Americans Can't Even Answer A Phone Properly


by Kalvoks

Kalvoks Daily Dombalan.



 If you have not read :

"Why the occupied USA is forced to eat SHIT? Flsh Back'

Please start by reading the above.



Now, first  the good new, US Syphilis rate up for 7th year in row.

Now for the real news, all that Fluorine in the water is making USA stupid see why .



VLAD'S DAILY GLOAT March 27, 2008

In a normal country with a literate population, when a war
produces two important anniversaries -- 5 years long, and 4,000th
killed soldier -- that population demands big, serious change.

But for America, lacking even basic human cognitive powers, such a
grim and depressing anniversary is a time for more optimism and
cheerful congratulations from their bloodthirsty dumbfuck president
George Bush.

* On March 19th, President Dumbfucker praised the 5th year of the Iraq war:

Five years after launching the invasion of Iraq,
President George W. Bush strongly signaled Wednesday that he will not
order U.S. troop withdrawals beyond those already planned because he
refuses to "jeopardize the hard-fought gains" of the past year.
...He said the increase of 30,000 troops that he ordered to Iraq last year has turned "the situation in Iraq around."
He also said that "Iraq has become the place where Arabs joined with
Americans to drive al Qaida out." "The surge ... has opened the door to
a major strategic victory in the broader war on terror," the president

* On March 24, when the 4,000 U.S. soldier was officially died, Dumbfucker thanked his Protestant god for this great moment:

"One day people will look back at this moment in history and say 'thank God there
were courageous people willing to serve' because they laid the
foundation for peace for generations to come," Bush said after a
roadside bomb killed four U.S. soldiers, pushing the toll to the new

* Then today as the entire Iraq nation erupts
into Shia civil war, Bush is the happiest he has been since he first
started murdering Iraqis and American soldiers. The headline to the Times (UK) says it all: "President Bush: Iraq violence is a 'positive moment.'"

Yes it is a "positive moment" for a sick dumbfuck who likes to see
blood flowing, and does not care even when it is his own country's
blood. What for me is the funniest and most incredible thing is that
Bush is truly a representative of a retarded bloodthirsty nation according to Harris poll:

As the fifth anniversary of the war in Iraq passes, the attitudes of Americans toward the war and President Bushs handling of it are improving.

Looking at the situation in Iraq, over one-quarter (27%) of Americans
say it is getting better, while just under one-quarter (23%) say it is
getting worse and 42 percent say there is no real change. Since
this question was first asked in January of 2004, this is the lowest
percentage of Americans who feel things are getting worse and the
highest percentage of Americans who say things are getting better.

philosopher was right: every country gets the leader it deserves. And
every country gets the humiliating and painful collapse, defeat, and
bankruptcy it brings upon itself, as we see in the USA.

The man who will succeed Bush, the old fart war-fag John McCain,
who is a hero for getting his jet shot down by a Vietnamese peasant,
then who cracked and turned traitor against his country--this war-fag
McCain is even more war crazy, and even more senile, than Bush, if such
a thing is possible. Not only does McCain say that America has a "moral responsibility"
to stay in Iraq and continue killing and bleeding, but he wants more
enemies, because losing Iraq just isn't enough. He wants to lose more
wars. So McCain now wants to make an enemy with Russia:

WASHINGTON —Senator McCain is going further than President Bush or the Democrats vying for the White House in identifying Russia as a rival and not an ally.

war-fag McCain probably still angry about the Russian SAM missile that
shot down his jet, made him spend 6 years of his life in a little box,
that made him so fucking afraid and crying that he turned against his
fellow soldiers, against his country, called himself a "black criminal"
over the Hanoi loudspeakers. McCain probably spent 6 years just getting
angrier and angrier, hoping one day he will come to power and get
revenge on the country that kicked his pathetic ass in Vietnam. Poor
McCain does not understand, when he takes over America, there is no
empire left, economy is bankrupt, army is losing and demoralized,
population more and more stupid and homeless and helpless. So pathetic
that dumbfucks still cannot build the simple thing like a construction
crane, they just keep falling on dumbshit Americans' heads:

Two people have been killed and at least four others
injured in a crane collapse at a high-rise construction site in Miami,

Americans, so fucking stupid you can convince them that a lost
war is going just great. But you can't teach dumbfucks a skill, like
how to build a crane, or even how to answer a phone as well as a poor
Indian, according to the CEO of AT&T:

SAN ANTONIO, Texas (Reuters) - The head of the top U.S. phone company AT&T Inc
(T.N) said on Wednesday it was having trouble finding enough skilled
workers to fill all the 5,000 customer service jobs it promised to
return to the United States from India.

"We're having trouble finding the numbers that we need with the skills that are required to do these jobs," AT&T Chief Executive Randall Stephenson told a business group in San Antonio, where the company's headquarters is located.

These stories of loser dumbfuck illiterate slobs are making me
laugh at America, and they also make me appreciate how beneficial the
Bush presidency was for Russia. No president did more to bring down
America's arrogant and fascist empire than Bush. Thanks to Bush, so
many countries that were once weak, including Russia, became united
against the common enemy, just as under Hitler or Napoleon, today we
are much stronger than we imagined just 7 years ago. So when I read
some liberals in America crying that McCain is "3rd Term Bush," I
cheer, "Yes!" Like the retard zombies say on American TV, "Four More
Years!" Please, America, vote for a President McCain. It is your moral
duty, Americans, to vote for President McCain, your moral duty to make
more enemies in the world, especially enemy of Russia. We are so, so
afraid that if you kick us out of the G-8, what will Russia do?
Everything for us depends upon being in the G-8, meeting in some hotel
once a year! How can we survive, we, Russia, who only have world's
fastest booming economy, producing the largest amount of the world's
oil, gas, and everything you fuckers need -- we are so afraid of John
McCain kicking Russia out of G-8, maybe it is better to surrender
today, anything to be in the G-8! What can we possibly do in return if
McCain kicks Russia out of the G-8? All we have is every commodity in
the world, all we have are hundreds of billions of dollars of sovereign
fund cash to invest, all we have are the world's best weapons, friends
in countries all across the world, influence, power. We are so helpless
against America, bankrupt, broke, collapsing, losing wars, please do
not threaten us with the G-8!

Yes, think about that: what will Russia do if John McCain is the
next president. I think about what it means about American depths of
stupidity and self-destruction, about how John McCain will accelerate
the collapse of America even quicker, and it makes me very, very

--Vlad Kalashnikov



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