Video: Bossa Dorado

by jamh

I just finished editing my latest video. I thought I'd share it, since it came so beautifully. The music is by the Chris Sartisohn Trio, based in Victoria, Canada. The song is Bossa Dorado. See if you can only watch it once :)


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Red wine

by jamh on

I only did the video, although I do write songs too (but they are more dissonant than jazz ;). I love this song. Chris did an amazing job playing it, it's got soul. I've listened to it so many times that it has permeated my pores :)

If ever you come to Victoria, I'll be happy to put you guys together!


Red Wine


by Red Wine on

">I love it,This has been a wonderful piece, thank you very much for sharing with us.

" style="background-color: #e6ecf9; color: #000">I'm a fan of Bossa Nova, Jazz and Old School for 16 years and i played and collaborated with several semi profecionales groups in France, Spain and Portugal.

">Maybe one day we play together.

Have a good weekend.


Dear Angel

by jamh on

You can always see my videos on Youtube by searching for "tojamh".  Thank you for your compliment.

Dirty Angel

BRILLIANT! Absolutely LOVE it!

by Dirty Angel on

Thank you so much for the joy in watching the best music video in ages. The simplicity is breathtakingly clever. I've also visited your website and LOVE song no 3 and 5 especially. In fact, I'm so pleased to see true multi-talent and a carved out unique, genuine style. 'Wishing you lots more hard work and luck!

" Thank god for botox; my facial expressions are wearing rather thin...."