mahmoud was the buffoon of that meeting. With his high record of hatred against the human being, his lesson-giver posture was simply a joke. At the same tribune other foreign dignitaries condemned Israelis exaction, and they were applauded. Go figure out Mahmoud’s credibility there...

Darius Jan,
I used to think that Mahmoud was really a dead loss, but now I’m coming to the conclusion that he’s maneuvering with ability and that he has a real agenda. I read some of Mahdavian’s (the ideology group to which he depends on) tracts on the apparition of Mahdi, and it sent shivers down my spine. I do think that this enfoiré is working to reach the final solution by himself avec l’approbation de l’autre enfoiré.

Thanks for the video


امیدوارم که مردم خاورمیانه با صاح و دوستی یک زمان در کنار هم زندگی کنند. ایرانیها و مردم اسرائیل در طی تاریخ با هم دوست و برای هم احترام قائل بودند. گول نیرنگ آخوند و عاشقان جنگ در اسرائیل را نخوریم.


A certainty one can BET on

by Confident (not verified) on

ما و مردم و ايران همه با هم خواهيم سوخت

Darius Kadivar

Don't Insult the Prince ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Ahmadinejad is too stupid to even dream of that. Had he been Machiaveli's son or even grandson he would have been wiser not to provoke Israel when trying to achieve his nuclear agenda. He could have waited to have that technology and even the Bomb before provoking Israel's wrath.

A Machiaveli and therefore a Prince of Conspiracy would have been more discreet than this scoundral who is blowing his chances on a daily basis before the elections. Get the Bomb Then Threaten, not the otherway round ...

Machiaveli was Sly like a Fox, he wouldn't display his cards in public like an amateur, Where as Mahmoud is at best a ... Monkey !

In addition Mahmoud Has "No Stomach for Greatness ... " LOL


''Ahmadinejad Gives Another

by sickened (not verified) on

''Ahmadinejad Gives Another Victory to the Israeli Right

''When representatives of many Arab and Muslim nations publicly applaud Ahmadinejad's racist rant, the real losers are the Palestinians.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech at the Durban II conference on racism turned into a racist rant against Israel and the Jewish people. The conference, intended to give the people of the world an opportunity to challenge racism, lost all credibility when many in attendance applauded Ahmadinejad's claim that the Jewish people used the Holocaust as a pretext to take over and dominate the people of Palestine. Ahmadinejad, you'll recall, won global attention when he became the first leader of a UN country to call for the wiping out of another UN country (though he later claimed he was only calling for regime change), and for denying the very existence of the Holocaust.


Red Wine


by Red Wine on

در تمام طول تاريخ  ،  ايراني دشمن خودش بوده است.هر وقت متحد بوديم برنده نبرد بوديم  ،  هر وقت فقط به خود انديشيديم ايران را فداي منافع اجنبي كرده ايم.

اين فرهنگ ماست كه احتياج به رفو دارد و بايد شرح نو برايش نوشت وگرنه تازي پرستي ايران را بيشتر به اعماق بيچاره گي خواهد فرستاد.

بايد با تازي پرستي جنگيد.خرافات را كنارگذاشت.فرهنگ اصيل ايراني را زنده كرد.احزاب مختلف را ازاد كرد.رفراندم گذاشته شود تا مردم دولت مورد نظر خودشان را انتخاب كنند.غير از اين ما و مردم و ايران همه با هم خواهيم سوخت.

شعر زيبا بود.سپاسگزارم.



by Mehrban on

The trouble is that the arch Machiavellian of all (Iran's) time Ayatollah Rafsanjani has figured this out too and has launched a new (this round) Presidential candidate, Mohsen Rezai.  Rezai is a former head of the Revolutionary Guards and apparently, on Interpol's wanted list for involvement in the suicide bombing of the Jewish cultural center in Buenos Aires in 1994.

Rezai is called a "moderate conservative" and according to his website has advocated a coalition government of the conservatives and the reformers. This is a clever act of Rafsanjani's to get the militaristic wing who I believe is the -pillar of the Islamic Republic at this time- in power with a facade of moderation. In any other regime I would say that someone on Interpol's list would not get elected. 

I am hearing mixed reports as to the fact that Rezai is in the race or not. 


رد واین جان


‫این دجالها، ۱۰۰۰ سال نیرنگ و خر کردن مردم را در زیر عباهاشون پروراندند. حالا ریختن سر مملکت مگر ول میکنند؟ قطارشون بقول اون دلقک ترمز نداره و منتظر یک دیوار هستند که هم قطار را خورد کنند و هم دیوار را. آیا گذاشتن دیوار(جنگ و زور) جلوی پایشان کار درستی است؟ اگر دیگران اینقدر خوابند و ما هم به این بازی گرفتار شیم پس همه بشینیم تا فقط ایران را پشت نقشهء کتابها ببینیم.

اگر کسی نخواد با قوانین بازیشون، باهاشون دست و پنجه نرم کنه, آخر برنده این سیاه پوشان خواهند بود.

‫قطارشون اگر ترمز نداره، موتور که داره. میخوان برند، بذار برن تا قعر کویر، یک موقعه سوخت موتورشون کم میاد. من میگم اونموقع نزدیک، اینها دنبال بهانه هستند که با جنگ و دعوا و شهید پروری ۳۰ سال دیگه را سپری کنند. نذاریم که این چنین شود.

واعظان كاين جلوه در محراب و منبر می‌كنند

چون به خلوت مي‌روند آن كار ديگر می‌كنند

مشكلی دارم ز دانشمند مجلس بازپرس

توبه فرمايان چرا خود توبه كمتر می‌كنند

گوييا باور نمی‌دارند روز داوری

كاين همه قلب و دغل در كار داور می‌كنند

يا رب اين نودولتان را با خر خودشان نشان

كاين همه ناز از غلام ترك و استر می‌كنند

ای گدای خانقه برجه كه در دير مغان

می‌دهند آبی كه دل‌ها را توانگر می‌كنند

حسن بی‌پايان او چندان كه عاشق می‌كشد

زمره ديگر به عشق از غيب سر بر می‌كنند

بر در ميخانه عشق ای ملك تسبيح گوی

كاندر آن جا طينت آدم مخمر می كنند

صبحدم از عرش می‌آمد خروشی عقل گفت

قدسيان گويی كه شعر حافظ از بر می‌كنند

Red Wine


by Red Wine on


 حاجي خان ممنون.مثل هميشه از نوشته تو استفاده كرديم.

سر نگون باد رژیم فاشستی ج.اسلامی و طرفدارانش


Dear Mehraban,

by Hajminator on

You are absolutely right. The regime has adopted a hard-line position toward the West and particularly the US since its beginning. During the Iran-Iraq war it created the myth of martyrs by painting slogans and pictures everywhere in cities, while 13-14 years old children were sent to landmines with a plastic key on their chest. Mullahs knew that in order to keep people reactive to their rhetoric, they needed to dig their head in an atmosphere of fear and threat.

This behavior continues till now, as they buried recently some bones in the Ambir-Kabir University by telling that they belonged to martyrs, and it also evolved to something more aggressive and harsh.

Hardliners inside the regime are not used with the language of dialogue and trust, so Obama’s opening is quite puzzling to most of the mullahs. I think that such kind of policy is n times more corrosive than the standard threats they use to handle. They know that without threats they don’t have any reason to exist, so they are pushing the button of provocation to its limits.

In my view, if the US continue their dialogue-like prose, hardliners inside Iran will melt like glace under the sun.



by Mehrban on

Iran's possible talks with the US and Obama's general friendly stance threatens the very existence of the hardliners in Iran.  Obama with his Norooz speech delivered a strong blow to them.  In the tradition of the Iran Iraq war that consolidated the power in the hands of the present regime and induced the rise in power of a militarist wing, start of another war may be perceived as a path to survival.  



Shazdeh joon,

by Hajminator on

I was used to think that Mahmoud ain't better than nothing. But, his speech monday and what happened just before when he was forced to suppress the denial (again!) of his text, show that he knows exactly what he's doing, making him as much dangerous as Machiavel's bulldog.

I'm convinced that if he becomes president again, he'll cause a war just by his extreme standings.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Right on, except ...

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

This idiot Ahmadi is more like the grand son of Machiavel's pet monkey!