(Video) Iranians tear Korans

by hh904

Keep up the good work Bahram! We love you! Marg bar Eslame kasif.


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more from hh904

A Real Acerbic Bite (ARAB)

by Demo on

For any of the nobodies who are so indulged with their own insignificant race, who want to indiscriminately butcher all ARABS and who want do this & do that with KORAN (Quran) better open that up first. If they bother to read it at least once they will see even with their own bind eyes that the content is all about their own short (less than hour in the universe’s creation time scale) life histories on earth, from their inception in their mothers’ wombs all the way to their bodies’ entries to their graves & finally turning to underground dusts. What is, however, really going to add to their hatred is the reminder about the “judgment day” & the “payback time” implied in the ARAB word.   


Pathetic Arab lover

by hh904 on

People like you disgust me. Worshipping the invader cult of Islam and the Islamic shit Republic. You're a dirty worthless Arab lover, you spit on your ancestors graves.

I shit and piss on the Koran. You are a traitor.

Prove me wrong. Traitor.

Sargord Pirouz

That freeze frame on the

by Sargord Pirouz on

That freeze frame on the YouTube embed is absolutely hilarious. Dig that dyed back hairdo, those 70s sideburns. Talk about being stuck in the mid-70s time warp!

You just can't make this stuff up.

If you wanted a caricature of the irrelevance and insipidness of the self-exiled Iranian community, this would totally be it.

Great job, HH! We enjoyed the laugh.