Summary of Some Baha'i Proofs آئين بهائی
hajmog 25-Dec-2008
Intro and Material:
- Early core group of Babis and Baha'is were mysteriously prepared to accepted the Bab and Baha'u'llah based on messianic expectation. Polemic argumentation did not play a role in the conversion of early Babis and Bahais.
- There was great difficulty conveying the Babi and Baha'i Message to Muslim population in the Middle East. This is partly because Islam has a systematic and well-defined theological framework.
- Baha'i teachers gradually developed solid textual arguments and interpretations of the Qur'an that constituted Baha'i proofs. In fact, all of the concepts that the teachers developed were found in the writings of the Bab and Baha'u'llah.
- The following presented below only focuses on the historical and theological development of Mírzá Abu'l-Fadl Gulpáygání's dalíl-i-taqrír (proof based on establishment) and hujjiyyat-i-ayát (proof based on verses).
- This includes Kitáb al-Fará'id (The Book of Priceless Pearls) and the Fasl ul-Khitáb (That which Separates Between Truth and Falsehood).
- The Fará'id is the best apologetic defense of the Bahá'í Faith ever written.
- All other apologetic works in Persian rely on this book.
- A number of anti-Baha'i polemic were developed as a refutation of the Fará'id.
- dalíl-i-taqrír : If a person claims to found a religion and that religion gains influence and becomes established and doesn't disappear, it is proof of its truth.
dalíl-i-taqrír overview:
1. Concept of the Manifestation of God.
- God has undisputed sovereignty over creation and the Manifestations of God are possessors of God's attributed, including sovereignty. Therefore, the Manifestations will achieve sovereignty in the world (nasut) over the enemies. In other words, a divinely inspired religion cannot be permanently stopped.
2. Definition of dalíl-i-taqrír
- a divinely inspired religion cannot be stopped: "Should a person claim to be the founder of a religion, and proceed to establish a religion, and claim a relationship between that religion and God (Blessed and Exalted be He), and that religion gains influence in the world and becomes established, this is sufficient proof regarding its truth." (Abu'l-Fadl)
- requires that false claimants disappear
- counter-claimants of Jesus, Muhammad, and Baha'u'llah faced rapid demise
- false religions have existed before and they have disappeared
- "Conversely, non-establishment and lack of influence indicate the falsity of a fading and temporary claim" (Abu'l-Fadl)
- Abu'l-Fadl is so confident of the validity of the dalíl-i-taqrír that he claims that without it the truth of no religion can be established
- "if one ignores the proof of establishment, then it is in no wise possible for one to distinguish between Truth and falsehood." (Abu'l-Fadl)
Scriptural sources for dalíl-i-taqrír:
1. Writings of Baha'u'llah
- Kitáb-i-Íqán, pages 107-108 : Muhammad's sovereignty "is today apparent and manifest amongst the people" and the Qa'im's sovereignty will "in due time reveal itself" (written in 1852).
- Kitáb-i-Íqán, pages 110-111 : Sovereignty of Muhammad is Islam's establishment and ascendancy.
- Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, LII : Proofs for validity of Baha'u'llah's mission are (1) "His own Self", (2) "His Revelation", (3) establishment of "the words He hath revealed as proof of His reality and truth".
- Promised Day is Come, page 87 : "If this Cause be of God, no man can prevail against it; and if it be not of God, the divines amongst you, and they that follow their corrupt desires, and such as have rebelled against Him, will surely suffice to overpower it."
2. Qur'an
- Qur'án, XVII.81 : "And say: Truth has come and falsehood hath vanished. Verily falsehood is by its nature bound to perish."
- Qur'án, XXXVII.171-172 : "Our Word had already been given before to Our servants, the Messengers, That they would be assisted, And that certainly Our hosts shall be victorious."
- Qur'án, XIV.24-26 : "Do you not see how God compareth a good Word with a good tree whose roots are firm and branches in the sky, Which yields, by the leave of its Lord, its fruits in all seasons. God presents similitudes to men that they might reflect. An evil word is like a rotten tree torn out of the earth. It has no stability."
- Qur'án, XXI.18 : "Verily, We set the truth against falsehood, which shatters it, and falsehood disappears. Woe unto you for what you attribute to God!"
- Qur'án, IX,32-33 : "Fain, they wish to extinguish the light of God by their mouths; but God will not have it so, for He wills to perfect His light, albeit the unbelievers be averse. It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the True Religion in order to make it victorious over every other religion, even though the unbelievers be averse."
3. Bible
- Proverbs 19:5-9 : "A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall not escape...A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish."
- 1 Corinthians 4:11 : "For other foundation can no man lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ."
- 1 John 5:4 : "For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith."
- Matthew 15:13 : "Every tree, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up."
- Acts 5:33-39 : "But if it be of God, ye can not overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God."
source: An Introduction to Bahá'í-Muslim Apologetics by Kavian Sadeghzade Milani and Leila Rassekh Milani
Whether we agree or not,
by BahaiProofs (not verified) on Mon Mar 09, 2009 11:51 PM PDTWhether we agree or not, it's good to see a Baha'i expressing his/her views freely through an Iranian medium. In Iran the Baha'i Faith is grossly misrepresented and Baha'is are denied the opportunity to respond to the many hostile articles written about them.
It's called freedom of expression
by Adib Masumian on Wed Jan 21, 2009 04:34 PM PSTIf JJ will allow people like Covenant to meander these boards with his or her distasteful blogs and avatar, then I see no reason why he should prevent the Baha'is themselves from saying whatever it is that they want to say. That would be one-sided, my friend.
Full of blood and conflicts, you say? I take that to mean that the Baha'is were reprehensible for all of this alleged bloodshed? Actually, all of the bloodshed really occured during the span of the Babi Faith, primarily in Shaykh Tabarsi as well as the Zanjan and Nayriz upheavals. Bear in mind that those violent episodes were initiated not by the Babis, but rather by the fanatical Shi'as which surrounded and made every effort to kill them. Any people that the Babis killed at Tabarsi did so out of defense. If they had not done so, the Babi Faith would have essentially died out, and there probably would be no Baha'i Faith. Given your closing statement, however, I'm sure you would personally be fine with that, but take a moment and consider those who presently adhere to the Baha'i teachings. We like what we have, and we're not hurting anybody. So before you proceed to make statements so provincial in their scope, do take a moment and at least acknowledge the belief of others.
If you want to get very technical and start the Baha'i Faith's history from 1863, when Baha'u'llah proclaimed his mission, then virtually all of the bloodshed (through executions, mobs, hangings, etc) actually occurred in the 20th century, most heavily concentrated from 1978 to the mid-1980s.
Down with ignorance.
We do not need any religious teachings !!
by Anonymous55 (not verified) on Wed Jan 21, 2009 01:55 AM PSTJJ - we do not need any religious teaching.
Baha'i faith is not an exception to any other religion. It's history is full of blood and conflicts. We do not need baha'i faith also.
Down with religions.
Iranian Website it is.
by hajmog on Fri Dec 26, 2008 05:30 AM PSTI am Iranian and a Baha'i. Why can't I put up Baha'i related blogs, thoughts and words on my own religion, like any other Iranian does?
Baha'i is a religion started in Iran, and it is my religion. More Baha'i-related blogs coming soon by me. Unless of course there is a ban on all religious and spiritual content, then I would certainly abide by those rules.
This is an Iranian Website
by Anonymous55 (not verified) on Thu Dec 25, 2008 11:12 PM PSTThis is an Iranian Website or a Baha'i website?
The source
by Adib Masumian on Thu Dec 25, 2008 06:43 AM PSTThe article in its entirety (which is big, hehe) can be found here:
Thank you hajmog jan for sharing.