جناب جهانشاه جاوید سردبیرسایت ایرانیان


Jahanshah Rashidian
by Jahanshah Rashidian

 تمام نشریات معتبر سیا ست و خط مشخصی را الگوی خود قرار میدهند. شما میگوئی "هیچی مقدس نیست" و با این شعار دمکراسی را در سایت خود سربسته تعریف میکنید . روش واضح اینست که یک نشریه و یا سایت خصوصی، که بدون پشتیبانی از دولتی و نهادی فعالیت میکند، میتواند در چارچوب مشخصی با توجه به قوانین مدنی و مطبوعاتی خط مشی خود را تعیین کند و در این چارچوب درج هرمطلبی که مخالف سیاستش است خودداری نماید.

ظاهرا شما تصمم گرفته اید که همه نظرات را (از نظر خودتان بدون موضع گیری) درج کنید. این سیاست از دید بسیاری قابل تقدیر است، ولی مانند هر سیاستی نتایجی را نیز بدنبال دارد. یکی از این نتایجش اینست که چون قرار است هر نظریه ای را درج کنید، ممکنست حجم زیادی از مقالات ومطالب ازجانب گرایشاتی باشند که بدلایلی مطالبتشان درچارچوب تعیین شده ای نگنجند .

برای مثال درج مطالب طرفداران جمهوری اسلامی و یا حتی حمایت بی پروا و صریح از خمینی و احمدی نژاد در سایت برای برخی نمودار بیطرفی سایت و برای برخی تخطی به عرف و اخلاق عمومی است چرا که ، تا انجا که بخاطر دارم، تا کنون هیچ نشریه معتبری در جهان به خصوس در در دمکراسی غرب مطالبی در حمایت از یک سیستم توتالیترچاپ نمیکند و سیاست یک بام و دو هوا را دنبال نمیکند. مگر اینکه شما همت کنید و ماهیت رژیم را تعریف کنید. اگر رژیم مشروعیت دارد و مردم ایران را نمایندگی میکند، هیچ اشکالی نیست که مطالب موافق و مخالف در سایت درج شوند و در این صورت نیز البته بی طرفی سایت باید ثابت شود.

صفحه نخست سایت معمولا در قرق مطالب چند طرفدارو یا لابی ج.ا. است. حتی بعضی از مطالب این "از ما بهتران" مانند حسین هودر، اردشیر عمانی، و ثریا اولریش از ماخذ های دیگر کپی و دردر صفحه نخست چاپ میشوند. در صفحات کامنت، اوباش حزب الهی رکیک ترین الفاظ،،افترا و تهدید را نثار دیگران میکنند بدون اینکه مطالب انها سانسور شوند. و تمام این شرایط علائم بی طرفی نیستند. شاید تصور میکنید ک سایت هائی که پذیرای مطالب همه نیستند خواننده زیادی ندارند. اینگونه تصورات از نظر مطبوعاتی درست نیستند، بعلاوه چنین "امتیازی" باید صرفا با عرف و اخلاق عموم منطبق باشد.

جهانشاه جان، اکر قصوری پیش امده و سیاست سایت نیازبه تجدید نظر دارد، هنوز دیر نشده و وقت انست که در این شرایط خطیرو تاسف انگیز که کشور ما بزگترین صدمات مادی و معنوی را تحمل میکند، سایت پر خواننده را مسئولانه تر اداره کنید تا این سایت سهمی در وظائف ملی بعهده بگیرد و بعد از سفوط ج.ا. سرفراز باشد. حامیان رژیم از هر قماشی، از سیاست" باز" شما استقبال میکنند چرا که در هیچ رسانه دمکراتیک و سکولاری، که رازموفقیت این سایت است، جائی ندارند. اینان که مبلغین رژیم جهل و جنایت هستند با هر شیوه ای متوسلند تا با استفاده از سایت پیغام خود را بگوش خوانندگان بیشتری ر سانند چرا که میدانند که سایتی کاملا وابسته به رژیم خوانندگان کمتری را میتواند جلب کند.

ازدیاد وزن مطالب و مقالات حامیان اسلام سیاسی و لابی های رژیم در صفحات اصلی سایت تداعی گرایش کلی سایت به این جریانات است و در نتیجه دلسردی بسیاری را بسمت خود سوق میدهد. هیچ ا شکالی هم ندارد اکر شما بتوانید مفتخر باشید که سایتی با سیاست باز را مدیریت میکنید و البته خوانندگان خود را نیز خواهید داشت. ولی اینهم کاملاً طبیعیست که عده ای از محتوای سایت انتظار بیشتری داشته باشند و در شرایط حساس تاریخی وطنمان خواستار یک سیاست مشخصی در سایت باشند. بنظرمن هچ ایرادی باین معترضین وارد نیست و تهمت سانسور طلبی بآنها کاملاً بی پایه است. تعدادی از خوانندگان و نویسندکان سایت سعی کرده اند موضع شما را بعنوان سردبیر یک پر خواننده ترین سایت ایرانی بهترو شفافتر بدانند ولی نتیجه ای حاصل نشده است.

جهانشاه عزیز، من قصد تخته کردن و یا لطمه زدن به سایت و شخصیت شما را را ندارم و کماکان تا زمانی که جایم بازباشد به "رک گوئـی" در سایت ادامه میدهم و خواستار سلامت و شفاویت انم. نیتم تنها ترفیع این سایت تا حد پلاتفرمی برای تبلیغ و ترویج شادی، تفریح و ازادمنشی باشد. البته معتقدم هر رسانه ایرانی نمیتواند با حضور امواج پر تلاطمی که کشور ما را واژگون میکنند بی تفاوت باشد. معتقدم ساحل نجات ما در افق دمکراسی و سکولاریسم در ایران است و در این راستا مانند بسیاری مایلم که این سایت محبوب به رسانه ای مسئول و ملی تبدیل شود. البته با اشتیاق میتوانم تا ترفیع ان تامل کنم، اگرچه در این انتظار، طاقت جمعی بسر امده است.


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more from Jahanshah Rashidian
Arash Monzavi-Kia

Nothing is sacred = Freedom of expression

by Arash Monzavi-Kia on

If we dare to dream of democracy, we should practice defending the right to freedom of expression, FOR OUR ENEMIES. Freedom of expression for friends, is a given! 

Arash M-K


Mr Rashidian, what's your

by Reviewer (not verified) on

Mr Rashidian, what's your criteria to call a post as pro-islamist, IRI apologist? Your problems starts where you include whoever you dislike in this category . Maybe its easy to critisize them this way. With the broad framework that I assume you suggest for definition of pro-IRI, probably from Jamileh the dancer, to Nelson Madella, is pro-islamist. Open your eyes. this site in many ways challenges the current mentality of IR,directly or indirectly, in may aspects, from social issues to arts.But sorry if it does not fohsh khar madar to the 12 imams and peyghambar on a daily basis and in 12 bold pages to satisfy your anger toward IRI.
To be Islamist simply one should have at least ideologically some attachment to the religion. Neither soraya, nor hoder, and many many many others does not fit in this category. Lets set them aside, because even they are represented occasionally here, comparing to articles by IRI ipponents. A leftist is not pro IRI. Many of them has suffered from exile due to IRI oppressions.but they also may have some points that does not fit with what we expect to be dissident. If you can not see some posters have different/independent views which does not fit in your defintion of independent, its YOUR problem. But don't call them pro IRI just because you and likes of you think they are.


Dear JR: JJ does this to put

by ... (not verified) on

Dear JR: JJ does this to put food on his table. This site is his only source of income. He can't be a champion of the oppressed all over the world. The oppressed are poor...the Zalmes are rich; benficiaries of the largess of the IRI's ATM machine at some points in their lives. They are those with many front legitimate businesses, organizations, charity groups, Islamic centers all over the US and so on. Business is business and has nothing to do with his ideologies. He has to keep his constituents happy. If you know what I mean...lol

JJ is doing his best and you can't expect him to be a revolutionary.

Jahanshah Rashidian

Dear Darius

by Jahanshah Rashidian on

Neither have I vouched for me. I have no personal problems with Mr. Javid and appreciate his professional and well-done job. I am also an old contributor of this site and Mr. Javid has almost always published my articles even if challenging himself.  

I vouch rather from my observations, from the experience of those anti-Islamist authors who do not get their, anti Islamic, articles posted on the front page; i.e. Amil Imani who writes for internationally credible websites--once I mediated between him and jj--, while many poor materials, even with editorial problems, get published simply because of their apologist, if not pro-IRI, character. 

I see also a permanent growing of pro-regime materials on the front page, and if their weight were not enough, the site fishes pro IRI from other sources...   

It seems, like many others, you just followed Mr. Javid's comment and did not read my Persian piece which was exaggeratedly demonised. I did not use a single word like "Agent" or "Ban" of other thinkers,"...". These accusations were created and highlighted to play down the core points.  



Darius Kadivar

JR & Jamshid

by Darius Kadivar on

I cannot vouch for others except for myself and all I can say is that I have never had any particular problem in expressing my views or even seeing them highlighted on this website by JJ despite the fact that we both have very different views on many issues particularly in regard to the monarchy for instance. 

From what I understand , what you request would require an editorial policy in the first place. However legitimate your concerns the point is that the Iranian.com does not have a particular editorial policy that would even reflect the editors point of view. It did have in the first years to some degree since JJ was had to edit everything himself. But with the internet boom and now that the website is dynamic and allows you to publish your views instantaneously and react promptly, I think that what you demand is virtually impossible on this kind of website. The best JJ can do is monitor the website in terms of respecting everyone's views and encouraging people to be more civil.

On the otherhand guys lets get real. We all have our demands and frustrations and there will always be limitations but what can I say more.

One thing that the comments reveal here is that there is a market there so to speak for other online magazines. Not just financially but in terms of shaping public opinion with a political vision or point of view be them right wing or left wing while opposing the propaganda beamed in by the IRI.

Its just that I don't think that the Iranian.com has or ever had a political agenda except offering a democratic platform of free expression to the large majority of Iranians in the Diaspora.






Jahanshah Rashidian

Mitra jan

by Jahanshah Rashidian on

Thanks a lot for your support. your sympathetic comments about the plight of our country are traceable in most of my pieces.




Bravo,Bravo to

by MITRA Khuzestani (not verified) on

Bravo,Bravo to J.Rashidian
Sir, you know how to shake these people up from thier indifference to the awful situation in IRAN.
Payandeh bud IRAN

Jahanshah Rashidian

Darius Kadivar

by Jahanshah Rashidian on

Please answer me and Jamshid.

Jahanshah Rashidian

Anonymous Iranist

by Jahanshah Rashidian on

Thank you for your two comments.

You said;"Freedom of speech is not a simple yes and no. Giving freedom of speech to Islamists while they are oppressing 70 million iranians day in day out is like offering freedom of speech and sympathy to nazis and now neo-nazis while holocaust is in progress."

In my article, I could not expect from the site such requirements because are far away to be realised on this site. I only expect an end to discrimination-- the rest PISHKESH! 

We must firstly aske Mr. Javid to define the IRI as a legitimate or illegitimate entity. If it is legitimate and represents Iranian people, then we cannot expect such requirements and he has right to flourish democracy and pluralism on the site.

I wonder if this is a hard task for Mr. Javid ?


Jahanshah Rashidian

Sick of Islamists

by Jahanshah Rashidian on

Thanks for your support and your intersting suggestion.

I did not see your email here. please send me an email.



The Hypocricy.

by Anonymous Iranist (not verified) on

Islamists use freedom of speech of the west to scream FIRE in the theater and make victim out of islamic republic for naive and un-oppressed living abroad. They do not accord a fraction of the same rights that they enjoy in the west to any oppressed voice in iran.

Freedom of speech is not a simple yes and no. Giving freedom of speech to Islamists while they are oppressing 70 million iranians day in day out is like offering freedom of speech and sympathy to nazis and now neo-nazis while holocaust is in progress.


د میسیز عزیز

دشمن هر چه آپولوژیست نامرد (not verified)

جل الخالق. شاهد از غیب رسید. این هم حاجی آقای عزیزت که سنگش را به سینه می کوفتی!! البته حاجی آقا و سخنان گوهربارشان را بنده’ کمترین شما آنجیلینای عزیز در سایر جاهای سایت دیده بودم و می دانستم که ایشان هرگز جای دوری نرفته اما نمی خواستم با اعلام این خبر کاری کنم که شما خدای نکرده پیش دیگران سنگ روی یخ شوید و خاطر گرامی آن بانوی بزرگوار و بسیار جذاب از جانب این کمترین مشوه شود، بنا بر این لام تا کام چیزی نگفتم تا این از خدا بی خبران طرفدار جمهوری اسلامی (همان آقازاده های مزدوری را می گویم که موضوع بحث هستند) از آن سو’ استفاده ننمایند. آن هم علیه آن بانوی زیبا و گرامی و خوش زبان و خوش اخلاق که اگر جسارت نباشد من یکی فدایی شان هستم. بانو جان این هم حاجی آقای شما که صحیح و سلامت و الحمدالله دوبله به فارسی خدمت شما تقدیم شد. عزیزم حالا دیگر چه مشکلی دارید بفرمایید تا آن را هم با دعا و التماس به درگاره باریتعالی به سلامتی رد نماییم تا مبادا خاطر عزیز آن بانو همچنان مکدر بماند. الهی که هر چه درد و بلای شماست بخورد توی سر هر چه آقازاده و طرفدار جمهوری اسلامی و عذرخواه آن (همان آپولوژیست ها) و هر که در سر فکر بدی راجع به هر چیزی دارد. فدایی شما، بنده’ کمترین،

دشمن هر چه آپولوژیست نامرد


yes you right , But?

by hajiagha on

یک مادر و دختر پیدا کنید تا مادره نصیب جی جی بشه و دختره نصیب من . ازادییعنی همین جانم تا همه ازاد باشند حرف شان را بزنند و اگر کاریکاتورها و نوشته های من از ایرانیان برداشته بشه بهتره چون زشت و لختی هستند و من هم هر جا می روم  خواستگاری می گویند شما را گوگول کردیم و خراب از کار درامدی و ضد خدا و ضد زن هستی  صدها کار جدید دارم نمی فرستم تا قدیمی ها پاک  بشه


Mola Nasredeen

Brother Jahanshah we demand the following changes on this site:

by Mola Nasredeen on

1. Stop publishing pictures of women without hejab.

2. No more articles in defence of Bahaies.

3. Stop publishing articles by jews, christians, buddhist, Zardoshties.

4. No more articles by zionist and pro Israeli writers.

5. Stop publishing material promoting the dead Shah and his family.

6. No more music or music videos.

7. Stop publishing articles encouraging the attack on Iran. 

8. We demand that Iranian website start a section called "Andar Mazayai Seegheh". I volunteer to write this colmun. Especially for brothers like "well-fed agha zadeh" who should know Seegheh is better than Hooker.

9. We also demand a section for Dramatic Political Writing or Science Fiction so brothers like Jamshid, Samsam1111, and a few others to practice their craft and imagination in writing scripts for science fiction. Anger management should be thought in this class so the brothers do not get too violent.

10. And lastly, we must vote "No" on all the "Yes propositions" and vote "Yes" on all the "No propositions".



No, that was brilliant!

by well-fed agha zadeh (not verified) on

As Jamshid says, I don't have kids, a family or a job, or any other human qualities. As you say we are islamist but we have no religion! I'm just a well fed agha zadeh who is typing this in between gambling sessions from Las Vegas casinos. Of course I am plaing with Iran's petro money that should be yours, but since revolution it's mine. I get paid per word. everytime I have to write back to you, I get another money order from the Islamic center of Nevada. I have to go now, hookers are waiting.

What can you do about all this?

= sign = a wellfed agha zadeh (sickofidiots)

Oui, laissez-nous vivre libre ou mourir! (Oui, IRI islamists parfois parler d'autres langues àcôté de arabe)


hahaha: Apparently there are

by sickofislamistsII (not verified) on

hahaha: Apparently there are two sickofislamists.

I will be sickofislmaist II from now on.


Jahnashah jan, shoma nemoonehye ina ra darid ke ma bebinim?

by Kollangi (not verified) on

برای مثال درج مطالب طرفداران جمهوری اسلامی و یا حتی حمایت بی پروا و صریح از خمینی و احمدی نژاد در سایت برای برخی نمودار بیطرفی سایت و برای برخی تخطی به عرف و اخلاق عمومی است


Jamshid, pathetic form!

by Ahmad Shokri (not verified) on

You write:

"To those who claim that instead of complaining, people should just pick up their pens and write more often in order to counter the regime supporters unending materials (not just in this site, but everywhere), I have only one thing to ask: How could a few people counter an army of well fed and well paid writers who are in turn supported by another army of volunteer benefactors?"

Amazing conclusion!I'll tell you what. Since you first accuse a group of site users as regime supporters and then accuse those whose views you don't appreciate to be paid by IRI to write their opinions, how about if Iranian.com or another group of people "subsidize" you and Mr. Rashidian, too, so that you two are able to create intellectual output which would put others to shame and in their deserving places?!!

What a bankrupt and pathetic approach!That's right, whine and complain, accuse and label, and if ever your hateful comments are moderated, complain and stump your feet some more!Juvenile!


Re: Kadivar

by jamshid on

From what I unserstood with my broken French, you claim that "Solid argument" is all we got against the regime supporters.

But tell me what do regime supporters have at their disposal against the rest of us? They have millions of petro dollars spent on propaganda and thousands upon thousands of regime benefactors spreading them.

Not surprisingly, the majority of those who defend this corrupt regime, do not do so out of religious faith or political ideology, nor love of Iran or concern for the well being of Iranians.

They support this brutal and exploiting (estesmaari) regime, solely because it is truley their bread and butter. And I am not speaking of "agents" or people who are in IRI's payroll. I am speaking of, using Mr. Javid's own words, "ordinary" Iranians who are finanacially benefiting from this regime, either directly or through their relatives and friends who are in positions of power and influence in Iran.

Of course the same could be said of those who benefited from the existence of the Shah's regime decades ago, for example.

It is a fact that there are those who always financially and materially benefit from the existence of ANY regime by having relatives, friends, etc in positions of power and influence, specially in a country like Iran.

However, the problem is that the IRI regime is hurting the rest of the population far worst than any past or future regime would.

Unlike Iranians of the past generation who were not smart enough to protect their "valinemat", these agha zadehs and regime beneficiaries are smart enough to know better.

Since the majority of them don't have any skills, arts or otherwise any useful talent, they are anxious and worried they might become a "nothing", if this regime falls.

Just think what would happen to the 200,000 mollahs and their families and their armies of agha zadehs if this regime, their bread and butter, falls? What would become of them?

30 years ago, during the revolution, I remember that any individual who supported the Shah's regime, was immediately labeled savaki or a sellout or a "dozd", etc. I am sure that back then, Mr. Javid, or those with similar views, would have balanced a similar hypothetical publication in favor of the revolutionaries. Or do you think they would have allowed it to be tilted in favor the Shah's supporters?

Again, Rashidian never asked for censorship. He never claimed that anti-IRI materials are not being posted in this site. He merely asked for an attempt for a more balanced platform which in turn is based on the national duties of any Iranian when their country is occupied by such brutal and corrupt regime as the IRI.

To those who claim that instead of complaining, people should just pick up their pens and write more often in order to counter the regime supporters unending materials (not just in this site, but everywhere), I have only one thing to ask: How could a few people counter an army of well fed and well paid writers who are in turn supported by another army of volunteer benefactors?

That's why some people are asking for "balance" and a means of countering the regime's vast petro-dollar fed propaganda machine. I happen to agree with them.


I'm all for sitting down

by sickofislamists (not verified) on

I'm all for sitting down with the IRI to once and for all call their bluffs. The sooner they sit down and talk, the sooner they are going to find out what the Islamic Republic is all about. Let's start talking now.

What you Islamists don't get is that the West does not trust the IRI with or without talking. Given the IRI track record and its terrorist activities in the ME, it would be idiotic for any President, Republican or Democrat, to think that IRI is going to change it's behavior or its underpinning ideology that drives the system as a whole.

I love the fact that he has chosen Rahm Emmanual as his Chief of Staff. If that is not a clear message to IRI, I don't know what is...

Go Obama!


I thought you were going to start your own site?

by sickofidiots (not verified) on

Obama said nuclear WEAPONS are unacceptable, something Khamenei has also said is against Islam. Unlike Bush, he didn't say nuclear energy or nuclear enrichment is unacceptable. Perhaps he will accept the Islamic Nuclear-free Middle East plan, it sure sounds like it!

This is good news. The two elected world leaders are already in some agreement before they SIT DOWN to talk together WITHOUT PRECONDITIONS.

I thought you wanted to start your own site? What happened? You still want to associate with IRI agents like me? Why haven't you left already? You and your kind have never been known for your truth and bravery. Be careful, I think we are turning YOU too!


I'm so glad that Jaleho and

by sickofislamist/terrorists (not verified) on

I'm so glad that Jaleho and sickofidiots plainly admitg that Islamists number here and in Iran is on the rise. Is it any wonder why President-elect Obama in his first press conference said that a "Nuclear Iran is Unacceptable" and "their terrorists activities should cease"!!!

Check out this gem. Islamists also think Americans are stupid and don't know what they're up to. Those days are gone. Now, we have a competent president who will not be deceived by the IRI lobbiest in the US. He has the capacity to do his own research and reach an educated judgment based on facts and not opinions. I'm so grateful that we'll have a smart and educated President.

Obama will be interested to read this little tidbit:
global war curriculum for Iranian Children



JR's second article of this type!?

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

This is the second time Rashidian has written such an article. His first one is: //iranian.com/main/2008/islamic-attack-democr...
His first article of this type got him the much needed attention that he desperately needed. We'll see how he does this time!?


Dear Souri,

by Killjoy (not verified) on

No, I didn't mean you. And I enjoy reading comments by people like Majid who bring the much needed fun to the site.

My comment was pertaining to the ridiculously boring world of IR suporters who are reducing the problem of democracy to "an open letter" from Mr. Rashidian to JJ and want to teach the rest of us the only brand of "democracy" they know best and then force us practice it.

BTW, thanks for translating and editing my "sherrover" the other day. Mr. Avaznia with his beautiful and, as you have mentioned in your comments, very powerful poetry brings back to life even zombies like me.

Let's hope, some day soon, Iranians inside Iran enjoy real democracy.

Have a wonderful weekend!


please go start your own site

by sickofidiots (not verified) on

I'm an islamist IRI agent and I have some advice for you.

You have found out our secret plan. We have already taken over this website using 'freedoms' and we will take over more. Jaleho is correct: the number of islamists pro IRI supporters has grown exponentially in the past 3 years. You can't even cuss against Islam without someone calling you about it!

So go make your own 'balanced' site and prevent any Islamists from coming. In fact, go ahead and ban islamists, communists, socialists, and everyone else who you think "jeapardizes" the human race.

make your own website and be vigilant against all islamists. But I warn you, we are clever.

We will pretend to be sekoolar and join. To make sure there are no islamists, you have to read everything and kick out anybody who could be talking positively about islam. Sometimes they use irony and cleverness saying something but they really want an opposite poison messsage to come through. you can't take chances, just ban them all.

Then you have to watch out for former sekoolar members turning to islam. you should have periodic oaths of allegiance to make sure. You also have to make sure you yourself don't accept islam and take appropriate precautions.

Write a terrorist confession just in case it happens and you are powerless, at least the police can take you away and save the rest of humanity.

Go start your own site and get out of JJ's hair. we are obviously way too tolerant for your taste.


This is ridiculous! This

by Reviewer (not verified) on

This is ridiculous!
This site on a daily basis and in both blog section and front pages (just look at Noori ala’s article as evidence) reflects the most criticizing, and at times insulting ideas to religion in general and Islam in particular, along with daily bashing of IRI of any kind and any political views of Iranian dissidents (no wonder it is banned in IRI). Now with a minimal presence of opponent viewpoints, suddenly this site is IRI propaganda machine, just because AGHAIAN have no capacity of slightest tolerance of different views. Someone who has a slightest positive view about Iran or made a point against the political powers which traditionally are against it -correct are wrong- is Islamist agent, ommatist, and all the crappy, baseless and self-made labels made by a bunch uneducated/arrogant people who think are gods of political sciences.
I’m sorry, but no wonder Islamic republic has survived after 30 years, with ‘freedom fighters’ like you who have no respect for different viewpoints. Take a look at Haaretz daily website, an Israeli site who discusses political views at highest political antagonism. They WELCOME your so called ‘Islamists’ to their forum. They know without them the forum is a totalitarian arena for ideologically bankrupted mentality! So much for your cry of democracy Mr. Rashidian that today is proved to be KASHK.
To me nobody is IRI apologist, until they utter it themselves by a clear voice.


Yes we can!

by Sick of Islamists on Iranian (not verified) on

I second The Mrs. on how excellent and timely this post was.Count me in guys!So far it's Jahanshah Rashidian, Samsam, Jamshid, Redwine, Stunned and The Mrs.Killjoy might be with us, too, but not sure.We might have enough to start our own progressive and balanced website.We can do it! Contact me at above email address or leave a comment here.I have your back!


While Islamists attempt to

by stunned (not verified) on

While Islamists attempt to use Western laws to intimidate their critics, they also use free speech protections to spread their virulent ideology across the hemispheres. I don't know when we're going to wake up.

Jahanshah Rashidian

Mr. Stunned

by Jahanshah Rashidian on

I think Islamism not only geoparadises your country, the US, but all the world: above all, the populations of the Islamic countries where they rule. For example, the people of Iran are their hostages.

In fact Islamists have no feeling for any country, culture, and people; all they dream of imposing is a God’s state with their medieval Sharia. They have made no secret of their goal of destroying all other cultures and beliefs.

To pretend that is not true is akin to Chamberlain declaring that Hitler was not so bad after all and there’ would be peace in his time. We know that he was wrong and the apologists on this site' who today were accusing me of extremist behaviour, are just as wrong as the others.

A number of our sold intellectuals in the West, holding an IRI passport, claim improvement of Mullahs’regime into a democratic and secular Islamic regime! The main objective of our people is to put Islam into a box and remove its influence from the core of society. Unfortunately many sold Intellectuals act differently.

Even some West-based intellectual women are brainwashed to the point of exploited as propagandist objects for this misogynistic regime.


Mr. Rashidian: The Islamists

by Stunned (not verified) on

Mr. Rashidian:

The Islamists are adept at using our freedoms to their advantage, and at turning our laws against us.Islamists abuse free speech protections to spread their minsinformation and lies. They do this for a living. They are professional propagandists with all kinds of degrees in ME Studies or whatever. They hate the US and can't wait wait to see the "empire" to fall.

I can't believe we allow these people to live in our country.