In his recent visit on February 13, 2012, Ali Soufa a Lebanese American past FBI agent referred to Iranian as Persian Chauvenist and claimed that Iranian Azeri Hate Iranian Persians.
First of all you are a Lebanese and not an expert of Iran and how do I know that because you say that 51% of Iran are Persians. That already proves your ignorance and the fact that you have an hidden agenda.
Iranian Azeri don't hate Iranian Persian (if there is any Iranian Persian)
Iranian Azeri love Iran same and maybe more than all the other Iranians
Mr. Ali Soufan a Lebaneses American and fomer FBI agent is promoting his book at the same time he is paid to create uncertainty, confusion and hatred amongs Iranian people
We are one nation and one people under one flag.
Please let us prove opportunists and war mongers that Iranians are United as ever.
Recently by iranvatan | Comments | Date |
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It is happening - we are becoming Yugoslavia | - | Aug 26, 2012 |
The Fascist Islamist and Female Species | - | Aug 11, 2012 |
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Dear JJ!!!!!
by Artificial Intelligence on Thu Feb 16, 2012 05:21 PM PSTPlease be fair. The subject here is about racism. Some one who makes comments against racism and says they are against racism should be questioned about making the following statements:
"Blacks have been destroyed in America and white race is
next in line to be destroyed through lies of media and junky Hollywood
culture. Guess who is controlling the media and Hollywood? Please at least give credit to Dr. MacDonald for using his real name. "
Don't you agree JJ? Mr. Ala made the above racist statement and it should be part of the record. Whoever is flagging me has no clue what they are doing or they have take sides on the issue in a sneaky type of manner.
Dear Iranvatan
by Artificial Intelligence on Thu Feb 16, 2012 05:08 PM PSTProfessor Ala is not interested in freedom for Iranians. He does not mind if the IRI stays in power. He puts the blame on Jooos.
Manham Mikhaham Iran va hamvatanamam azad shand. Vali moteasefaneh adamhah messleh professor Ala nejad parast hastan va tamameh energeeshoon beh hemeyateh regimeh terroreh jomhoorieh eslami saf mishe.
Tamameh dardessareh donyah, takhsireh Jooooooos hast. Az professoreh aziz beporss. Khoob javab mideh.
Prime examples of mr. Ala's statements:
"Blacks have been destroyed in America and white race is
next in line to be destroyed through lies of media and junky Hollywood
culture. Guess who is controlling the media and Hollywood? Please at least give credit to Dr. MacDonald for using his real name. "
In response to a blog having nothing to do with Jews, Mr. Ala posts the following:e
by Mohammad Ala on Sun Feb 05, 2012 11:25 AM PST"JD jan, LOL.
Every day there is something to hit us by 2 by 4. I wanted to create a
blog, but here is the last video of my colleague at CSULB.
Dooste Aziz - Hamvatane Irandoost - Vatan Doost - Eltemaas
by iranvatan on Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:55 PM PSTBe ham digeh paridand kari dorost nemikone
Na Nohammad Ala nemishnasam vali in hamvatan dareh doosti bargarar mikoneh
Yek doost mast, hamvatan maast..hamintoor ham shoma doost ma hastid
Baba biad baham dast be dast ham dahim va in doolat ra az Iran biroon konim
Man hich toofi nistam va hich kareh mesle tu yek karegar hastam vali mesle tu Iran ro doost daram cho khaneh man hast.
Biaeed baham doost shavim va Iran ro azad konim
One Iran for all Iranians
Mr Ala,
by iraj khan on Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:55 AM PSTSome of my best friends and co-workers have been and are Azaris. They all love Iran and are proud to be Iranian.
I appreciate your efforts for standing up to those who want to divide and rule Iran, specifically the Israeli Lobby on this website.
PS, thanks for the blog IranVatan.
by Mohammad Ala on Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:02 AM PSTAI, are you speaking for me? Stop your non-sense.
Posting Professor MacDonald's speech about who controls America and its politics, you call that sterotyping? You are free to say that, this freedom should also be respected for others.
Women should ask for a Separate state
by iranvatan on Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:50 AM PSTDon't you agree that Women are the ones that should hate everyone in Iran.
They are the ones subject to all kind of heinous and vicious treatments.
Shouldn't Iranian women ask for Seaparation of Iran and teach all of us Iranians how they can better build Iran
Ali Soufan shut the hell up you are an idiot with very low IQ
One Iran for all Iranians
Racist jokes
by Mohammad Ala on Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:16 AM PSTI am against racism and racist jokes.
Azeri's also tell many different ethnic jokes.
As Iranians, we must try not to tell any racist jokes. This needs our community support to avoid insulting people who speak a different language or practice a different religion.
Azerbaijan is Iran and Iran is Azerbaijan, Kurdistan and Khuzest
by iranvatan on Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:05 AM PSTWe are one, one nation under one flag.
We have lived together in peace for 1000 of years. We are not Soviet Union, Balkkan or former Yugoslavia. We are Iran and Iranians.
Azeri, Kurd and Khuzestani have fought for Iran against the enemies of Iran at the forefront of each war. They defended Iran like anyone else and at times more than anyone else.
Yashasin Azerbaijan, Yashasin Iran
I know that for fact because my uncle in the Army during Iran-Iraq war was telling me about heroic actions taken by the Ardebilis how they would fight side by side Iranians with guns not even matched with that of Iraqi soldiers at that time. have you seen Dai playing for Iran and how he always tried to score the last goal even when he was bleeding or even Bagheri, the man with golden heart.
Azeris have invested in Iran a great deal. Azeri, Khuzestani, Kurd and Baluch are one of us.
Now it is a DUTY of all Iranians to stand up for other Iranians.
Learn how to speak against INDIVIDUALS but don't bundle a whole nation together. There are INDIVIDUALS or small groups WHO say ignorant and stupid things, so try to fight against them.
For example, if you hear that someone tells a Bahai joke, Jeiwsh joke or minorty jokes just point blank tell them that it is STUPID and tell them to STOP it. I HAVE DONE IT MANY MNAY TIMES with friends and very close relatives. So have the Balls to stand up instead of been a whiner.
Fight against Websites, groups or businesses who make money on the sorrow of others like Jokestan and many others. I have done it, I was on their facebook page untill their admin place my picture on the page and let everyone trash me but I din't stop there I reported them to variuos aganecie and threatened to file a law suit against the guy.
Stand up and speak out against ill treatment of Women and Bahais.
Listen Separation will never happen it just creates more hatred, isolation and takes us away from reality and real issues and that is to fight against Islamic Republic of Iran.
Let us fight the REAL Issues.
One Iran for all Iranians
Mr. Savalan - Interesting - I understand you now
by iranvatan on Thu Feb 16, 2012 09:49 AM PSTDear Mr. Savalan,
You are making a conclusion and agree with a foreigner like Mr. Souflan on the fate of Iranian people base on your experiences from the football matches.
In any football stadium across teh globe name calling of opponents is a norm. It is bad Sport, it is Stupid...but it is ver men are been men. Now I have been on Wrestling match and I have been a wrestler and soccer match (football) were I have been called many names. Names that I can't relate or I have been surprised to hear but honestly that is what it is.
Opposiing groups in any sports call each other name.
However, making conclusion that a Country and the people of 75 million hate each other that is NONE SENSE, it is childish and VER STUPID.
I do agree ignorance exists in our culturre, I have been fighting Websites like Jookestan and others who are point blank STUPID and Ignorant BUT Iranians are by far not racists at all they are just uneducated and ignoarant.
One Iran for all Iranians
Iran first, other things second.. Ajar Iran olmasa, benim janim
by Mohammad Ala on Thu Feb 16, 2012 09:44 AM PSTRacism like many other countries are present in Iran. In recent Teraktor games, Azeri fans spewed their own profanity. I have several pictures from those games but I was told by IC administrators they cannot be displayed in comment section.
I am not for flaring hatred among Iranians, Savalan has continued his one sided reports and comments. I am willing to compare my Azeri’s roots and contributions to his or any other Azeri. I am an Iranian first, then Azeri or Lur.
As I mentioned in another thread, when I speak Persian or Luri at Teraktor games, I also hear words such as eshak, sa-fek, da-li, etc. Azeri’s are no saints and there are people such as Pish-e-vari who have ulterior motives. Iran will not forget those traitors,
Iran first, then Azeri, Luri, and Baluchi and other languages and dialects. Azeri’s are Iranians who speak different language.
Ajar Iran olmasa, benim janim or vojodom olmasin (Cho Iran nabashad, tan-e man mabad).
Just do a search of Teraktor games on Internet.
There are many video's, here is one: Tebriz, Baki, Ankara
// ,Look at the flag on TV
Persian racism
by Savalan on Thu Feb 16, 2012 09:14 AM PSTAzerbaijani Turks have been targets of racist attacks in Iranian cities of Boushehr, Isfahan, Kerman, and in the capital city of Tehran during the football matches that took place in these cities over the past few months. In the football stadiums of these major cities, racist slogans were shouted incessantly against Tiraxtur and its Azerbaijani/Turkic supporters. These slogans depicted Azerbaijani-Turks as subhuman “donkeys” who were not equal to Persians but constituted a category below ‘normal human beings.’ In these racist attacks, the use of the term ‘donkey’ serves to dehumanize the Azerbaijani-Turks, violate their dignity and break their spirit.
A most appalling display of racism was manifested throughout the match between TiraxturPirouzi (formerly Persepolis) that was played at Tehran Azadi stadium on July 27th, 2010. The official Iranian state television (Chanel 3) aired the entire show for about an hour. Among the racist slogans that were chanted against Azerbaijanis the following could be heard clearly and powerfully:
إشک برو گم شو!
Donkey, get lost!
إشک برو گم شو!
Donkey, get lost!
And when the Tiraxtur supporters fell silent after hearing this horrifying racist slogan, the Pirouzi/Persepolis supporters chanted:
صدای عرعر نمی آد!
There is no braying from the donkeys!
ترکه صداش در نمی آد!
The Turkish donkeys are silent!
In a rhythmic and unusually well-organized manner, half of the Pirouzi/Persepolis supporters from one end of the stadium chanted: “There is no braying from the donkeys!” To this, the other half from the other end of the stadium replied: “The Turkish donkeys are silent!” And the whole event was carefully aired on the Iranian state television!
Ever since the rule of Pahlavis from the mid-1920s, the degrading and dehumanizing analogy with “donkey” has been used by successive Iranian governments and through the hegemonic discourse to silence, humiliate and marginalize Iran’s Azerbaijani and Turkic population.
This is How Azerbaijanis are portrayed in Iran!!
Thanks Iranvatan
by Mohammad Ala on Thu Feb 16, 2012 09:01 AM PSTIran first, other things second.
I am not surprised Savalan supports an idiot. Haha chok yakhchi. Haha.
It is all about showing unity and protest against opportunists
by iranvatan on Thu Feb 16, 2012 06:05 AM PSTthis is not attention this is more of a protest..sometimes you must stand up to people who are opportunist and try to make money of others sorrow and misery. He is one and he is dangerous, his comments and statements are dangerous. We Iranians need to show unity and stand together against idiots and opportunist like him if we don't do it we will be taken advantage off everytime. We have been like a tool for the West for the past 400 years and now more than ever let us be united and fight those who want to harm us.
One Iran for all Iranians
Savalan - Ali Soufan chi goft ke to enghadar mikhandi
by iranvatan on Thu Feb 16, 2012 05:57 AM PSTNejad bartara ...Nejad Behtara
Chera Chert Migi
Why are you talking none sense?
You are saying that you agree with Ali Soufan and his book and that you say as an Azeri you hate Iranians? So why you and your family live in Iran and fed on Iran and Iranian people? So are you a traitor or a backstabber or maybe that is your personality.
Racism doesn't exist in Iran; Iranians by nature are not racist people. They are just ignorant. And that is not their fault because we have not been thought about equality and fairness and there has been no system to hold us accountable.
We all are and have been discriminated under the current regime there is no doubt.
Now the solution you, Mr. Souflan and many opportunists have is to cause more chaos, confusion and hatred. You guys are more like cockroaches who takes advantage of the situation.
Iran is not Balkan or Iran is not Yugoslavia...Iran and Iranian have lived together for 1000 years in peace if you don't like it leave and go to Israel, Azerbaijan or Turkey, wait a minute you don't live there too you live in USA so then help all of us and keep your silence because you are jeopardizing the life of million Azeris who love Iran an their country and they are not like cowards like you.
By the way Mr. Soufan a Lebanese who has been feeding on Iranian regime payroll. That was the money from Iran and Iranians feeding him, his family and his nation.
We the Iranian people need to UNITE and fight against common enemy the Islamic Fascist Republic.
All Iranians must come to a common understanding.
Ali Soufan doesn't give a damn about Iranian Azeri.
One Iran for all Iranians
He is an idiot
by Multiple Personality Disorder on Wed Feb 15, 2012 09:11 PM PSTAn idiot with a book.
Tahvil begirid, nejadparasti akharash biyaberoyist!
by Savalan on Wed Feb 15, 2012 08:58 PM PSTEy Nejad bartara :)
Man be shoma goftam ke kam begid "Iran Pars", "Ariyayi" va az in harfaye nejadparstane. Man behetoun goftam ke cheshmetoun kor shode va Iran ro hamash Pars Pars mibinid ve mikhaid bekonid. Hala ke dige aberotoun rafte va age hamintori edame bedid ziad mire man jaye shoma bodam hamin khodamo mashgol mikardam. Hahaha Ama ajab goft Ali Sufan.
I Cannot agree with you MORE
by Maryam Hojjat on Wed Feb 15, 2012 09:58 AM PSTYou are absolutely Right about this fellow Lebenese who is trying to promote his book in expense of IRANIANS.
Yashasin Iran va Irani - Yashasin Azerbaijan, Khuzestan, Kurdist
by iranvatan on Tue Feb 14, 2012 10:48 PM PSTYashasin Azerbaijan - Yashasin Iran va Irani - Marg Bar Ali Soufan va Islamic Fascist of Iran and all the separatist and their cronies
Death to all those who are trying to bring sorrow and disgrace and htared upon Iran and Iranian nation
Pedarsag An Ali Soufan va Jado abadet Islamic republic of Iran who is paying you and your family to talk trash and garbage
One Iran for all Iranians
Yashasin Iran va Irani - Yashasin Azerbaijan, Khuzestan, Kurdist
by iranvatan on Tue Feb 14, 2012 10:48 PM PSTYashasin Azerbaijan - Yashasin Iran va Irani - Marg Bar Ali Soufan va Islamic Fascist of Iran and all the separatist and their cronies
Death to all those who are trying to bring sorrow and disgrace and htared upon Iran and Iranian nation
Pedarsag An Ali Soufan va Jado abadet Islamic republic of Iran who is paying you and your famil to talk trash and garbage
One Iran for all Iranians
I am an Iranian first, Azeri second.
by Mohammad Ala on Tue Feb 14, 2012 09:02 PM PSTSorry to be late to this blog. I had too many things to do yesterday. In any case, I am an Iranian who learned Persian when I went to elementary school. Persian allowed me to communicate with other Iranians. I am an Iranian first, then Azeri. See my comments in another thread.
I support this blog as an Iranian Azeri. You are welcomed to use my name for support.
Aarash4545 - you may want to change your username or actual
by Anonymous Observer on Tue Feb 14, 2012 08:42 PM PSTname if you want to criticize Persians. It's kind of ironic.
Anyway, why do you have such archaic and obsolete view of history and the dynamics of Iranian society? Dude, I am as Persian as they come. My entire ancestry is firmly set in the Fars Province. My family even speaks an old Persian dialect. But neither me, nor any member of my very large family, has any ill will toward Azeris or any other minority. I believe that every Iranian should be viewed and valued as an individual for his / her contribution to the society. I also believe that minorities should be allowed to teach their language as an optional course for those who are interested in taking it.
In fact, I believe that it will be nice for this option to exist for all students across the country--regardless of the region. This means that a student in Shiraz should be able to take Beluchi as an elective course. Nothing wrong with that. But we need a unified language to function as a nation. That language has been, for better or worse, Farsi (in one form or the other) for the past 2500 years. We simply cannot have various parts of the country speak languages that the other parts don't understand. We will have no economic growth, and we will be back to the stone age if we do so.
Look, cocooning yourself in some sort of an alternative universe of ethno-centrism is not going to do you or anyone else any good my firend. Let'smove on from that nonsense, and move forward, as a nation, toward a representative democracy where everyone's rights are protected.
by maziar 58 on Tue Feb 14, 2012 08:01 PM PSTMG khan your #'s are not valid
half of tose American(from that data base!) don't know what the real story is ? or where is Iran.
P.S I hope you know that AAMAR is just B.S
Iran is not Yugoslavia: Please Click like the Page and Share
by iranvatan on Tue Feb 14, 2012 07:45 PM PST
One Iran for all Iranians
Please let Ali Soufan know we are NOT Yugoslavia
by iranvatan on Tue Feb 14, 2012 07:43 PM PSTPlease let Ali Soufan know we are NOT Yugoslavia and we will not let foreign elements turn Iran to Russia or balkans.
Please Unite and like the page and let your friends know...thank you
One Iran for all Iranians
Islamic Fascist Regime enjoys this and so the Enemies of Iran
by iranvatan on Tue Feb 14, 2012 07:37 PM PSTAs the map of Middle east and North Africa is redefined by the West. The West is taking opportunities of the current situation and is trying to insitigate civil unrest and hatred amongst ethnic groups within Iran who have live for thousand years in peace.
We are all Iranians. Our Number One enemy is the Islamic Fascist Regime that is hurting us and has brought us to where we are today. It is because of these Fascist that we are fighting about stupid issues such as this.
I know for fact no Iranian Azeri hates Iran or any other Iranians.
Thus we need to unite and I ask my Iranian Azeri friend to go on this page and let people like Mr. Ali Soufan know that we are united and we will not elements like that to create hatred amongst us.
One Iran for all Iranians
I really don't understand "We hate Farsee and we love Iran"
by iranvatan on Tue Feb 14, 2012 07:54 PM PSTIf you are an Iranian how do you hate other Iranians. How can you claim you love Iran and hate others? Where is these garbage coming from.
As an Iranian I have never seen my fellow Iranians as different or other ethnicity as a amatter of fact we have Azeri in our family and many Azeri friends.
So you do agree with the comments that Mr. Soufan made that Azeris hate Iranians. So are you putting your Azeri friends life in danger.
So you and the rest of the separatist wannabe supported by Foreign powers are trying to create Civil war and instigate hate and blood what do you want?
You think you can separate Azerbaijan from Iran? You are dreaming so is Mr. Soufan and the rest of the Thugs.
This is exactly what the regime is doing creating anxiety and separation amongst the people to avoid the real issues. People like you are Regime elements and nothing else.
Mr. Ali Soufan a Lebanese whose paycheck comes from Islamic Republic knows and has done push the button.
One Iran for all Iranians
Azeris don't hate.. but resent Farsees..
by Aarash4545 on Tue Feb 14, 2012 06:22 PM PSTAzeris love Iran more than any other creed in Iran for a simple reason that we were the original owners of the largest land mass, i.e. the Median Territory (pre-migration aborigies excluded) .
Azeri's resent Farsees due to their myopic view of Farsi language and culture and the way they have monopolised all the wealth and mass media in the service of only one of the many cultures in Iran.
The Median empire with all its wealth, power and cultural progress was liquidated (Lomboondeh shod!) by Parees who never acknowledged their huge contribution to the development of Achamenid and Sassanid empires.
Let's face it, without Media's brave and definitive action on raising the Assyrian empire, we all should still be labouring in their fields and oil mills!!!!
The Azeris resentment of Farsees is only rivaled by the hatred all Iranians have towards Arabs who destroyed our glorious civilisation.
Even now, and without any exageration, anything worth mentioning in recent Iranian achievements, from commerce to technology, literature to arts etc you'll find Azeris hard at work in trend setting and rasing this nation to new heights. All you need to do is to look at our Northern Azeri bretheren that in span of only a two decadess and against the backdrop of a genocidal war with their neighbouring Armenia, have achieved outstanding democratic government and a free, active and progressive society.
Welldone Azeris where ever you are!
Just to get an idea what you/we are up against take a look at
by Mash Ghasem on Tue Feb 14, 2012 05:22 PM PSTthe numbers below.
: «يک سوم امريکايی ها موافق ترور مقامات و دانشمندان ايران هستند/14 درصد از مردم خاورميانه از مشارکت ارتش اعراب در حمله به ايران حمايت می کنند »
ديلی استار لبنان نوشت: نزديک به نيمی از امريکايی ها با بمباران تاسيسات ايران موافق هستند. همچنين 20 درصد از ساکنان خاورميانه از چنين اقدامی حمايت می کنند.
به گزارش سرويس بين الملل انتخاب، اين گزارش را گروه نظر سنجی انگليسی "يو گاو کمبريج" منتشر کرده است.
در اين گزارش امده است که يک سوم امريکايی ها موافق ترور مقامات ارشد ايران هستند.
بر اساس اين گزارش، 64 درصد امريکايی ها، 70 دصد بريتانيايی ها، 74 درصد المانی ها و 76 درصد دانمارکی ها معتقدند که ايران می خواهد با غنی سازم اورانيوم به سلاح هسته ای دست پيدا کند.
بر اساس ين گزارش، يک سوم امريکايی ها موافق ترور دامشندان هسته ای ايران هستند که البته اين اقدام از حمايت 12 درصدی ساکنان خاورميانه برخوردار است.
از هر پنج امريکايی يک نفر(22 درصد) از حمله ی زمينی ارتش امريکا به ايران حمايت می کنند.
همچنين 14 درصد از ساکنان خاورميانه از مشاکرت ارتش اعراب در حمله زمينی به ايران حمايت می کنند.
کمتر از نيمی از کسانی که در اين نظرسجنی ها شرکت کردند(44 درصد) از افزايش تحريم ايران حمايت می کنند.
همچنين 30 درصد مردم خاورميانه از حمله ی سايبری به تاسيسات هسته ايران حمايت می کنند.
اين نظرسنجی از 27 ژانويه تا 5 فوريه انجام شد.
1701 انگليسي، 1037 الماني، 1003 دانمارکي، 999 امريکايی و 989 خاورميانه ای در اين نظرسنجی شرکت کردند.
اين نظرسنجی نشان دهنده ی قدرت تبليغاتی امريکا و متحدانش در جهان است که تواسنته اند با ابزار رسانه ای خود مردم جهان را با ارائه اخبار دروغ، عليه ايران کنند.
If 75, 000, 000 Iranians sent a message of love to the world
by Oon Yaroo on Tue Feb 14, 2012 05:03 PM PSTit would be a much more powerful gesture than correcting this guy for calling Iranians haters or this or that!?
Better yet, If 75, 000, 000 Iranians said to one another I love you, their lives would be a lot better!
How many times are you going to correct misconceptions, misspellings, mispronunciations, misinterpretations made about Iran and Iranians by non-Iranians?
How effective has this approach been so far?
This guy has written a book and wants to make money selling it! Nothing less nothing more!
Happy valentine's day and I love you!
If this isn't something all
by Sadegh Bozorgmehr on Tue Feb 14, 2012 04:54 PM PSTIf this isn't something all diaspora Iranians can agree on then nothing is.