Yellow Submarine

Jahanshah Javid
by Jahanshah Javid

Jaaye shomaa khaali I was with two friends a couple of nights ago, both of them are big into music. Arash said a friend of a friend or one of his friends' cousins had been a prisoner of war in Iraq.

Our POW happened to be a Beatles fan. He changed Yellow Submarine's lyrics into Persian and taught it to other Iranian POWs in the camp -- without telling them it is a Beatles song (many soldiers were religious and it was best not to tell them this is Western Pop music).

The song became a hit. During group exercises the POWs would sing it out loud. One day someone became suspicious: He had heard the song before and it finally dawned on him that it was the Beatles. And the secret was out.

I heard this story and it blew my mind how things travel from one culture to the other from the mind of Lennon and McCartney, onto records, into the air waves, the passage of decades and onto the lips of Iranian soldiers in an Iraqi camp. Can you say globalization? It's not all about power and money and domination. It's also the universal power of love & beauty.


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Red Wine

To Mr :Jahanshah Javid

by Red Wine on

Touy-e mahal-e ma (Shemroun-Niavaran) ma Roling Stone goush mikardim va hanouz ham mikonim,ya'ani goush mikonim.Jun-e Jahanshah in Beatls kheili bad ghiafeh hastan ! Roling Stone mah hast. hahaha


JJ I sent you a PDF file last week did you get it?

by Anonymouse on

I sent it to didn't have a good scan for a JPG file.

Rosie T.

Roses from Rabia via Azadeh

by Rosie T. on

love is like an expansive sea
with no shore in sight
who knows, oh wise woman
how to swim in it outright


Indeed, jj, who  knows? We're all just trying to figure it out...

Roses from Robin


cocoon - Love my cocoon - Break on through to the other side!

by cocoon (not verified) on

power and money and domination is love in a cocoon.
To wrap or enclose tightly, as if in a cocoon!
To envelop or surround protectively; insulate: a political Ideal cocooned by ....a world of my own making!

You must have had some contact with the goons in the cocoons , NO ?

You know the day destroys the night,
Night divides the day
Tried to run, tried to hide,
Break on through to the other side,
Break on through to the other side,
Break on through to the other side, yeah


Elvis is the man...:o)

by Sasha on

Elvis is the man and King of Rock and Roll. My father would have us dance to the King every Sunday morning. It is my best memories of my Father and that is why Elvis Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rosie Catch Ya Later

Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on

HAHAHAHAHAHA!  At least....I left out the "h"......

And as for Jesus and John, hey...baptise me any day!  Preferably in the Martyr's Mashad....Vive le rouge et le noir et le roi!

Rosie T. Twaddle

Darius Kadivar

ROZZY Jan Its KADIVAR not KaRdivar... ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Just in case you don't want to end up like John ... or Jesus



Rosie T.

Oh, Kardivar...

by Rosie T. on

Lennon was the lyricist and McCartney wrote the music, and that is why when they split up McCartney could only babble things like "La la la la lovely Linda," while Lennon retired to raise his child, meeting his unfortunate fate.  Stop making things so complicated. 

And anyway, the real King of rock 'n roll...was...Chuck Berry.....

Maahi maahi, looks like a full moon, a fool moon, over fishbowl earth tonight....oh, and Mohammed, guess what Jamshid and I finally came up with....

Incubation's essence on the uterus boat of the moon

will kill off all corrupted cells

Maahi, maahi-haa-ye-maah

mmm.... tanhaa sedaa...

Darius Kadivar

Ringo Starr was a Real Dahati and still is ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Here is how I class them in order of importance :

Lennon: The Prophet, The Martyr

MCartney : The Business Minded One with a touch of musical Genius

Harrison: The Shy but most sincere and probably most Talented. He knew more about Indian music and philosophy than all the four united.

Ringo: The Ugly ( although to his credit none of them was handsom) who married a beauty ( Barbara Bach ) who became a James Bond Girl. Probably the Luckiest.

Recently MCartney has really released his worst album in his entire career. Did you listen to the lyrics ? Wanna Dance Tonight ...


Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

To RedWine:
Zabooneto gaaz begeer! Beatles kojaashoon dehaati bood? Beh een khoobi o maahi... :o)))

Red Wine

roling stone is the best

by Red Wine on

Beatles were very dehati and mamanamina ! hahahaha ,the best is roling stone.

Darius Kadivar

I wish it were Elvis, I hate the Beatles ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Was it not Khamenei who said the young Iranians are being corrupted by Beatlesmania during the Khatami era ?

I actually like the Beatles but THE KING was the inspiration to both Paul and John before they became famous.

I didn't like the way the Beatles evolved into a bunch of junkies with all the sex and drugs attitude. They were all clean and polite in the begining and then went wild like the entire generation.

Elvis at least before he too got into drugs ( but prescribed by an incompetent doctor) was handsome, good looking and polite and everyone loved him.

The funny thing is that he felt the Beatles were a threat to his own success and that led him to meet Nixon in the mid Seventies in a gamble to turn himself into the quentissential American Icon ( which he was and did not Need Nixon) and hypocritically he called the Beatles a danger to the American Youth like Communism. ;0)

But if I had to choose between the Beatles ( all four united ) and Elvis, I would not hesitate and would go for Elvis !

He was the KING OF COOL and Rock & Roll !

Vive Le Roi ! ;0)

But this is a great Story thanks for Sharing it JJ.

Rosie T.

And we all live...

by Rosie T. on

in a yellow submarine. Welcome to the new Gondwanaland.  There's only one continent again, after millions of years of separation.  And this is it,  and you are in it.  And all around us, water. 

"I believe God is an ocean of love and we swim in his bosom like the fishes."--Sojourner Truth, ex-Negro slave, nurse and teacher. Swim forever, goldfishies.