سوال فنی‌ با جایزه Quiz

 سوال فنی‌ با جایزه Quiz
by Hovakhshatare

چه چیزی این ملا رو اینقدر به فکر عمیق برده و جذب کرده؟

آیین اسلام، رسالهٔ خمینی در مورد روش شرعی تجاوز به نوزاد؟ یا شتر؟ مشکلات محیط زیست؟ فقر مزمن در ایران؟ بهشت و جهنم؟

بهترین جواب برنده یک فایل ۱ دقیقه‌‌ای از جدیدترین کار محسن نامجو (پخش نشده و غیر قابل دسترس عمومی). برنده از طریق گروه مخصوص به روش جمهوری مزدور اسلامی انتخاب خواهد شد (یعنی‌ من خودم برنده رو انتخاب می‌کنم و قابل سوال هم نیست)     به ایمیل برنده فرستاده خواهد شد

رتبه دوم:  یک ساعت تمام حلبی گالو یا تشتک کوکا کولا از ویدئو تبلیغات بهرام۹۸۲۱


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oh, and here he is after that online session...

by Hovakhshatare on


jamshid, the rapist republic sho'ra style jury has determined

by Hovakhshatare on

you the winner. I'll send an email contact as I cannot attach on your profile. Send an email back and I'll send you the top Prize: Namjoo's unreleased newest work and a bonus teaser (please do not distribute unless you want to give it to one person as a prize or something and no youtubing).

PS: The projected size, softness, curvature and spread indicates the said objects he is looking at are not Maryam's and do seem undisturbed from a surgical perspective. They are haji pasand or perhaps he is creating a catalog :)

Competition if officially closed.



by jamshid on

I think now I got it! The clue is the reflection in his glasses? Damn! Was he watching the Maryam blog?


jamshid, all you say is correct about akhoond. However,

by Hovakhshatare on

my comments about akhoond embedded in the question may have come across as a trick question. It was not intended so.

There is a clue in the image. 

And first prize is real.


He looks way too serious

by jamshid on

He looks way too serious to be doing any of the examples you mentioned. He is probably reading about how to cure his impotence. That would be the only reason you could get a serious and depthful look from an akhoond. Now, just look at the picture again, and tell me if I am wrong.