In his recent visit on February 13, 2012, Ali Soufa a Lebanese American past FBI agent referred to Iranian as Persian Chauvenist and claimed that Iranian Azeri Hate Iranian Persians.
First of all you are a Lebanese and not an expert of Iran and how do I know that because you say that 51% of Iran are Persians. That already proves your ignorance and the fact that you have an hidden agenda.
Iranian Azeri don't hate Iranian Persian (if there is any Iranian Persian)
Iranian Azeri love Iran same and maybe more than all the other Iranians
Mr. Ali Soufan a Lebaneses American and fomer FBI agent is promoting his book at the same time he is paid to create uncertainty, confusion and hatred amongs Iranian people
We are one nation and one people under one flag.
Please let us prove opportunists and war mongers that Iranians are United as ever.
Recently by iranvatan | Comments | Date |
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by Jeesh Daram on Tue Feb 14, 2012 04:48 PM PSTThank you Anahid and I will support you and our own. I visit many news organizations on-line and it's filled with anti-Iranian sentiments, beyond belief. I think it is up to all of us abroad to take the opportunity and visit such publications and fairly tell our side of the stories. After all IRI is no more than 100,000 and the rest of us is about 72,000,000. Every time I see a comment against Iranians on WSJ, NYT, WPost, ChicT, I feel that comment is to support that 100,000 and not the rest of us. Most countries of the world have relationship with that 100k and our mission is to cut off that relationship and give the 72Mil a chance. Thanks
That is correct, so let us unite together
by iranvatan on Tue Feb 14, 2012 03:07 PM PSTThe issue here is how and when this has been said.
Comments like these are dangerous. We already have had ethnic violence regarding stupid comments made by cartoonist,editors or even sport news reporters.
Yes we must take this and the issue of the Islamic fascist regime more than ever seriously.
Iranians in Iran ate already suffering let us not have idiots like this guy decide our fate.
One Iran for all Iranians
Dear JD
by Anahid Hojjati on Tue Feb 14, 2012 02:52 PM PSTGo for it, I mean the blog on Aslan and all other apologists who make a living from denying IRI crimes.
It is not comparable at all
by Rastin on Tue Feb 14, 2012 02:51 PM PSTA comment made by a former FBI-employee during one of the most popular TV-shows in the US has much more momentum than whatever s*** is being said by IRI or Mr. Aslan.
'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory (courtesy of Bavafa)
by Jeesh Daram on Tue Feb 14, 2012 02:47 PM PSTBut Reza Aslan has zilch audience other than few Iranians abroad. This man insulted Iranians on a very popular show representing himself as a former FBI agent. If he had insulted the Jews, his ass would have been grass by now. I still believe that we should start defending ourselves and our integrity, no matter how small. Think of ourselves as victims and not victors. Perhaps it is high time to start a blog on Reza Aslan too and why not.
Dear AO, I agree
by Anahid Hojjati on Tue Feb 14, 2012 02:34 PM PSTI was also thinking that almost every week, people like Reza Aslan and the company get on TV (serious news analysis shows) and say lies such as how IRI has support of the people. However, we don't get that upset about it but here we are asking people to do some action just because as you noted some non Iranian said something untruth on a comedy show.
We are all discriminated under the Islamic Fascist Regime
by iranvatan on Tue Feb 14, 2012 01:40 PM PSTLet us not let foreign forces, opportunist or simply idiot decide our fate and our future.
Please tell yur friends and like this page to show support for Iranian Azeri and Iran and let people like Mr. Soufi know that we are all Iranians.
One Iran for all Iranians
he also confused Azeri and Turkey Turkish
by MM on Tue Feb 14, 2012 01:35 PM PST.
by Jeesh Daram on Tue Feb 14, 2012 01:27 PM PSTI agree with you. The commetns we make in this blog will be searchable in Google and IRANVATAN should send a copy to Daily Show. He was invited to that show only to inflate anti Iranian flame
This interview helped me to make sure not to buy his book even when it goes down to fifty cents by next Christmas. But most importantly, listening to his lopsided analogy made me understand why he is called "FORMER" FBI agent. Incompetency . I also doubt that he was an "agent" and most likely a mere "informant" which is an hourly paid job for illegal eavesdropping
هر مرغی که انجیر میخوره نوکش کج نیست. این مردک هم فکر نمیکنم اصلا ایران را دیده باشد
Please take these comments seriously
by iranvatan on Tue Feb 14, 2012 01:32 PM PSTPlease take these comments seriously
There are some who are war mongers and are inciting civil war and killing exactly like in Yugoslavia..let that not happen
It was never us vs them we are all Iranians so it is your duty toi stand up and speak out
One Iran for all Iranians
Persian Gulf, 300 and now this
by iranvatan on Tue Feb 14, 2012 01:32 PM PSTWhen the movie 300 came out there was a big uproar from the Iranian community for falsifying fact but that was fictional movie. To be honest unlike many of you I was not that outraged because it was fiction and Holywood.
When some organizations, Media outlet started referring to Persian Gulf, every Iranian I know started taking that personally and they united and they successfuly corrected many of the publishers. To be honest I was concerned but not as much because I knew history can correct that when we have FREE and DEmocratic Iran.
This man an opportunist like many others is inciting hate, and violence and making the life of many Iranian Azeri and Iranians harder.
His ignoartant and wrong comments not to mention lies are dangerous. They are inappropriate.
Let us be honest who has been treated Fair under the Islamic Fascist Regime, no body.
This Fascist regime doesn't care if you are Iranian Azeri or Iranian Persian they kill anyone.
Please people let us be united and speak out against this traitor, war monger and animal and file a coomplaint against teh Daily Show Jon Stewart for inciting violence and racism against Iranian people.
It was inappropriate comments calling Iranians "Persian Cauvenist", who the fuck he think he is a retarded retired FBI agent who is fat and short and couldn't go anywehere now is inciting violence in another country whil he has no country on his own.
By the way Mr. Ali Soufan we the Iranian People are feeding your family so enjoy our money while we are shoving down your throat.
After we remove the Islamic Fascit from power no more money for assholes like you.
One Iran for all Iranians