America Flushed Down The Toilet


by Kalvoks



Vlad Kalashnikov ( Email ) on March 17, 2008 Vlad's Daily Gloat


Fat dumbfuck American losers are going down the toilet, according to this article in Associated Press:

— Authorities are considering charges in the case of a woman who sat on
her boyfriend's toilet for two years — so long that her body was stuck
to the seat by the time the boyfriend finally called police. Ness
County Sheriff Bryan Whipple said it appeared the 35-year-old woman's
skin had grown around the seat. She initially refused emergency medical
services but was finally convinced by responders and her boyfriend that
she needed to be checked out at a hospital. "We pried the toilet seat
off with a pry bar and the seat went with her to the hospital," Whipple
said. "The hospital removed it." The county attorney will determine
whether any charges should be filed against the woman's 36-year-old
boyfriend. "She was not glued. She was not tied. She was just
physically stuck by her body," Whipple said. The boyfriend said he
brought his girlfriend food and water, and asked her every day to come
out of the bathroom. "And her reply would be, "Maybe tomorrow,' "
Whipple said.

What a fucking freaks Americans are! Funny fat pieces of shit,
you are now the fat clowns of the world, we all laugh at you. Stuck to
a toilet for two years? Only American piles of human diarrhea can do
such a thing! You are sick people.

Not just citizens of America, but also United States of Dumbfucks
going down the toilets too. Today, United States in such a complete
state of decay, even building cranes are collapsing, bridges
collapsing, cities disappearing from rain storms. Fed Chairman Bernanke
is pissing into his pants like all Americans, making even more mistaken
desperate moves as collapsing America accelerates:

"It seems as if Bernanke & Co.
are pulling out all the stops to avoid a serious financial market
meltdown," Richard Yamarone, an economist at Argus Research, said
Sunday evening.

U.S. dollar continues its complete collapse into irrelevancy,
making any pathetic attempt by Bernanke doomed to fail. I cite three
experts in a Bloomberg article today:

Stephen Jen, head of global foreign-exchange research at Morgan Stanley in London. ``Watching the dollar plummet like this is very dangerous.''

``It's hard to stimulate an economy when the currency is going down the tubes,'' said David Malpass, the chief economist at Bear Stearns & Co. The New York-based firm expects the dollar will fall to $1.60 per euro in 12 months.

Kenneth Rogoff, the former chief economist at the IMF and now a professor at Harvard University, said the greenback may drop another 12 percent on a trade-weighted basis.

recession will be long and deep and when we get out of it, we'll have
inflation,'' Rogoff said in an interview. ``Confidence in the dollar is


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This Vlad Guy (Kalashnikov)

by Vladimir Lenin (not verified) on

Is A Piece Of Work!!

Azarin Sadegh

Dear Irandokht,

by Azarin Sadegh on

Like you, I thought why this guy is stuck in so much hatred and I was regretting over the waste of my precious time,...until I saw his full name: Vlad kalashnikov! And checked his everything about him is clear!

He should be an old russian communist, brainwashed by the old school, pissed off by the success of the Americans, or a very old member of the Toodeh party, bitter over his choice of living a miserable life in kazakhstan, who just copy pastes stuff from the russian guy's blog, since his own writing skill is not very well developed :-) So please my dear, just ignore him...

Bahram the Iranian

It is gone frm bad to worse,

by Bahram the Iranian on

First was arabs being mouthoff by pepole who havnt studied the Iran's history  , then that girl(the one who couldnt get an iranian boyfirend)bashing iranians now this guy here about americans, Let me tell you both(the author and pissedoff guy)I m a IRI supporter and I know by fact Iranian pepole(LIke my brothers basijijs)love americans and admire them for their achievment over the past century. Our problem is with US adminstration not the pepole.



by Pissed Off (not verified) on

why so vulgar?
by IRANdokht on Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:12 AM CDT

Because this site is run by a former IRI agent!


why so vulgar?

by IRANdokht on

you can bring an article here without making inflammatory remarks against anyone or any nation. there is too much anger and hate in both your posts and I find them in poor taste.
