Oh give me the words

Jahanshah Javid
by Jahanshah Javid

In a Manner of Speaking
by Nouvelle Vague

In a manner of speaking
I just want to say
That I could never forget the way
You told me everything
By saying nothing

In a manner of speaking
I don't understand
How love in silence becomes reprimand
But the way that I feel about you
Is beyond words

Oh give me the words
Give me the words
That tell me nothing
Oh give me the words
Give me the words
That tell me everything

In a manner of speaking
Semantics won't do
In this life that we live we only make do
And the way that we feel
Might have to be sacrificed

So in a manner of speaking
I just want to say
That just like you I should find a way
To tell you everything
By saying nothing.

Oh give me the words
Give me the words
That tell me nothing
Oh give me the words
Give me the words
That tell me everything

Oh give me the words
Give me the words
That tell me nothing
Oh give me the words
Give me the words
That tell me everything


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by yolanda on

So the couple has to have Chemistry and can read each other's mind!......it is like a match made in heaven!


This kind of relationship happens after yrs, decades o relations

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred