FBI? You may want to read this


FBI? You may want to read this
by Jahanshah Javid

I drove to El Paso, Texas, this weekend because the Mexican import permit for my car had expired and I needed to renew it at the border. My sister came along to help (since I can't speak Spanish) and do some shopping.

Just before midnight on Friday I was sitting on the bed in our motel room, working on my laptop, when I received three emails that freaked me out like no other in all the years I have been online.

The emails came from someone named Fred Donaldson <donaldsonf@gmail.com>. Who is he? I have no idea. He had attached several documents on nuclear technology without any explanation. Here are the titles:

* NASA SP100 Space Nuclear Reactor Beam Transmission Designed for Ballistic Missile Defense
* IDAHO NATIONAL ENGINEERING LAB. - NASA SP100 Space Nuclear Reactor, Testing & Demonstration of Uranium Neutron-Gamma Beams
* U.S. Documentation - Nuclear Reactor Technology Systems, Utilized by (NASA) U.S.-Tampa, FL., Satellite-Radar, Uranium Nuclei Beam Transmission Systems
* LOS ALAMOS - NASA SP100 - Space-Platform NEP, Uranium Beam Transmission Systems
* WESTINGHOUSE INC. - SNAP Critical Nuclear Reactor with Highly Enriched Uranium Fuel Rods

I opened one of the documents and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a detailed scientific report with charts and diagrams. My immediate reaction was why? Why is this guy sending me this stuff? Obviously he knows I'm Iranian. He knows that there are international sanctions on Iran because of its nuclear and missile programs. So what the hell is he doing?

"Some guy has emailed me nuclear documents," I told my sister.

"Shit! You're kidding! Why?"

"I have no idea. Maybe he wants me to pass it on to the Iranian government. I have to tell the FBI."

"The FBI?! Just delete them!"

"I can't delete them. I have to report this."

"Why? They probably monitor your emails anyway. They know already."

"They don't know shit. In any case, I have to report it. This is serious stuff. I can get into trouble for not reporting it."

You can imagine the thoughts going through my head. I thought federal agents were going to rush to the motel and confiscate my computer. I would be interrogated. How would I explain why I do not have a permanent address? Why am I living in my sister's house in Mexico? Am I running away from something? Am I hiding anything? Do I know Fred Donaldson? Why would he send me information on nuclear technology? Have I been in contact with Iranian authorities? Do I think Iran should have nuclear bombs?

Crap! Do I need this?!

I went to the FBI website to find an email address where I could forward the emails. I couldn't find any. It appeared that I could only report a crime by using their online form but I could not attach the documents. Useless.

I didn't know what to do. I forwarded one of the emails to a former senior U.S. government official who specializes in Iran and asked him for advice.

In the morning I went to the FBI site again. On the "Investigative ProgramsCounterintelligence Division" it said I could call (202) 324-4353. I called the number and got the voicemail of an FBI agent, I presume. I left a message saying someone had emailed me sensitive documents. I gave my name and number.

Then I called (202) 324-3000, the FBI's general number in Washington, DC. The woman who answered the phone sounded annoyed. It seemed like she got lots of phone calls from people reporting odd crimes that were most often not crimes at all.

I told her about the emails.

"Please disregard emails," she said.

"They contain documents about nuclear technology," I said, making sure to emphasize "nuclear".

Reluctantly, she gave me a number to call: (915) 832-5000. I did and was told to call back Monday (which was a holiday, I found out)! There was no one who could speak to me. I was asked no questions; nothing about the emails or how potentially serious they were.

Meanwhile I got a reply from the former senior American official. He emailed back saying he had googled the documents I had forwarded him and it seemed they were in the public domain. I found that hard to believe, considering the detailed information in the documents. Nevertheless I was relieved. At least I was not in possession of secret documents -- I think.

I wonder: at a time when the proliferation of nuclear technology is such a hot topic and every day officials and analysts express concern about Iran or Al Qaeda building nuclear bombs, why is it that I couldn't find anyone to talk to? Billions are spent on intelligence gathering and yet there's no easy way to report potential leaks of highly sensitive information. I wonder if these giant bureaucracies are able to carry out their mission effectively. I seriously doubt it.

As for "Fred Donaldson", I emailed him and asked: Why have you sent me these documents? He replied: "Every U.S. resident, and every U.S. resident whom is part of the Arab, Muslim, Palestinian, and Iranian community has a right to know that they are being spied on with the most advanced satellite-radar, uranium beams in the World."

What the hell does that mean? What does spying on people have to do with nuclear documents? Is he implying that I am being watched to see what I would do with these documents? Who knows. Twice I was going to reply "Go FUCK yourself" but did not hit send. I thought, what's the point?

I do hope someone at the FBI or the dozens of intelligence agencies reads this blog and traces this guy to see what he's up to. Unless he's one of their guys.

PS: I have deleted Fred's emails. Don't bother me.


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sickret documents

by yana (not verified) on

JJ jon, I can tell you are starting to get board. Also whatever is you are drinking or smoking send some my way or bring it with you when you decide to visit Sin city.... but you made me laugh, I am starting to like you a lot and don't lose weight, I like over weight men :)

shad zee,



by potsrus (not verified) on

you got to cut down on smoking that stuff

Mola Nasredeen

"Do not fear, Hossein's here...

by Mola Nasredeen on


I said it to Hazrate shotor who was hiding under the kharman. He stuck out his head reluctantly and asked: "which Hossein, Imam Hossein?"

"No Barack Hossein" I said to him.

"Where's the Idiot?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"The Idiot is long gone. He went back to Texas touring kindergartens Hajagha" I whispered to Hazrate shotor and gave him some watermelon to calm him down.

ex programmer craig

Dunno what that's all about

by ex programmer craig on

Dunno what that's all about but if you really need to contact the FBI the way to do it is through one of the offices in the regional Federal Buildings or even the local offices. You can find em in the yellow pages, I think :)


JJ jan that is because they know they can't control information

by Al Sefati (not verified) on

The information is easily obtained but having facilities, investment, and engineers who can build nuclear bombs is the hard part. Remember the physics classes you took in high school or perhaps in college? Well if you specialized in nuclear engineering or aerospace then you would have learned enough to be able to make a nuclear bomb in concept but goodluck making that in real life.

That is where all the focus on intelligence agencies goes they don't want to waste their time with documents that who knows if they are accurate or not. They know in order to build nukes countries need to have a serious and aggressive nuclear program and facilities.

So as others are suggesting relax mate, drink some Mexican beer and enjoy your time down there.



by Hajminator on

I know a Fred who could do such things just for fun. Begham qui?


bad joke!

by Anonymous-USA (not verified) on

Maybe he was joking but it is the fact that all muslims are watched by FBI for many of years.


Top Secret - for your Eyerian Eyes Only!

by 1 hamvatan (not verified) on

They were testing you to see if you would send this bull sxxx information to anyone.

You did fine, I just hope they won't be stopping by soon to ask your opinion about a monkey called Antarinejad who has been running wild lately.


JJ , give it up pal

by SamSamIIII on


Pity the fools who can,t see thru jj charade . Folks there is no FBI after him because he is the FBI ;) . Who else but the  web oops spy master jj would think of a plot to bring  all the anti US subversive elements under the disguise of a global site such as iranian.com together without spending millions to trace em .. He had the 2 choices of either cruise the planet to find em or lay on his couch munching dorritos and let the world come to him . work of a genious . Don,t be fooled by that jolly laugh of agent 7-11 , he is one calculating operator .

Cheers & beware (why do you think I don,t say nothin bad on uncle Sam  ;))!!!talking about sam... uhmm may be i,m one 2...woooo 




Track record

by Agent 99 (not verified) on

It doesn't really matter how sensitive, important, authentic, etc. the information is. Simply reporting it to the authorities and discussing it here sets a track record for any investigations ongoing or in future that may be carried on by government agencies, that you're "clear". It's a really good thing to have on record.

I think you should follow up with the contacts you already contacted whether they took you seriously or not and say that you hope they're investigating it. I think you should keep a folder for it and store all outgoing and incoming correspondence there. If it is by phone, you should record the exact date and time of the conversation and the name of the contact you spoke with.

It'll surely wind up on some computer somewhere. And plus you'll have the records too.

It's not such a big deal. It's not a lot of work compared to scouring the entire website with a fine tooth comb day in day out while sleeping, swimming, and....

It's also a good lesson in filing.

I don't agree with the poster that says this is paranoia. Although paranoia is obviously not uncommon among Iranians, this doesn't seem to be the case with you--far from--and your position is so very unique and high-profile, I feel this doesn't apply. The person who thinks you are paranoid is just being paranoid about you being paranoid.

Another fringe benefit of reporting and documenting is that you get to appease all the various governments you work for which may suspect you are a double, or multiple, agent. Your gringo, Zionazi, Anglo, Hezbollah, Omatti, and not to mention Mexicano masters hacking into your and the FBI's files will all be very pleased to know that you do not approve of homemade nuclear weapons, and will maintain you in all their various employs as a trusted mozdoor, so that you can continue to amass your great wealth and go on your regular junkets to Thai brothels in private Lear jet.

Good work, Maz

ps Everything in this post that sounds serious is and everything that doesn't isn't. You can figure it out. You're Smart. (IQ 84.5)


JJ you made my day

by HATEIRI (not verified) on

This wa very funny. I couldn't stop laughing

That Donaldson guy is probably one of you readers wgho is playing with you.

Maybe you should have opened an anonymous account and e-mailed him some porn pictures tell him you are watching him.

But thanks for sharing that was very funny

take care


I believe

by XerXes (not verified) on

that information of any kind is available on the internet. How to make anything is also accessible, but the technology, equipments to make those ideas come to life is next to impossible for those who don't have the capability.
The concept of speed of light can be mathematically proven. You will see many charts and maps, but what does that mean?


Mr Yassari.....lol

by Souri on

Your  comment is so funny, I couldn't help but falling off the chair, my dear!

It was a while I hadn't laughed so loud in front of a PC screen!!

This was hilarious. Thank you so much.

Javad Yassari

از مرغ همسایه به خروس لاری

Javad Yassari

Captain, you are right!  There are way too many politically charged articles and material published on this site, and it was only a matter of time before they caught up with this culprit, Javid.

I mean, when I saw this on the site recently, I just knew they were going to come after us, as for the first time Javid showed the likeness of his agents in Iran:


And I have always had a gnawing feeling about this other agent:


But the worst atrocities, where the most sensitive information from all kinds of suspicious characters (including yourself) are routinely gathered, are the coded blogs entitled "Mosha'ereh."  Just look at what Javid said on that blog on January 29, 2009.  I warn you, the message is ingeniously coded and contains detailed spy quality info, which aaghelaan daanand:


Dear Captain, I think Javid should be court marshalled or tortured (whichever is worse), for showing us the following.  He is a heartless man:


This site is a dangerous place and it's about time everyone caught up with it.  I will do my best to keep quiet, but if they catch me and torture me, I will sing like a bird who knows how to do mosha'ereh.


Morgh Hamsayeh


Mr Jahanshah, you did the right thing by discussing this matter

by Morning Joe (not verified) on

openly. I would not take this matter lightly though. It proves there are people who are actively in the business of "reporting" and "entrapment" of the "Others" and we are the "Others" at this time. Your Iranian website is a flea market of ideas, opinions and viewpoints and because of it there are those who don't like the freedom of speech being excersized here. You out smart them again, good job.


Who you gonna call ? Jimzbund !

by jimzbund on


for future references, contact  Jimzbund and he will take care of any top secret , confidential or Xrated materials. are you sure it was FBI ? and not BFI ?


Bund, Jimz Bund



by capt_ayhab on

Since you are a publisher in an online Iranian Publication, and perhaps due to high traffic and politically charged subjects that are published, I can almost bet you a lunch that this could be a sting operation to see if you or your publication is a front for any illegal activities.

My suggestion is that you make a lot of noise about it, call local police, and Homeland Security. leave track record of your calls just in case.

You never know about these FBI guys.



Orang Gholikhani


by Orang Gholikhani on


LOL :-) very good story, you could make a satiric story with it.

When you called FBI, have you been exepcting a visit from Fox Mulder & Scully ? :-)

Did FBI told you Iran don't need this plan, they have already a 16 year old girl how produce nuclear energy in her garage ;-) watch this : //www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJEPSeqpoBI


PS: Many information about nuclare technology are in public domain. A plan is not enough to make a bombe ! you need find material and scientist who know how ! It is more difficult than you could see in a Jack Bauer 24h !

install a good anti spam and have less stress ! Be careful when you open any enclosed pieces, there is more virus's danger than atomic danger


Good Story

by amirkabear4u on

I am wondering why is it all the interesting things happen to you?????



Anyone can create a gmail or

by Anonymous33 (not verified) on

Anyone can create a gmail or hotmail or yahoo email and give it whatever name they want. His real name is probably not Donald. He is probably some Asghar or Hossein in Iran or some arab country who created a fake email. Then googled to find the material, which by the way could be fictional diagrams, and then emailed them to you so that you become even more hezbollahi than you already are!!! Ha Ha !

I recieve lot of emails from people pretending to be someone else. The other day I recieved one from a TV presenter pretending to be someonelse and writing from London when in reality the email came from California. So pathetic.


They Don't Need Extra Terrestrials

by M. Simon (not verified) on

They don't need extra Terrestrials. They can use the same number they have always used.


government work

by IRANdokht on

Don't worry J, in about 6 to 8 weeks, someone from the FBI will try to find you and follow up with the report and pretend it's really an urgent matter.

But seriously, the lady told you not to worry about emails because they already read them all anyway, especially the ones with attachment that have the keywords in them. It's called the Patriot Act. 

bi khiyal ;-)



Jahanshah maybe the moral of

by Moosabn Jaafar (not verified) on

Jahanshah maybe the moral of the story is that these documents can be found online yet US and Israel are willing to go to war over it if a country like Iran have them.

Remember the powerpoint presentation Colin Powel (US Foreign Secretary) gave over Iraq's WMDs in United Nations with George Tenet (CIA Director) sitting right behind him?



by prozac (not verified) on

The guy is another American nutcase who has found himself another paranoid Iranian to mess with.

You continue your paranoia and he will tell you soon that you are also being watched by extra Terrestrial from above.

Relax dude.