Shiah gary شیعه گری

by jimzbund


//  click on کتابخانه ماhe was another Akhund to be who saw the corruption and futility in the Shiite system and after leaving it started to expose it.


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by jimzbund on

I am Iranian first and it is not hatred towards Shiite that you guys trying to portrate but an informed exposition of its' beliefs and superstitions which are mostly made in Iran by Akhunds ( eg, they say that God created the whole creation for the sake of 5 Tan  ( Muhammad, Ali, Fatemeh, Hassan and Hussien). Isn't this a blasphemy and shouldn't Sunnis oppose it ? it is not Arab VS Iranian but iranians trying to be more fanatic Muslims that Arabs. We have the faith of Zoroaster which  brought us prosperity and don't need to borrow any arab religion.


Bund, Jimz Bund


Agha Manoucher

by jimzbund on

beh site tashrif bebarid va hameh chi dar khedmat khahad bood.



Bund, Jimz Bund

Manoucher Avaznia


Manoucher Avaznia

چشم آن داشتم که دفتر شیعه گری کسروی را پیوسته ببینم.  چشم داشتم هوده ای نداشت.  توانی نشان روشنتری از آن بدهی آن گونه که از بیست و سه سال داده ای؟ 




by capt_ayhab on

[since you are trying to act civilized]

Then my good man you should try some of that as well.

Fundamentally Jimz jan, all of us are entitled to what ever ideology, opinion, political views that we desire. Otherwise the world would be quite a boring place.

First of all, I do not recall asking for you to censor yourself. My objection to you is your demonstration of canned hate that has been going around. Validity of a religion or an idea is NOT what opposition say, rather what people of that faith believe in.

So with all due respect, most of the problem that Arabs[who are mostly Sunni] have is not Shi'ite per se, rather it is their animosity with our Iranian heritage.  It may be a historical fact that Arabs conquered Iran 1400 years ago, but we both know that no nation have been able to conquer our Persian soul, and never will be able to.

When we lend our voice to these[canned] hatred toward Shi'ite, we are in essence lending our voice to hate and propaganda against IRAN.

This is the point I am trying to make, criticize to your hearts content, but do it logically and calculated. Don't let yourself be used by enemies of Iran under the guise of hate for Shi'ite.





by jimzbund on

 In Islam you are either " Momen or kafir", in daar ol Sallam or daar ol harb. there is no compromise . these are so called "akhund fokolis " who consider themselves more open minded and liberal but that is relative !!!


Bund, Jimz Bund


subject is ....

by Seagull (not verified) on

see if any of these people who are against bigotry
object to misinformation and propaganda against other religionists,




by jimzbund on

Ok , since you are trying to act civilized, then I mention a couple  of points:


1- I just posted a link to a book by a Muslim who had been through the faizieh Ghom and later on opposed it. I didn't commect on or said anything. 

2- I am giving my opinion about an ideology ( you call it religion) that is trying to impose itself on the nlives of those who don't beliebve in it. As long as they keep it to themselves then there is no argument.

 3- if you talk to other Islamic sects, they consider Shiites as heretics and Kfirs, so even Muslim don't accept your beloief system.

4- the times of naneh man gharibam , mellat mazloom, shahid paravar and other feel pity slogans are gone.

5- what I am posting is from Muslims themselves and the reason that I post them because they are destroying my beloved Iran  

Bund, Jimz Bund


Jimzi Jan

by capt_ayhab on

Rest assured there is nothing that you could do to hurt my feelings. I am interested to know the basis for this much hatred toward Islam and its followers, Iranian People being amongst them.

BTW, your ignorance is obvious as soon as you start calling me names without knowing me. So spare the childish act and bache bazi and answer the question.

And let me to put you in the box that you just created for yourself. Show me one anti religion comment or blogs that I have posted. ;-)




by jimzbund on

Sorry to hurt your feelings but if you let peopleto be freee to choose, they will be reduced to a quarter of that. If you are not Shia then you don't know what this book is talking about . You guys write anti every other religion and consider it as your god given right but as soon as some one just questions you, the it is Al jihad, Al fatawa and al Kaferoon. Boro khoda roozito jaayeh digeh havaaleh koneh .





Bund, Jimz Bund



by capt_ayhab on

Is this yet another attempt to demonize beliefs of close to 50 million Iranians? Or is it along your general attempts to demonstrate your Islamophobic paranoia?

I personally am not even a shi'a, but I find these attempts nothing but hatred toward million of people and their beliefs.
