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Jahanshah Javid
by Jahanshah Javid

I know some of you have had it with all this hoopla over Namjoo. Well, my dearest, his concert in San Francisco was phenomenal. I'm sure he wows everyone where ever he peforms -- in a living room, or in front of 2000 people. So I hope you forgive us for offering you more and more stuff about Namjoo. This is what special people do to you. You go nuts! Here's my recording of Namjoo's "Dah-e Shast" song. See the professional version here (Executive Producers Amir Salamat and Lalé Welsh of Beyond Persia).

تریاک را به بازدم ات پز - دهه ی شصت

روزی که خرید مادر کیف مدرسه ، قرمز، چمدانی ، کلاس
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روزی که مُرد خواهد جان بچگی
روزی که حسرت واجب است بر تو پای نشئگی
روزی که رفت از یاد
روزی که ماند در یاد
شهر کلان که روزی ، علی آباد باد
روزی که رفت از یاد
روزی که باد بر باد
تا باد چنین باد ، داد و بیداد که تا باد چنین باد
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روزی که زنگ خانه ها صور اسرافیل بود
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روزی که مُرد خواهد جان
روزی که حسرت واجب است بر تو پای نشئگی
روزی که آتش به چه کار آید
تریاک را به بازدم ات پز
روزی که منقل به چه کار آید
وافور را به سینه ات بنشان
روزی که رفت بر باد
روزی که داد بر باد
شهر کلان که روزی ، علی آباد
روزی که رهبر نوجوان تانک خورده بود
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روزی که داگلاس هنوز مایکل نبود ، کِرک بود
روزی که رفت از یاد
روزی که داد بر باد
شهر کلان که روزی ، علی آباد
روزی که شهوت هنوز در حومه ی شهر بود
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فلک ، قطره بحر بود
روزی که دنیا تمام می شد ، هر هفته جمعه ها غروب [ گزارش هفتگی، بعد از فیلم سینمایی ]ه
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حرام شطرنج و تخت نرد بود
تنها حلال این رنگ و روی زرد بود
تنها حلال ، باری ، افیون و گرد بود
روزی که وُله تنها عکس گم گشتگان بود
ایران نبود ، مهد تشنگان بود
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دشت نبود ، خیابان ، پادگان بود
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روزی که چمران بر پارک وی آرام خسبید
روزی که فوزیه در کربلا شد شهید
روزی که شاه رفت ، جمهوری یک طرفه شد
روزی که تنها راه آزادی از انقلاب بود
که مهتاب بود ، سراب بود ، سراب ناب بود
آن نوشابه که هشت ساله کنار حضرت معصومه خوردم اش ، مادر خریده بود
سبز بود ، سون آپ بود
آوخ چه کرد با ما ، این جان ِ روزگار
آوخ چه داد به ما هدیه ، آموزگار
طراحی کتکولریتس ، قدسی قاضی نور
روح جهان کارگری
پله ی عبور، خشم شدید برف روب فقیر
انگشت یخ زده ی پسر روزنامه فروش
یخ شکسته با اشاره ی انگشت ، آب روان ، سیل دمان
عقده به تیراژ پنج هزار تا
از آسمان میکروفن می بارید جبرا
گوساله هم یکی را بلعید سهوا
روزی که گوش ، مفت ترین جنس بود
قصّه کلیشه ی پول دار ناجنس بود
دختر به نام نل
های و هوی شهر
در جست و جوی عدن ابد ، پارادایز بود
در پشت موی ریخته بر چشم ، برادرش
آن موهای منفصل از گردن پدربزرگ
در لای چرخ کالسکه
در لای عاج چرخ کالسکه
در لای عین عاج چرخ کالسکه
در لای چرخش عین عاج چرخ کالسکه
درلای چرخ چرخش این همه بازی روزگار
بسی رنج بردیم در این سال سی
که رنج برده باشیم فقط ، مرسی..

محسن نامجو




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American Wife


by American Wife on

Well that seals it for me...:-)

Anything compared to Dylan and I'm there! 

Azarin Sadegh

Gypsie kings and Bob Dylan meet Emam Hossein in Karbala!

by Azarin Sadegh on

For me, Namjoo = Gypsy kings and Bob Dylan meet a drunken Emam Hossein and Sohrab Sepehri in Karbala!

I haven’t still found any song from Namjoo that I have managed to listen to the end...but it’s ok! I guess I have different kind of taste compared to the rest of you! Yes, I still prefer listening to Delkash, Shajarian, Placido and Alagna, or Puccini and even Wagner!

But as French say... les goûts et les couleurs ne se discutent pas!



Thanks JJ

by Mahnaaz (not verified) on

Thanks JJ. Love him, love him, love him. His voice makes me cry. Never enough Namjoo for me. Your video was more personal and meaningful,because it came from your vantage point and your heart.Thanks.

Jahanshah Javid

Google video

by Jahanshah Javid on

IranDokht, here's the direct link for the video:

It's unusual that you cannot see the google videos on It can probably be fixed through your browser's system preferences. Wish I knew how to help!


Simply The Best!

by Khar on

There no such thing as "too much" of a good thing, He is awsome! I just became his # 1 Fan!

Azadeh Azmoudeh

The more is Less!!!

by Azadeh Azmoudeh on

You did not shove anything down anyone's throat, if I were you I would do the same. One thing some of us do NOT realize is that this is your blig and you are entitled to write whatever you want to. In short, it is your right. Whoever is tired of Namjoo, or anything related to him better close his/her eyes and brows to someone else's blog.

Personally, I came to know him less than a year and the more I listen to him is less. His CD is in my car and I listen to all, especially  (wawa Layli) I love that reminds me of my mother. Keep up Jahanshaah jaan, some of us are thirsty here :)


Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

People write their own blogs. A few people who saw the Namjoo concert decided to blog about it. That's their choice.

Look at it this way: An important event moved a lot of people and they want you to know about it.

Nobody is putting anything down your throat. It's also your choice to read or not read them.

American Wife

same problem here....

by American Wife on

JJ... you ARE a clever fellow!

All this fuss about posting too much about Namjoo has just increased my curiosity.  Shoot, if I could post about my favorite subject as much as I wanted, I can assure you I would!  I'd be shoving Bob Dylan down your

And pizza... I LOVE to talk about pizza.  My son... maybe YOU'D get tired of hearing about him, but I NEVER do.  And South Carolina... ah, smiling faces, beautiful places...


technical difficulty

by IRANdokht on

JJ jan

This video clip looks like it was recorded that SF night, but I can't play it... not sure what's going on the youtube videos I can play, but not the google ones?!!

did you post it on youtube too by any chance?




Again ?!!

by Souri on

Honey jan,
You know I like you and like reading your articles. Are you trying to make me going nuts ? Do post about Namjoo as much as you want dear, this is your site. As your friend said, if we don't like it we just skip it (nice advice !!!)
Don't never ever push people to ignore what they don't like . History proved that most world crimes had happened because people ignored them from the begining when they had started

You just censured one negative comment, the same comment is also under two other posts about Namjoo. what will you do ? Delete them all ?

don't get me wrong please. I am neither against nor a fan of him. I'm
just reminding the fact that when something is read too often in a very
short time, it has a negative effect ! It can not give you the positive
outcome that you hoped.

After your first article about Namjoo (44 Comments) we had Nazy's
with 8 comments, then Bruce's with 3 comments, Dareuse54 with 3,
Kayvanali with 3, short with (?? if it wasn't about my comment) beyond
persia (3 comments)......and yours.
When a topic posted 8 times in only 3 days, do not get more than a few
comments (3) then you might realize something, isn't it?

YOu may be able to realize that the subject, however interesting for
you, does not attract many people here. Or maybe it does, but they have
already said all they wanted to say, just 2 days ago.
You have two big ads for his tour, in almost every page of the site. It
should be just enough for you to let people think and get interested by
themselves.......Or, Is it really enough ?


Red Wine


by Red Wine on

Sorry Sir ... Is not good .But thank you . 


Yes, more & more

by Anonymous Everyday (not verified) on

We can't get enough!