How Useful Are Iranian Know-It-Alls And Their Advice? Part 9


How Useful Are Iranian Know-It-Alls And Their Advice? Part 9
by JahanKhalili

Above is a picture of an American woman who visited Ayatollah Khomeini at his house. She did it all on her own, barely speaking any Farsi and without any connections, credential or help from anyone. She just went there after getting the idea to do it. I'll tell you more about it later in the blog.

We've already established that Iranians suck at geographical exploration, scientific study or cataloguing of their own flora and fauna, their own archeology and even their own history.

Iranians were foaming at the mouth when I told them that their Cyrus cylinder bullshit about being a human rights charter was a fraud. But they should have known better.

What are they, retarded?

All they had to do was look up the translation, instead of believing rumors. Iranians didn't know sh-t about Cyrus the Great's cylinder - or himself.

Do Iranians know anything about Ayatollah Khomeini? You would imagine that they should. I heard all kinds of nonsense about him from them. One claim was that he was Indian. It appears that he did in fact come from the Kashmir.

However, I later asked a friend from India who came from the Moussavi family, about the history of that family in India. According to him, they had originally immigrated to India from Iran, and this is a quite well-known fact in India. It doesn't take a genius to see that Ayatollah Khomeini - with his fair complexion - was probably not originally of Indian descent.

The Shiah movement spread from Iran to India, not the other way around. That means that Iran was a source of theologians for India's Shi'ites.

You don't have to be a genius to dig. But Iranians aren't interested in finding just anything.

They are only interested in information if its "useful". So they don't dig. Instead, they either arm themselves with information from others, or make it up themselves. But if Iranians need to delegitimize someone, they'll find a way to do it, and facts don't matter. All that matters is the end result.

The older Iranians living here in America are bellyaching about Ayatollah Khomeini. If you say the word "Khomeini", their facial expression changes, and starts looking like they're taking a hardened sh-t on a cold pot. Whenever they talk about him, its always the same stuff: how many people he killed, how evil he was, how he ruined Iran, etc. ....

This stuff is quite useless for a historian. No one can be either elevated to a god-to-be-worshipped, nor can they be lowered to be the most despised symbol of evil in the world. Human beings are in reality very complex, and their complexities cannot be grasped by mobs who are using them to make political statements.

Various ridiculous stories that would make a hardened psychiatrist go mad, are circulated about Khomeini. One version was the usual story about him being a CIA or British agent. One of the more colorful versions - told by an all knowing Iranian idiot at a dinner party - included a tunnel specially constructed for Khomeini, that ran from Jamaran to the UK.

I have given up telling Americans about the insane things Iranians believe, because it makes me look like an idiot for no reason, and they themselves can't quite grasp that such degrees of stupidity are even possible.

Then there's the well-known Tahrirolvasyleh hoax, that claims that Ayatollah Khomeini wrote in an obscure book (which no one can seem to produce) containing passages that condone pedophilia and bestiality. As "proof", they'll show you some files on the internet that aren't photostatic.

Or they'll claim that some bookstore has it, but they don't feel like wasting money to buy it. No where is it posted on the internet, as scanned photos. I suspect that if it ever is, that it will not be available for authentication by any expert. Someone showed me the book in Arabic on a website, but couldn't show me the relevant passages, so I could check on them.

As it is, no expert seems prepared to back up the claim, despite the fact that there are such experts who could do it if it was legitimate.

No one seems to have produced an actual example of the book complete with the incriminating passages printed in Iran or Iraq from a time where it would have been legally valid. If you express amazement at this idea, or any of the others, the Khomeini-haters either act like you're a simple minded person who cannot grasp such cerebral mysteries, or they get offended and suspect you of being in league with their enemies.

On the other side of the political aisle are the Iranians who fairly worship Ayatollah Khomeini.

He's infallible, according to them. He is almost like the sun. In their version of events, Iran was at its darkest time, when suddenly from the sky on an airplane came Ayatollah Khomeini and brightened everything up with his frowning face. Then came his followers, who were very dear people. You can't say anything even remotely critical about Khomeini in front of them, or they'll hate you. Maybe these assholes think that genuine goodwill comes from coercion.

But I don't give a sh-t what THEY think. They can kiss my American ass.

Out of their goodness, they harshly judged everyone who was not suitably religious or revolutionary just like them, and some of them were deprived of their livelihoods, sacked or even executed.... ....and Iranians lived happily ever after. If you even point out inconsistencies or problems with their version of him, they'll get angry and accuse you of being in league with their enemies.

Then, as the story goes, he made everyone happy and godlike. Iranians became a holy people, good and pure....

... and that, despite the fact that there were so many bootlegged Betamax pornography videos in Iran (some of them found in religious households) that it was probably easier to obtain them there than in the West.

... that, despite the fact that (aside from those good and truly sincere religious people we all knew) no one can stand some of the worst specimens among his followers - the superior acting holy people, full of takabor and having no consideration for anyone but people who thought exactly like them. They acted so superior. They were so self-serving and arrogant; judgmental, cruel and unforgiving.

They thought they were prophets, but they were really just a bunch of dicks. If I were to imagine that this is what Khomeini was like, I'd end up having a very low opinion of the man. But one thing I learned from living in Iran is to completely distrust public opinion.

I never actually learned anything particularly interesting about Ayatollah Khomeini from either side. That's because people who already have their minds made up about something aren't going to discover anything about it.

As usual, if you want to learn anything about Iran, its necessary to step back from the insane Iranians and go find out about it yourself.


I am not an expert on Ayatollah Khomeini, and have read in its entirely only one of his speeches. I really don't know anything about him. One thing I know, however, is that I will not get the whole truth about the man himself from any side of Iranian politics.

Iranian know-it-alls aren't the people I'd consult, if I wanted to really find out things about the man that the public doesn't know much about.

That, as usual, requires individual effort and research.


For someone who thought his country and people were so cool special, my father had the peculiar fear of my mother going shopping and getting ripped off by his gracious people.

He knew that as soon as they saw an American woman, they'd rip her off.

My mother was indeed somewhat helpless in Iran. He would talk about how great and holy Iran was, but it seemed that he didn't actually believe any of it - judging from his own actions.

It wasn't my mother's scene. She called it a "crazy place".

But one thing my mother didn't have was Khomeini-itis.

She couldn't have caught it from the Iranians, because she barely spoke any Farsi.

She didn't learn to repeat the ridiculous stories made against him made by some, or the silly worshipful gushing excesses that others engaged in. She saw things from her own point of view, and felt no obligation to echo the points of view around her.

One of the things she did was quite remarkable.

To this day, anyone who meets her will never suspect that they are meeting someone who did something like what she did.

Yet my mother did something in Iran that most Iranians didn't even do.

She visited Ayatollah Khomeini, in his own house.

That she did this without speaking much Farsi, and without connections, should tell you something.

Westerners might be naive. They might be blundering and not versed in the niceties of Iranian culture or Islam. They might step on people's toes and make fools of themselves when they're outside of their own environment.

They might screw up some Iranian job interview, interrogation, or application for traveling to Iran.

Iranians who are devoted to tripping up Westerners who are in Iran and who aren't familiar with them and their stupid ways, will always find ways to do it.

I know that Iranians worship their way of doing things.

Its one of the few things they do very well.

Westerners might get suckered and overcharged when buying something at a store in Iran, by greedy Iranians.

BUT they occasionally have succeeded in doing things there that Iranians didn't succeed in doing - and that is indeed one of the main ideas behind these blogs.

My mother went to Jamaran, and visited Ayatollah Khomeini in his home. She took one of my sisters with her. To this day, I don't know how she did it. But I remember when she got home, there were two female Islamic Revolutionary Guards with her.

She invited them in as if they were friends she had made while visiting Ayatollah Khomeini. They were both silent. Then they stepped in and looked around briefly.

My mother seemed oblivious to the fact that they had come home with her to investigate her and to find out who she was. In her naiveness, she assumed that they were simply women who had hit it up with her and were curious and were dropping by for a cup of tea.

I quickly offered them tea, and turned on the Iranian hospitality. They stood there looking at us and talking to each other.

I had a little kitten. I brought it out and showed it to them. It was still only a few weeks old, and drank milk out of a bottle. It was so cute that it broke the ice and the women started smiling and cooing over the kitten. I spoke with the women.

After a while, they passed up the invitation to stay longer and left.

When they had left, I asked my mother how it went. Did you get to speak to him? No, unfortunately, she didn't. He did all the talking - and she hadn't understood a word of it.

My father never seemed to know anything about the visit. I never heard him comment on it. Its incredible that he, in his supposedly infinite wisdom and knowledge, knew nothing about my mother's greatest triumph while living in Iran.

Neither did any other Iranian know about it.

Neither do any of the Americans that my mother associates with, know or care that she did this.

Yet my mother achieved something that none of these people ever did. ... and I respect her for it.

She has no fame or recognition for it. So what? Having done the thing is its own reward.

Consult with an Iranian know-it-all, or bow to the masses... and kiss your ability to do these things goodbye.

The result-driven Iranians I knew would never have done such a thing. They all already had their minds made up. There was no curiosity in them to go and have a look at something just for the sake of doing so.

An American woman who barely spoke Farsi went and visited their leader, while they sat around and either made up flattering BS about him or made up insulting BS about him.

Needless to say, many Iranians fail at even knowing anything about one of their own historic figures who lived not-that-long ago.

Americans DO things.

While Iranians sit on their asses and talk - people like my mother do things without consulting anyone.

Americans might be naive. They might be like fish out of water in Iran. But they occasionally try things blabber-mouth Iranian know-it-alls would never try.

And they occasionally succeed.


more from JahanKhalili

You two bit punk, first you accuse others of indifference and

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

disrespect towards Iranian people, then you show your true side anduse a vulgarity to demonstrate your solidarity with the executed. Unlike you these were the rightest stars of Iran. Shame on you.

This is one more proof you come from the Hezbollah side. Nanget bad.

It also shows how much fine manners you were taught by your family.

Unlike you punk, hundreds and thousands of other people not only care, they're also going to put those bastards resopinsible for those crimes where they belong.

Meanwhile backin the ranch , you my little obtuse peasant Kant remain an ignorant, vulgar defender of Islamic Republic of Hell. Shame on you.


Q)Who was resposible for the massacre of Iranian Political

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

Prisoners in 81 and 88?

A) Ayat Shaytan Khomeni.

How could you claim to have any love or erespect for Iranian people, when you even don't know how they were murdered. Have you ever heard of any pf these massacres, have you ever heard of any thign about torture and rape in IR's prisons. Are all these occurences just a figment of someone's imagination?


You're not gonna get away from this one so easy, not today

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

We are going to prove here today once and for all that:

-Either you're incredibly ignorant of Human Rights in Iran ( which will question you supposed 'love' and 'respect' for Iranian people),

- Or you truly are an apologist of IR.



Tiger Lily is a Babe!

by Faramarz on



Tiger Lily is probably the only intelligent commenter here

by JahanKhalili on

She actually contributes ideas.

Dr. Mohandes

Sheytannn Moochooloo!

by Dr. Mohandes on


Glad to be here Bud!

I am enjoying the discussion. You keep the show going and hold things down over there until i get back there . Keep my seat warm. hear me?:))

Give the Mrs. a tap on you know where.... :)) 

Brightening things is what i do for a living:))

TL joonam

You go girl... Your engines are firing up all the way. Watch that Engine boy... Your carborator... Yeah that one right there... (about to go Booom LOL ,




Tiger Lily

by JahanKhalili on

If you're game, I always welcome a serious discussion about history.

These idiots think its my duty to believe their bullshit, and I have to just cave into it or I'm evil.

Then they go and lie about me.

What does THAT say about them? 


I don't have to care if you don't like Khomeini

by JahanKhalili on

Hate him as much as you want.

Choke on your own hatred for all I care.

I don't HAVE to care that you hate him. 


Tiger Lily


by Tiger Lily on

She looks very cute to me and the hat is just ....

Anyway, as I tried to point out in my first post on your blog, the fact is that Khomeini's book had been censored under the shah's tyrannical dictatorship. 

In such societies rumours, if they are indeed rumours, are the few vehicles of communication. It made the book an attractive forbidden fruit. 

If there had been a civil society to speak of, the crap of Shariati would never have enjoyed any credence either. I tried to read just a few pages of the crap and thought: boy oh boy, how can anyone fall for that!  Had the garbage been publicly discussed, I doubt very much that it would have gone past anyone who had at least finished school.

I'm not trying to make excuses for the behaviour, but am trying to understand it within it's socio-political context.  I find that more fruitful for a better future of any society and if I see discrepencies in your reasoning, I feel it to be my right and actually a humane obligation, to point them out.


"just because I disagreed with their..."

by پندارنیک on

Why am I getting a trace of S.P..........................? Mine is a bit "whitish" though..............


Look Hooshang

by JahanKhalili on

You're acting like bitch.

I don't owe you anything.

Kiss my American A-double-S. 


It's a lot more than just accusation, it's called LOGIC, which

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

you seriously lack.

It goes like this:

A MF SOB named Ayat Shayttan Khomeini has been killing, raping and torturing Iranian people for the [ast 32 years.

All Human Rights organizations in the world have documented almost every single one of these crimes for the past 32 years.

Now enters the peasant, mullah -apologist denying everythign asking for peole to demonsdrtrate to him (instead of bothering for once in your life and chechking out all these files of Human Rights organizations about the crime sof Islamic Republic of Hell in Iran). You see my obtuse little peasant Kant, its very simple

If you deny all this documented reality, effectively, regardless of your intention, you become their defender. Shame on you.


Yeah, Tiger Lilly

by JahanKhalili on

That's my mom.

I haven't read the book. But knowing these pricks and their lying attitude - just look at them calling me a supporter of Ayatollah Khomeini without the slightest hesitation just because I disagreed with their hairy brown Iranian asses - do you trust them to get any other fact straight? 


Doctor Mohandes

by Faramarz on

Good to see you here partner.

You just brightened an otherwise sunny day here on the west coast of the Big Satan!


If I'm being accused of being a supporter of Khomeini

by JahanKhalili on

... just for challenging the nonsense these camel noses are spreading, what does that say about their credibility to me?

Should I then believe their claims about Khomeini, when they are willing to lie about me? 


You sexist punk,if you were only half a women of all those

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

prisoners that endured Khomini's jails. Since you deny and apologize all the tortures that went on in Khomini's jail, you're an apologist of the thugs. Shame on you.


Tiger Lily

JK, wha'dIdooo?

by Tiger Lily on

I'm not siding with anyone. You should know much better by now. I was merely pointing out that you yourself haven't read the book, exactly like the people you accuse of not being curious enough to read it.

Btw, I haven't read it either.

The Age of Enlightment,  at the core of it, had monumental enquiries into the nature of knowledge and logic...

Also, please reread my previous post on this blog, in which I tried to explain why it's all been such a disaster in Iran, in recent history especially. 

P.S. That's a cute picture of someone cute. Is that your Mum?

Dr. Mohandes

Boxing match?? Which round are we in now???

by Dr. Mohandes on

Okay fellas...

Have you not had enough of this thing?  send a beatiful secular, democratic, liberal Salavat and get the show over with,

The way i look at it, Our pal here must have observed something nice and impressive from "those" people to have gone through such elaborate trouble and write the heck out of the damn thing.. I mean helll.... Nice Job bud!!!

Dash Feri (faramarz) nazeh nafase dieh baab! did we have it (dashteem?) Kidding kidding with us kidding too (you get what i am saying right?) Akhe baaab... 

So... Just how many kilos/pounds of those Unforgiving, God damn Son of the binde Mother Freedo... genes would you surmise /estimate me and my Bache mahalz (here in Nafe Teyloon) may possibly Possess? Hmm??  Ha? Sorry, did not hear that... what was that??:))))



And your hysterical accusations are womanish

by JahanKhalili on

Are you sure your name is Hooshang?


You're an idiot Iranian, Hooshang

by JahanKhalili on

You don't know what critical thinking is.

All you know about is rumor spreading, fabrication, and accusation.

That's why you will never write a book about your country that will be taken seriously by any professional historian. 


You still haven't refuted a single point I have raised

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on


Mullahs write books about sex with children and you condoen it. That makes you an apologist of rapists. All that 'quality' time with your parents really worked out.


Not sure from under which stone Vzarat Etellat found you and

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

planted here.

But if, for once in your life, you read teh documentation of ALL Human Rights organizations in the world, you migth have, just might have , undertood the extent and the scope of Ayat Shayttan Khomeini's violation of Human Right in Iran.

But you're TOTALLY IGNORANT when it comes to Human Rights in Iran (that's how much you love them, so much you don't five a damn to read about exactly who's been murdering Iranian people for the past 32 years). You don;t need to be so ignorant of the realities in Iran, you could always educate yourself and stop supportign murdering, rapist thugs.


This is why I really do not respect Iranians

by JahanKhalili on

Look at you.

You are supposed to be the most highly educated members of your society, and you cannot even challenge your own assumptions.

Its like arguing with a bunch of recently civilized nomads who think they're enlightened because they wear Western clothes, and brush their teeth. 


Given your lack of caution about what you believe

by JahanKhalili on

You people are NOT moral compasses, or the conscience of Iranian society.

In reality, you are just as bad as pedophiles yourselves.

You are willing to accept something as the truth and to spread it around - whether it is true or not - as long as it is politically useful to you. 

That's very irresponsible.

Very destructive.

I have as little respect for you as I would for a pedophile. 


Khomieni was an Ayat Shayttan through and through

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

The fact that after all these years you don't understand this simple truth says everything about you and your type.


The only perverts are your fine mullahs who arite books on how

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

to inser the tip of your penus in the 'correct' location.

They 'respected' your mom because of their ulterior motives. You're just too dumb to get it. For the Nthe time you obtuse feces, the correct title of Khomeini is Ayat Shayttan.


Tiger Lily

by JahanKhalili on

At issue is whether those quotes and claims are authentic.

That has NOT been established - and in fact that has been debunked.

Stop siding with these idiots.

You think these people know what they're talking about?

They will believe any lie anyone tells, if it makes the object of their hatred look bad.

... and they'll accuse anyone who challenges their bullshit, of being his supporter. 

They don't care about the truth. 

As you yourself mentioned, the enlightenment never reached Iran.

Here is one example that shows it. 


IRI, Islam and Khomeini's Pedophila Source

by IranFirst on

You asked a question and the source was provided (the Whole Book in pdf) along with the reference page. Just check the facts provided for your self. You don't have to be a religious person to examine the facts. Imposed Islam is the LAW in Iran, as such every Iranian has the right to question the laws that govern her/his life. People in West and rest of civilized world debate and set their own laws, in Iran the laws are set by Islam and VF (1400 years ago) and in the casae shown (one example among many) and the "laws" (such as stoning, cutting limbs, lashing,....) are not compatible with life in 21st century. Why shouldn't Iranains (inside and outside) question the laws and superstition that govern their lives?  Best of luck in your quest to find the truth.

KonjKAv Bashid


The Chief in Filth was Ayat Shayttan Khoemini , who oredered

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

all Mojahedin girl prisoners to be raped before excution. That's the kind of filth you're supporting. Your parents must have spent a lot of 'quality ' time with you on how to admire and apologize for thugs, rapists and murders. Shame on you.


Many of the followers of Ayatollah Khomeini

by JahanKhalili on

.... treated my mother with more respect than many of you leering perverts would.