Please sign petition against killing stray dogs in Iran

Please sign petition against killing stray dogs in Iran
by kfravon

Please read, and if you agree, sign and then cross post this petition.


Thank you,
Faranak Ravon


more from kfravon

Here's another useful organisation, part of WSPA

by Truthseeker9 on


WSPA promote animal welfare across the world.

Iran Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals


You can contact them through this Email:



by Rea on

Although I wonder if petition signing does any good, en général, not only in this particular case.


Please stop mixing this

by koorosh10 on

Please stop mixing this with other human tragedy. We already sign other petitions for other causes. I wish our culture had a softer side for animals right.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Fine I will sign your petition and hope it does some good.


Since there has been debate about how effective Petitions are

by Truthseeker9 on

Just had a few minutes to look on the net and found the following, and wonder if the owners of this petition might approach Humane Society International who has previously had successes dealing with Animal Welfare issues in the Middle East. For example here an international outcry helped their cause:

                   //                   April 29, 2009 Iran's Harassment of Dog Owners A months-long crackdown on dog ownership by officials in Tehran abruptly ended in October 2007 after an international outcry.




                   November 8, 2007For Dogs, Better News from Iran  Authorities backed away from a policy of rounding up dogs in Iran after a public outcry.



Is it worth approching HSI about this inhumane culling? Previously it seems something positive WAS achieved after a public outcry. This is their contact page:


This is only addressed to those interested in this project. 


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

This is a

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


feel good type of deal. We sign something and IR could not care less. If you want to help animals go adopt a few cats or a dog. Make sure they are "fixed" so you don't get a lot more unwanted animals running around the place.

The danger of rabies is real. No reason to flag a post that mentions it. I remember gangs of wild dogs running loose outside Tehran. It was not good for anyone. Most nations have "animal control". In USA they were putting out bait with rabies vaccines on it so wild life would be at least somewhat protected. A friend of mine had to get his whole family vaccinated because of an infected bat. This is no joke but a real problem. I don't approve of sadistic killing of dogs. But sometimes there is no choice. 

We do not want a rabies epidemic. IRI is simply doing it the way they know: sadistically! 


Signed, gladly

by Bavafa on


'Vahdat' is the main key to victory 


Ari Siletz

Conciesly put, Sid!

by Ari Siletz on

And Thanks kfravan for the post.



by Sid Sarshar on

We will become kinder people by being kind to animals. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Yeki dar biyaban

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


  • Yeki dar biyaban sagi teshneh yaft
  • Bejoz dar ramag dar hayatash nayaft
  • Kolah dalv kard an pasandideh kish

And so it goes. Except now we have our own people dar ramag. I am not indifferent to dogs. I own two cats I rescued from the shelter. But I still say we better have our priorities right.



Thank you for doing a noval

by koorosh10 on

Thank you for doing a noval thing. Unfortunitly, animals in particular dogs were and are still the subject of harm and harrasment in Iran. I witnesed as a child the masacures of dogs by the city of Tehran in the mid seventies. It broked my heart but I was helpless. We as a country will never become moraly relevent if we do not consider animals as an important part of our nature. The great Ghandi once said that a society will be judged base on how it treats its animals. 


Thank you

by Shepesh on

Thank you for trying to do something about this. At least it will lead to public awareness which may actually have some effect in the long run. Please do not let negativity discourage your brave work.

Jeesh Daram

The more petition I sign

by Jeesh Daram on

I decided to make it my own blog, so I won't hurt anyone's feelign.


CC aziz

by Truthseeker9 on

Petitions is one important reason I do visit this site. People put a lot of effort into them and I will support them all. I do not have time to write blogs as such but there are so many brilliant people here who do and they need our support.

I look forward to other Petitions for humane causes recommended by Iranians on this site, including JD et al. 


Truthseeker9, thanks

by ComraidsConcubine on

 I did see that about the horrific forms of killings and am obviously appalled, but I still have a problem with the general gist of the petition's wording. 

But then, maybe I've become jadedly suspicious these days, having signed so many petitions only to find out, that I had signed something I didn't really believe in fully, by not scrutinizing how and why my emotional strings are being pulled.  

Ah, but darn my ancient , alpaca, abusive socks, I think you've persuaded me! ;) 

Ari Siletz

Acts of kindness...

by Ari Siletz on

...bind us together in compassion, no matter how small relative to other sufferings, towards what living creatures they are directed, or how tiny the impact. Most people know that dropping a coin in a hungry person's bowl doesn't take care of his poverty problem much less solve the world hunger problem. But it is not an act of delusion; it is the humble stand of one person against the bit of cruelty he happened to come across.



by Truthseeker9 on

I'll be the FIRST person to sign any humane petition you recommend or create. We just need to work together and support each other. It is not a choice of one over the other.


I think the question is more of humane culling. Instead of killing animals with sticks like they do in China Animal Rights groups worked towards humane methods of culling, eg injections. It was worth fighting for.


As a vegan, I am NOT signing this petition

by ComraidsConcubine on

 Whilst I'd be one of the first to object to  the killing of any animal, including humans, I have a problem with the wording of the petition. Actually, quite a few problems, but here's an e.g.:

Rabies is endemic in Iran. The petition  doesn't state it and it doesn't offer a solution for the care of 'stray* dogs'.  

*stray could be a result of irresponsible pet owners etc.. 



Dear VPK

by Truthseeker9 on

From what we see is people have you for breakfast in this place. Still, enjoy your life on the internet.

Jeesh Daram

signed the petition

by Jeesh Daram on

Incidentally I did sign the petition but here is what is said:

"Before we ever talk about dogs of Iran, we should first focus on children of Iran. Ask the Iranian government to open more orphanage houses to protect Iranian children."



This actually truned out to be a very good blog, I don't see anything wrong with supporting children while we worry about Iranian dogs, this is called multitasking.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Fine lets

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


all become vegan; stop wearing leather clothes and all that. The reason so many people are harping on this is because it is diversionary. As they say we got bigger fish to fry. Oops now  the fish right folks are all over me.



by Truthseeker9 on

I do! And believe it or not, I do service to children and adults in my job. I don't just talk about it dear.

Now that I see this harmless blog has turned into yet another circus of ridiculous comments typical of IC I will leave you to pat yourselves on the back for being MORE humane to criticise someone just because their kind heart decided to do something about inhumane culling of animals in Iran.

Great job folks!



by Truthseeker9 on

Stop being a hypocrite. If children are so high on your priorities then why have YOU not done that?

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Same goes to yourself. Please don't lecture me at what I could say. When I see people getting killed day and night I set my priorities. If you are so worried why don't you go and do something about condition of abandoned animals in the West?

Do you know how chikcens are raised in America. Or how goose liver pate is made in France. Or a million other problems in thw world.


Jeesh Daram

Trutyworthy: you returned again?

by Jeesh Daram on

And neither is your place to come and lecture others for attempting to defend the children of Iran before the stray dogs of Iran. Go and bark somewhere else :)


Defend the children of Iran first before any other creatures. Write a blog that helps Iranian specie first, and this precisely the blog that Truthworthy wants me to write, I am writing it as we speak! Support children of Iran.



by Truthseeker9 on

You are just being disruptive and trying to score browny points with regards to morality. People are free to chose what they do. If they want to sign petitions with regards to adults, children and animals they will. It is not your job to tell them what to do and in which order.

"Worry about children of Iran first. Thanks  "

No thanks, I will worry about ALL and not be dictated to.

In the time you have taken to antagonise people who have come here peacefully to take part in a harmless petition, you could have written a blog or organised a petition for your favourite charity or cause. But you did not do that. You are just trying to stop people talking part here. How pathetic.


Is there a petition for

by vildemose on

Is there a petition for homeless children in Iran?

Is there a petition for battered women in Iran?


Are there petitions for Saving Pesepolis?


I signed the petition but let's not forget the Not so politically correct causes even if we are no longer able to travel back and forth to Iran.

Jeesh Daram

Trustworthy's comment

by Jeesh Daram on

I think you are looking at the wrong side of the issue. Of course it would be easier for me to play my golden-heart act to say oh yes poor little Iranian puppies and shed some tears. But no, I am not playing this game.

Let me tell you, a few years ago, I was watching in the news about one of the conflicts in Iraq, soldiers had to attack a barricade in Baghdad and during the arm struggle several Iraqis were blown to pieces for defending their country. And on top of such news the news broadcaster ended the report by saying, a little dog was saved in that neighborhood by the American soldiers and the rest of the people in that broadcast said "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, how sweet" all at the same time. No sympathy for human bodies to be blown to pieces but misplacing a dog from his neighborhood to an army base was such a noble cause (my foot)!

Befor I sign any petition on dogs of Iran I will focus on children of Iran. My position in this blog is perhaps more constructive than simply to come here and tell MS. Ravan "I signed". I am not collecting popularity points here.


Worry about children of Iran first. Thanks 



by Truthseeker9 on

If it is such a burden to sign a petition which takes a few seconds to stop suffering on living things then it really says more about your mentality. The trouble with Iranians and mindset is too often we turn a blind eye to suffering of others, be it people or animals, if it does not benefit us directly.

JD, VPK and others which are trying to stop people takig part in such endeavours, why not write a blog or start a petition for what you want and we will ALL sign. But why put obstacles where it is not your interest???

Jeesh Daram

Roozbeh said it so well

by Jeesh Daram on

I can't agree more. Here I am worried about my grandmother's condition and the rest of the family in Iran and now I am burdened to sign yet another petition.....

Would it not be more appropriate to focus on a petition for the innocent children of Iran that are homeless and drift from one city to another in our homeland? I am not one of those that when he goes home takes pictures of lavish dishes that are served in a restaurants. My camera focused and captured images of many children that I saw aimlessly going around selling chewing gums. Their entire asset would not even feed one person on any given day. 

Please focus on people of Iran and will also take care of our dogs and cats and nightingales when the time comes. Thanks