Cartoon: The Red Light and the Bull

Cartoon: The Red Light and the Bull
by KavehAhangarAdel

The Bull doesn't care, he will attack what he doesn't like.

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Artwork 2011©

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Omid Hast, because that would

by KavehAhangarAdel on

add insult to injury. :) Admittedly, it would be more humorous but also more painful. And there is enough pain there already with the thought of what's about to happen.

If I want to be FREE I’ve got to be ME!

Kaveh Adel's Facebook Art & Humanity Page

Omid Hast

Very interesting

by Omid Hast on

Why isn't the bad guy shining the red light on the good guy's ass?


Faramarz and Bavafa...

by KavehAhangarAdel on

Thank you for the comments. 

Faramarz, I would feel really bad for the Bull! :)

Bavafa, I appreciate your keen attention to that point! 

If I want to be FREE I’ve got to be ME!

Kaveh Adel's Facebook Art & Humanity Page


This is just brilliant, thank you again

by Bavafa on

And I specially like your comment about core idea, how true that is.




by Faramarz on



The crowd cheered ole as the matador killed the bull!


Esfand Aashena, thanks....

by KavehAhangarAdel on

for the comment.  When we strip it down to the core idea, the beard, tie, turban, shaved head, baseball cap, moustache, etc..... it is just what that type of person has on the outside. I figured I leave that to the viewer interpretation :)

Thanks again for the comment. I appreciate it. 

If I want to be FREE I’ve got to be ME!

Kaveh Adel's Facebook Art & Humanity Page

Esfand Aashena

Nice depiction! The man holding red could've had beard/turban!

by Esfand Aashena on

Everything is sacred