Laughing gas

Jahanshah Javid
by Jahanshah Javid

When I was in London in September, I went to the Notting Hill street festival with some friends. Most of the sidewalk vendors were selling food. But I saw a woman with a balloon in her hand selling laughing gas for 2 pounds a hit! I had to try it. Mehrdad Aref-Adib took this video when I was inhaling. The woman said I had to breath in and out twice to get the full effect. I did get a funny feeling and I thought it was interesting that the gas had a sweet taste.


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better alternative

by capt_ayhab on

Better alternative to the gas is a good old fashion  alafiat, ;-)





by OmidKarimi on

In my 5 year of med. school, I was at the child delivery section, and it was a quiet night, me and a friend sat in an empty delivery room, and tried the gas. We just had to get out and sit down for a while, we laughed and were completly fussy


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Anahid Hojjati

to farrod02: Ironic if JJ was taken for a ride with laughing gas

by Anahid Hojjati on

farrod02: If JJ was taken for a ride, would that be a balloon ride? Since Laughing gas was probably helium which is also used in balloons. For some info on Helium please read:

 Helium (pronounced /ˈhiːliəm/, HEE-lee-əm) is the chemical element with atomic number 2, and is represented by the symbol He. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, inert monatomic gas that heads the noble gas group in the periodic table. Its boiling and melting points are the lowest among the elements and it exists only as a gas except in extreme conditions...


Shoot, I have forgotten

by sima on

There is a way you can inhale laughing gas from those whipped cream dispensing containers. Back in the 70s my American friends were masters of that sort of thing -- cheap highs. All I remember is a rush. Then you laugh because the whole thing is so funny.


I think you were taken for a ride JJ

by farrad02 on

"You just don't inhale an unknown gas out of an unknown person's baloon!"  -- Gandhi

never ever again

but dear JJ,

by never ever again on

how can you have peace of mind if you don't have sex or food, may I ask?:)


Thank you again

by yolanda on

Thank you again for the laughing gas demo and your comments:

Happiness is a state of mind, when you are at peace with yourself and the world, or something like that. Drugs, food, diamond ring, big house, fancy car -- none of this stuff will do it.

great job!!!!!!



Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

The gas just makes you giddy for a minute or two. I don't know what the concentration was but I'm pretty sure it was not as strong as what they give you at the dentist office. Happiness is a state of mind, when you are at peace with yourself and the world, or something like that. Drugs (not even my beloved alaf), food, sex, diamond ring, big house, fancy car -- none of this stuff will do it.


Happiness inducing gas?

by onlyinamrica on

Do you actually feel happy or is it just muscle reaction?


This was interesting. Is

by TheMrs on

This was interesting. Is this the way you always laugh? It's so restrained, polite. Especillay with that hand on your mouth thing your did. Were you holding in a cough. When i laugh my head goes back ward and it's az tahel del. Ghah Ghah. Even for the most benign things. I haven't mastered the art of subdued, khanoom like, silent chuckle. Very interesting.

ebi amirhosseini

JJ in Notting Hill....

by ebi amirhosseini on

You look great JJ :



Ebi aka Haaji



by yolanda on

How come I don't see laughing gas venders here?





by Monda on

what a deal you dentist sells it for lots more than that!

bajenaghe naghi

jj jan

by bajenaghe naghi on

some powerful gas! even made me laugh.

Thanks for sharing.


Darius Kadivar

Does it work against Depression ?

by Darius Kadivar on

I can always have a go !



She probably

by amirkabear4u on

was a russian. They are very good at making money from thin air in UK.

Farah Rusta

Air in Heaven!

by Farah Rusta on


"I am sure the air in heaven must be this wonder working gas of delight".

Robert Southey (1774 – 1843, English Poet) on Laughing Gas