I don't know how to describe it. I do care about Iran and I don't. I do care because I was born there and no matter how long I live abroad, I will always be an Iranian. I will always cheer for team melli. Nothing will ever taste better than ghormeh sabzi. These are things I cannot help but love and be attached to.
But at the same time, Iran is and has been BAD NEWS for decades. The country is run by mean, hateful, backward, idiots in the name of god and religion. I wouldn't last two seconds there. Well, not anymore. I used to be proud of the Islamic Republic. I became a good, practicing Muslim because of the revolution. After thousands of political executions, the deaths of hundreds of thousands in a needless prolonged war, the closure of thousands of newspapers and magazines over the years, the monopolization of power by the clergy, unimaginably cruel stonings, treating women like cattle and persecuting the Bahais like they're not even human and... finally I said to myself maybe this Islamic Republic is not so great after all. I stopped praying. I stopped believing in Islam. I stopped believing in god and religion completely. I left Iran for good.
I've lived outside Iran for 20 years now. My last visit there was in 1995. And I have no desire to go back, ever. Mostly because I want to see the rest of the world and partly because going back to Iran would depress me. I gave too much of myself, my youth, my SOUL, to the Islamic Republic and I'm ashamed of what it turned into. Plus, call me paranoid, but I'm sure somebody from Vezarate Ettelaat will want to have a little chat with me about some of the stuff I've published in iranian.com. Hosseleye dardesar nadaaram.
So do I really care who is the next Iranian president? Will this regime fundamentally change if Ahmadinejad loses the election?
By democratic standards, the country's election process is a joke. Only those inside a small circle of power within the religious establishment are allowed to be candidates. The president is largely powerless when it counts because a) ultimate power rests with the Supreme Leader, and b) even if some progressive bills manage to pass through the Majles, they get shot down by the ultra-conservative Council of Guardians. Plus the government has no control over the Judiciary and therefore cannot even attempt to stop barbaric punishments, nor can it stop the detention and imprisonment of critics, political and human rights activists, and religious minorities simply because of their beliefs. So who cares who wins the election?
Oddly I do. I am so sick and tired of Ahmadinejad that I hope and pray (at this moment in time I hope there is a god) that he gets kicked out of office. I wholeheartedly believe that his defeat in the election will decrease the chance of war and bloodshed. He is a dream come true for the ultra-Zionists who are itching to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities. This isn't a trivial matter. I for one cannot ignore this very real danger. And who wants to look at that ugly face for another four years?
Ahmadinejad had a solid lead in the polls. But with Mousavi entering the race, there is a good chance that he could become the next president. He's a moderate by IRI standards and far less crazy and adventurous compared to Ahmadinejad. So if I could vote, which I can't in the middle of Mexico, I would vote for Mousavi -- because I'm so disgusted with Ahmadinejad. And many people in Iran will do the same. For us watching events from abroad, it's easy to dismiss the elections in Iran. We live in countries with advanced democracies. We enjoy far greater freedoms. We are too aware of the IRI's repressive, corrupt, and illegitimate practices. But for those who live inside Iran, choices are limited. For them the slightest possibility of change towards a less fundamentalist/insane government is better than nothing.
Recently by Jahanshah Javid | Comments | Date |
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Come On
by MiNeum71 on Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:49 AM PDTHanging president, Iranian Women Demand Change, Open Letter from Urumiyeh University, ...
Where are the ingenious brains claiming that Khatami and Ahmadinejad had the same impact on Iranian society? Come on, I'm waiting for you talking another hot air proving being Bee Savad and Na Fahm.
[There is NO, really NO excuse for Ahmadinejad's crimes. My point is that we have been discussing about the elections since March, and there are still some silly abroad Iranians who write ridiculous stuff like Khatami extended the life of this theocracy by eight years with neither advancing democratic rights for non-governmental political parties, nor furthering the quest for individual rights and freedoms in Iran. The same is going to happen under Mousavi. I want to show that there IS a difference between the conservative and the liberal forces in Iran, and that it' very important to try to go this one step, although I know it takes more than a vote for Mousavi to save Iran.]
by capt_ayhab on Mon Jun 08, 2009 06:46 AM PDTIf your last visit to iran was[1000 sal ago] you folks are wasting your time.
You guys are so detached that is not even funny.
wait < 10 years JJ
by Anonym7 (not verified) on Sun Jun 07, 2009 01:28 PM PDT" ...My last visit there was in 1995. And I have no desire to go back, ever.."
Wait a few years...., I had the same feelings sometime ago, specially with half of my family (my wife side) being from here. I visited Iran not too long ago and saw many things I didn't like .... but I won't exchange a trip to Iran with a trip to anywhere else. A simple walk in streets of Esfahan gives me much more joy than visiting the most beautiful areas of states despite all magical beauties of this land (U.S).
by Azarin Sadegh on Fri Jun 05, 2009 06:34 PM PDTThank you dear Jaleho for the info!
I'll try to do my best to vote...:-) Azarin
by KouroshS on Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:43 AM PDTYou know what else can be annoying and disgusting?
To constantly "whining" about this attitude and not recognizing that one of the big and important missions for this site is to be just the kind of forum. for people to come and share their opinions.
I wish that instead of repeating, three times. that there is indeed help and information available by IRI embassy, you would have settled for putting up the link and the phone number. I amnot saying because we are too lazy to go and get those information ourselves, By that would have substantiate your claim and given the impression that you really wanted to help and not just criticize.
Azarin, How to vote
by Jaleho on Fri Jun 05, 2009 08:36 AM PDTDear Azarin, your best bet is to renew your passport. Even if you don't catch it this time, having a valid and ready passport is so essential, believe me! You never know if something happens that you might want to go to Iran in an emergency (happened to me), and you don't want to be wasting time in making sure that your passport is valid. From the internet (www.daftar.org), you can get the forms needed to renew your passport.
Then you can check the voting sites and rules from this link:
www.election88.org which is also available with updates in the daftar.org site.
Well written piece, JJ
by Shazde Asdola Mirza on Fri Jun 05, 2009 08:10 PM PDTS.A.M (an official Khar Vazir)
TALK is cheap, it is ACTION that counts!
by Ironic (not verified) on Fri Jun 05, 2009 06:23 AM PDTFunny Iranians both inside and outside Iran always complain and nag over things in Iran not going the way they want them to be but are never ever ready to sacrifice anything (above all their comfort as regards all those living outside Iran) to help change them. In other words, we are very good talkers and advisors but never act upon what we talk about or advise others to do ourselves and for not doing so, we bring up empty watery flaky excuse after excuse.
I wonder if this has to do with Iranian psyche, culture? What is it?
All I am saying is that one should either follow up and do exactly what he or she is preaching others to do or just keep quiet and refrain from prescribing workable or non-workable "alternatives". If one wants to express one's personal opinion ONLY, that's a different story altogether!
For those expatriates who have decided to participate in that sham of an election, there are polling places set up by the IRI government for people to go and vote. RadioFarda published the list for America last week. If one has access to Internet which you obviously do , one has access to IRI embassy and Interests Section websites or one might call the IRI embassy or the Iranian Interests Section in one's country to find out. It is all DOABLE unless one is living in the middle of a desert under a tent away from civilization!
ENOUGH said!
Dear MiNeum71
by Darius Kadivar on Fri Jun 05, 2009 04:20 AM PDTI am sure we will one day.
In the mean time Keep Up your sense of humor, there will be many, Many "Crazy" moments in the days to come.
Javid, Thanks for your Honesty
by Q on Fri Jun 05, 2009 04:06 AM PDTIt's so refreshing to see an honest, practical and rational response as opposed to one "stage managed" to manipulate and have a political impact.
Dear Darius,
by MiNeum71 on Fri Jun 05, 2009 11:06 AM PDTWell I think even 1941 or 1953 the bigger mistakes happened, on the other hand failures are also a part of the progress and improvement.
I hope one day we can sit in Baghe Eram talking and laughing about the great days we will be having then.
Dear MiNeum71 ... 1979 was THE Mistake !
by Darius Kadivar on Fri Jun 05, 2009 02:53 AM PDTMy argument is that it appears clear that Ahmadinejad Won't win. Even if he did (due to the argument that abstentia for instance would help him win the elections) it would not be regarded as a victory. People should boycott the elections. No one can truly force them to go an vote or at worst they cannot see them put an empty ballot.
But knowing Iranians I am afraid they will go an vote in masses for Moussavi. In doing that they will legitimize the regime further even if it may be for a radically different foreign policy and important domestic changes in terms of freedom.
You may think that is pragmatic. I would say yes on the short term, not on the long term.
I don't want the Islamic Revolution gain any legitimacy after what they did to my country.
I know I am a loser by saying this but at least I remain Loyal to my personal feelings about the regime and what it did to those I care for.
Others are Free to do otherwise. Its their conscience. But I think that there are Two Visions of Iran today : A Republican One which believes that the Revolution was Necessary and beneficial to IRan regardless of the Price paid and then there is a Constitutionalist One which believes that Revolutions are not always necessary nor the best for the country and that the 1979 Revolution was an Error and a Bloody one for that matter. I believe in this latter Constitutionalist interpretation of the Islamic Revolution as an Error and a Set Back in our social and cultural history.
I don't Claim I am Right or Objective, BUT:
I won't allow ANYONE or ANY FAKE ELECTION or ANY IRI LOBBY to HIGHJACK My Patriotism !
Remember the Flight, the Bird Is Mortal ...
Dear Darius,
by MiNeum71 on Fri Jun 05, 2009 01:45 AM PDTBut there is still this one question, which you couldn't answer: What is the message, when people stay at home? Do you think that this is important to those scumbags?
There is one thing we should learn from these Islamists, this is how to revolt. They did a great job 30 years ago. And I think, I guess, I hope, I trust, that Mousavi can be that engine. My relatives told me, 2009 is very different to 1997, the political environement is more embittered, the Basijis are ruder than in the years before (I didn't know, that could even have been possible).
2005 was a great mistake, that shouldn't happen again.
Well Said ramintork
by Darius Kadivar on Fri Jun 05, 2009 01:43 AM PDTI Totally agree with your assessment. That is why I believe in the importance of creating the dynamics of an Iranian Solidarnosc mouvement that would grow outside the current political landscape imposed by the regime.
Such a Movement rather than a Political party would have the advantage of regrouping all political sensitivities ( left, right, constitutionalists, republicans, royalists, even reformists if they choose to leave their party or groups, unionists, journalists, the intelligenstia, artists etc ) that share a common goal and that is demanding Democracy and Human Rights as a priority.
In such a context Regime Change through gradual civil dissobedience will no more be associated to a fear of a foreign military intervention or manipulation by lets say opposition forces (groups which I personally respect but which may not be entirely trusted by the majority of people due to the fact that they reside outside the country, but who could nevertheless also play a constructive role in this campaign for instance if its the Jebheyeh Melli or the Constitutional Monarchist as opposed to orthodox or radicla groups in both camps).
This way it could lead to enforcing civil society and at the same time lead to the emergence of natural leaders or representative within Iran's civil society who could then LEGITIMATELY voice the demands and discontent of the Iranians at large. This is where the Diaspora can play an efficient role in bringing World attention and the medias into highlighting them rather than the so called reformists with a smiling face and vague promises of change.
Today More than Ever Before:
Bakhtiar and Even Mossadegh would support such an idea were they alive today. And so does Reza Pahlavi for that matter, which proves that this has nothing to do with ideology and political opportunism.
Iran Harguez Nakhahad Mord - Shahpour Bakhtiar
My Opinion Too,
Do you really think that changing one ugly face for another..
by ramintork on Fri Jun 05, 2009 12:57 AM PDTThere are no two/three factions with different faces in Iranian politics, there are no two alternatives within the heart of power, there is one dogmatic collective mind with different glove puppets.
Yes, the core consists of slightly different views on how they can serve their theocracy but on issues such as relationship with USA, nuclear power, the liberal society vs Islamic society and Sharia law they don't form different colours, they are simply slightly different shades of grey.
You might get a candidate for a while who loosens the grip of the ethical police, or even allow critism in newpapers again but that is not really a genuine step for getting rid of this regime. As this step would go so far as letting steam out of the boiler and revert back again.
In an election which is not monitored, rigged in so many ways if 70 million vote against Ahmadinejad, they would still pull Ahmadinejad out of the ballot box.
Or do you think that a regime that cheats, kills, tortures, terrorises is too ethical to pull stunts like that?
This regime plays games like this to get you to the Ballot box and enforce an idea of legitimacy, don't fall for it!
This is not a democracy where you would claim that if you don't vote you don't get your favoured candidate.
by KHAR777 (not verified) on Thu Jun 04, 2009 08:42 PM PDTJahanshah, this is one of your best editorials yet!
As you wish
by Jahanshah Javid on Thu Jun 04, 2009 06:00 PM PDTThank you for your comments. I understand all those people who think it's wrong and a waste of time to vote in any election organized by the Islamic Republic. I felt the same way four years ago. But I just can't stand four more years of Ahmadinejad. I think he's dangerous for Iran's future, a lot more so than the other state-approved candidates. As simple as that. You think differently? Do as you wish.
dear AB
by Souri on Thu Jun 04, 2009 05:41 PM PDTYour comment was too funny :))
I have sent you a messge via Iranian.com. Please check your emails. Thanks.
من بقربان و صدقه ان صورت خندانت
Anonymous BuggerThu Jun 04, 2009 05:26 PM PDT
جهانشاه جان,اخوی معظم و افضل , ای کاش که بهر ان لبخند ناب و صميمانه ات ميتوانستم که رای دهم .ولی
هيهات که نميتوانم و نميخواهم و نميشود
by ahmadi1388 (not verified) on Thu Jun 04, 2009 04:02 PM PDTinha hameh sareh oon hayee dar iran va inja hast ke ba hamkari ham in harekat ro rah endakhtan. mojri shorooe in tashakol va honbeshe zirzamini barandazi ba payame ray bar aleyhe ahmadinejad ray bar aleyhe faghih va sistem dar iranian.com in maghaleh bood
//iranian.com/main/2009/apr/get-out-and-v.... jahaye digar ham in gorooh moteshakel daroon va boroon marzi masoolan digar in bahs ra bi saro seda rah endakhtand. ama bejayee nakhahand resid. ahmadinejad 4 sale digar raeesjomhoor khahad bood
by capt_ayhab on Thu Jun 04, 2009 03:20 PM PDTI see desperation has forced you to cheer yourself. ;-)
just let me tell you one thing, voting by proxy is when you are not present[absentee vote is called in US], by the power of attorney since I am not able to travel to Iran.
My main question with your comment is thought, where and when have I cleaned your clock recently that you have been trying ever so miserably to get even[masalan]? If I were you, I would refrain from being yourself and try a bit of civility and humility. I do not normally carry any grudge, and in your case I could not care less as to what you are and what point of view you represent.
What astonishes me is your pure ignorance and lack of any social class. That might be due to your up bringing, or the fact that somewhere, some how I must have p!ssed on your Wheaties. More than likely you deserved it dude/dudet. And if you think your little and rude being going to put me in a defensive posture, you could not more wrong. I am way too stubborn to be intimidated by little beings like you.
The only way to solve this is for you just to take your humiliation like a man/woman, lick your pride's wounds and move on. This way you will not humiliate what ever is left of your clownish character. Deal ?
Remember, you brought this humiliation upon yourself. Now you can consider this dialogue closed.
Ina dige as kodom t..... dar omadan???
to: ironic
by Anonymous4321 (not verified) on Thu Jun 04, 2009 02:39 PM PDTDAMET GARM. You nailed it my friend. LOLOL
Dear MiNeum71
by Darius Kadivar on Thu Jun 04, 2009 02:10 PM PDTI am not against people voting. They can do what they want. What I am saying is that the SIGNAL we want to send to the REGIME needs to be clear as well as to the US Administration as to how they should understand the significance of the vote.
If its about hailing Mousavi or Karoubi or Rezaei as the New Iranian Gorbatchev, I am less enthusiastic about all this hoolah Hoop.
Is it just about choosing between Bad and Worse ? Or Is it about saying OK we have a new situation here of a regime that has delivered so little on nearly ALL accounts that the people are not going to be fooled by vague promises like during the Khatami years despite significantly visible freedoms that people benefited from. HOWEVER During the Same periode there were POLITICAL ASSASSINATIONS: Zahra Kazemi, POLITICAL PRISONERS: Siamak Pourzand, Amir Entezam etc ...
On the otherhand If We Outside are not entitled to an opinion regarding what Iranians back home should do, Then They are NOT Entitled to come here and spread their propaganda either.
In Short its a Two Way Process. I don't want to be represented by Lobbies asking us exiles to SLEEP with the ENEMY !
Otherwise Anyone is Free to do as their consciense dictates them but next time they have problems, they better NOT criticize the Opposition as Undemocratic War Mongerers or pretend that Moussavi is THE NEW MOSSADEGH !
Or that VOA is not to be trusted and are biaised. They have been doing an excellent job informing Iranians back home thanks to people like Nourizadeh ( who actually for once shares JJ's Stance here on the fact that people should go out and vote against Ahmadinejad) or programs like Tasvireh Khabar or Rooyeh Khat by giving voice to Iranians inside Iran as well as inviting all groups to come and share their views. Interestingly even Karoubi's spokesmen unlike those of the other candidates accepted to come and speak on these shows which proves that VOA Persian has been creating a bridge between Iranians back home and in the US and Europe. So calling these professional journalists as War Mongering Traitors in the past by many IRI Apologists is Not only Ridiculous but as usual misleading propaganda because they fear Regime Change.
I personally have had enough of all this Hypocrisy, that is why I have been suggesting to look beyond the elections by encouraging the creation of a mouvement and Not a Party: An Iranian Solidarnosc like in Poland. This is already taking place Only it is not highlighted enough.
That is all I am saying. People and you are free to think otherwise.
And lastly even if this regime goes which will already be a step forward. Any thing or person who comes to replace it will be faced with ENORMOUS EXPECTATIONS and DEMANDS which will be difficult to deliver particularly in the economic department.
That is why I am saying its important to STOP Lying to ourselves and others regardless of where we stand politically or ideologically but at the same time lets not be fooled by all the IRI crap of reform and smiling faces.
This time its about delivering and not just wishful thinking and vague promises "a la Khatami " ... or Any other suave looking and smiling face.
To Capt_ayhab
by Ironic (not verified) on Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:19 PM PDTI don't want to engage in polemics with you because I've observed that it will be just a waste of time and energy with a cocky self-centered fellow like yourself who gives oneself too much undue credit!
But I sincerely believe that the adjective "pathetic clown" suits you much better than me when you rudely call others with whom you do not agree, traitors and outdated relics of the past while considering (and implicitly inviting everybody to) voting in a sham election a valid alternative for everybody and then turn around and announce that you yourself will vote "by proxy" through your family members!!!!!!!!!
btw, one does not ridicule and call others names for not registering when one himself is registered under an utterly fake & silly alias! is that your real name?
To Kaveh Nouraee
by Yana on Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:02 PM PDTMr. Nouraee,
I agree with you %100.
The evil root cause of all destruction in Iran is still there, it does NOT matter who will be the new president, whoever it is or will be is a new branch coming out of the same root (IRI) with a different shade of the collor RED (Iranian's blood) on their hands. They have drugged out the youth and elderlies are too tierd to fight anymore provided they can even find the enemy! Vote!!!! khandam meegeereh
Souri Jan
by capt_ayhab on Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:27 AM PDTThe reason pathetic clowns like Ironic do not comment with their registered name is that they reserve that name for the time when they want to talk from OTHER sides of their mouths, pure and simple.
Loved you comment
by capt_ayhab on Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:10 AM PDTSeems like you are the one who is attacking me.
I challenge you to present proof that I have belittled anyone except in case of self defense. Otherwise, refrain from ready my comments. That simple.
What I do with voting issue is my personal business, who died and made you guardian of democracy? besides being self proclaimed guardian for other issues?
P/S anytime I want your opinion I'll be more than glad to give it to you.
by Souri on Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:47 AM PDTThanks for the reply. I understand your point, but again I beg to differ.
I just want to mention to you that there are people out there who do not vote, not because they are boycotting the election and not because they are not responsible tward their country.
I said in another blog, that if I were to vote in this election (which I am not) I would chose rather Ahmadinejad than Mousavi.
The reason why I do not vote is not because I am boycotting the election. I have some other reason. I didn't vote at the last French election either, while I hated Sarkozy and didn't want him to win. I was watching and following all the debates at that time, but didn't go to vote, because by principle, I think I should vote only where I am paying my taxes and where I do really live and will stand the consequences(outcome) of that vote.
Now, I took JJ's point in the same way as my thinking about this subject. The point is : not boycotting the election because of the nature of this government.
Now, if you take off this aspect of boycotting the election in general, every body is free to vote or not to vote, like all the people in all other countries.
That was my point.
Again, I still don't understand why someone should come here to give us a "Bogus excuse" about their intention, like they were afraid of us :)
JJ could end his text without mentioning that he would not go to vote (and nobody would even doubt about his intention)....
Again thanks for your civil counterpart.
To Souri
by Ironic (not verified) on Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:21 AM PDTDear Souri
I do post under an unregistered alias for the same reason that most others who do not personally know JJ or see eye to eye with IRI do!
I just do not understand why those who clearly favor the IRI, praise it and only comment in its favor choose to post under unregistered aliases!!! you should ask that question from them and not from me!
I say it again! I believe those who feverishly encourage people to go and participate in that sham of an election (and in doing so violently attack those opposed to voting in comments and posts here) yet they themselves choose not to vote and so openly admit here to not voting are hypocrites at best! I can think of tens of other adjectives and nouns to call them but I will not sink myself to their level here! plain and simple and there is no excuse for that!
JJ does not have to explain his irrational behavior or overall character to me or anybody else at all! voting or not voting in that sham of an election will make zero difference none-what-so-ever! I am just saying that his excuse not to vote himself is QUITE LAME when he is so openly taking sides against a candidate in his post and so obviously but implicitly conveying this message to others to go and vote him out.
by Souri on Thu Jun 04, 2009 09:49 AM PDTFirst of all, why do you post as an anonymous user? If you are to accuse the register member and the known people like JJ, then why would you hide under a "not verified name"?
Second, why would JJ lie about his intention to vote? what is your argument? You call people hypocrite, you say this is just a bogus excuse!!!
Excuse for what? to who? To you?
Don't you think that JJ (or someone else) could simply say: go vote guys, I had already did (will do)? Are we there to see if he really, physicalle went to vote or not?
What is your argument? I dont' understand your point. Why should JJ lie about his intention, why would he even blog about this, and why would he need to prove anything to you?
People come here to make their point known to us, you can argue about their opinion, but what is this need to go trough accusation?
I really don't understand you.
What I did understand from JJ's post, is that the voting thing is not so much important to him that he would travel too far to be able to vote.....and this is the most honest view I have ever read about the election so far!!! Not a "wanna be" pretention....nothing but his own self idea.
Maybe he had another point, and I am mistaken, but not for a minute, this idea passed in my mind that he is giving us an excuse about it !!!
Do he (or anyone else) owe us any explanation about how and for who they will be voting?