They're trying to kill me!

They're trying to kill me!
by Jahanshah Javid

Driving along Highway 85 in eastern Idaho, I noticed crop dusters spraying over farms. I stopped to take pictures. When one of the planes did a turn-around and swooped down, I had a "North by Northwest" moment but there was no cornfield to run to and hide :)))

A couple hours later... sunset:

[Thanks to the wonderfully creative Red Wine for the photo!]


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Jahanshah Javid

Photo essays

by Jahanshah Javid on

Thanks Bavafa! I'm going to Yellowstone today and Mount Rushmore next. After that amrika bozorgeh :)

If you have a photo essay please email the photos to


JJ: looks up if you are still in Idaho, Montana this weekend

by Bavafa on

We will be taking a trip to the very same part of the country tomorrow with our plane, continuing up north to Kalispell and Glacieer national part.  I am hoping to take some pix and maybe do a travel diary on IC.

JJ, how do I go to submit my pix and trip write up on IC?

'Vahdat' is the main key to victory 



Sho'nuff Beautiful...

by Piyalechi on

Aemrica is sho'nuff beautiful, ain't it?... 

And what better way than taking your time and driving across to see it.

I envy you, J... 

One of these days, me and my better half may do it in our Jeep!


Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Oh my god Red Wine... you're GOD! And a funny one too. Damet garm... kheyli khandidam :)))

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

Run...Run !

Mr Javid in the movie North by Northwest(2011) .


Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Yes Red Wine Jan! I've heard there have been many UFO sightings. If I see a UFO, I'm going on board! :)))

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

Oh my God , you are in Highway 85 in eastern Idaho ? One of the favorite sites of extraterrestrial landing zone and to abduct people, and there have been several complaints since 2000. this area and the mountain area of ​​Idaho is marked by ufologists the red zone! that is where triangles have been photographed flying saucer and more unknown objects.

 Be prepared with a camera, maybe you can get some UFO's picture over there!

Have fun :=) .