Why I want Iran Free

by IwantPersiafree

I was born here, not of Persian blood, but I do know one thing. Alongtime ago we were one. As Indo-Aryans we were family all of us. Genetics tell us this. By DNA. I know also that the first man in history to give Freedom of Religion was not an American. He was a Persian. CYRUS the GREAT LIBERATOR. I learned of this man from my friends in school who were Iranian. This was in 1978. I began to read all the classics then. I wanted then to go and visit Persepolis and other cities in Iran. But when the 1979 Islamic Revolution began I saw my friends were sad and I was too.

I continued to learn more of Persian history and know that Cyrus is a man that the west and especially the United States has forgotten. I admire his pragmatic approach to politics and customs. He was a man of Tolerance. Unfortunatly not many in the United States are. I have studied the history of Iran, the people and know it is so diverse that I really love it. I want it free so that one day my sons and I can go visit. My dream is to visit Persepolis but also the mosque, the palaces, the markets, because everyone must learn to admire someone else's culture. I have and I live in an area that many persians live. I see that at times they face discrimination and fear being telling anyone who they are. That is not the way it should be.

  Some how I do not feel on writing the rest on the body. But I will say this.  Persian was the first country I studied ever in my life. I know its religions, I know it is diverse.  I know is has many cultures. I know it is not what many people think it is.  I admire the people of Iran.  They are very cultured and very tolerant.  We should be too, we owe them that.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

What does USA

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


want from us? $$ that and security for Israel. Other things do not matter. They do not give a damn about if Iran is free or not. I have been advocating giving America just that. 

  • 50% of the oil as "baje sibil". America prevents anyone messing with Iran.
  • Iranian alliance with Israel to shut up the Neocon "Israel First" types.
  • Iran stops supporting ***holes like Hizbollah and Hamas.

In return get RP and an open door to more deals. Why not we have a ton to deal. Here are more:

  • We get Northern Afghanistan in return for Iran kicking the Taliban. America gets to "condemn" Iranian "crimes" against Taliban in public. Meanwhile they sit back and do nothing.
  • Iran gives up plans on nuclear power. In return we get America and Israel to invest in solar power in Iran. This is very big and will allow us to power Iran and export power to Armenia and other friendly nations.
  • We get Bahrain in return for letting them keep their base. In reality they won't need it because we do the heavy lifting. Lets face it for the next 20-100 years America is the superpower. Might as well be on their side.


The King

by IwantPersiafree on

  I agree, and support a new government if it be the re-establishment of the Pahlavi dynasty, that is a good thing.  It must be the people of Iran to decide.  The people are suffering under this regime right now.  I know that under the the late shah, Iran was very modern.  I admire his family.  No family is perfect.


Many American's & Humanitarians want a free Iran too

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

The thing is, stealing freedom is what the US government is about.  That is the reason they betrayed the late King of Iran and cynically criticized his human rights record, which was far better than theirs and removed the freedom he spent his life serving and upholding.