ایرانی یعنی بی‌ غیرت


by Khers

به خدا که این عربها از ما خیلی‌ بیشتر غیرت دارند.  نزدیک سه هفته است که در مصر دست از تظاهرات بر نمیدارند.  بیشتر از ۳۰۰ نفرشون رو هم کشتند، نزدیک ۱۵۰۰ نفرشون رو هم دستگیر کردند و شکنجه هم دادند.  تانک و توپ هم گذاشتند جلوشون، و هنوز هم نه تنها از این میدان کنار نمیرند، تازه بیشتر هم ریختند تو خیابونها.  مردم ما چهار تا بسیجی‌ که تو خیابون دیدند قایم شدند تو خونه و رفتند دنبال چلو کبابشون.  

چند روز پیش یک جلسه در این انجمن ایرنیها در شهر ما بود.  درباریه تظاهرات ۲۵ بهمن صحبت شد و یک نفر پیشنهاد کرد که بلکه ما هم برویم جلوی ساختمان دولتی اینجا همبستگی‌ خودمون رو با مردم ایران در اون روز نشون بدیم.  همشون فوری ساکت شدند.  در  همون لحظه فورا یکی‌ صحبت رو عوض کرد و کشوند به جشن چهار شنبه سوری و اینکه چطور بتونند اونروز چلو کباب درست کنند برای مردم.  یک ساعت بعدش درباریه انواع و اقسام چلو کباب و دستگاهایه مربوطه صحبت شد.  بعدش هم همه جول و پلاسشون رو ورداشتند و رفتند خونه.

حتی ایرنیهأی هم که اینجا زندگی‌ میکنند هم بی‌ غیرت هستند.  مگر مازیار بهاری، اون گزارشگر معروف نبود؟ چند روز انداختنش تو زندان، اومد مثل بلبل در تلویزیون جمهوری اسلامی آواز خوند و گفت که جاسوس هزار کوفت و زهر مار بوده.  بعدش هم دمش رو گذشت لای پاش و فلنگ رو بست و از ایران در رفت.   آخه مرد حسابی‌ از چی‌ ترسیدی؟ می‌خواستند چکارت بکنند؟  خونت از ندا و دخترهای هیجده ساله که تو خیابون بودند رنگین تر بود؟ چه بی‌ غیرت!!  ولی‌ نگاه کنید این جوان مصری سهام دار Google.  انداختنش زندان.  نه تنها نیامد بگه "گوه خوردم"، بلکه تازه رفت تو تلویزیون بد و بیراه به دولت مبارک گفت و بعدش هم رفت وسط تظاهرات.  به این میگن شجاعت.  

دلیلی‌ که جمهوری اسلامی هنوز تو ایرانه بخاطر فرهنگ ماست.  یک مشت ملت بی‌ غیرت، ترسو، نون به نرخ روز خور و چاپلوس.  حتی تو خارج هم میترسند جیک بزنند بر ضدّ جمهوری اسلامی که یک وقت تعطیلات تابستونیشون تو کرج به هم نخوره.  واقعا که این ملت بی‌ غیرت لایق همین جمهوری اسلامی است.  تازه حالا یاد گرفتند که هی‌ بگن "اصلاحات، اصلاحات."  آخه آدمهای تنبل ترسو مگه رژیمی که مردم رو سنگسار میکنه و پشت سر هم آدم با جر ثقیل دار میزنه "اصلاح" میشه؟ مغز خر خوردید؟  جمهوری اسلامی مبارکتون باشه.  خلایق هر چه لایق!


more from Khers
بت شکن

جناب خرس

بت شکن



از کامنت شما ممنونم و امیدوارم از شما مطالب بیشتری بخوانم.


پاینده باشید


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I do not want to turn this into an Iran vs. West thing. However I have seen plenty of systemic corruption in the West. Specially in recent years. The banking system as well as Wall Street are systemically rotten.

The justice system in America is much less corrupt as is the police. But unfortunately the trend is going the wrong way. Yes, it is still vastly better than Iran but it is going the wrong way.

Regarding "average" people. I have dealt with both Iranian (inside and outside Iran) and Americans. I have found the vast majority of all to be basically decent. The system in Iran is rotten. In my opinion this goes beyond corruption. It is because of Islamism. The religion teaches people to lie and be corrupt. That is the problem. You are not going to get rid of corruption when people view "ideal" person to be Ali and Mohammad.





VPK, come on now, walk with me

by Cost-of-Progress on

Dear vpk,

You do not seem to have read my post below. I did not say there is NO corruption in the west. I said it is not systemic; not intertwined in people's psyche and minds. The average American does not get up in the morning trying to figure out how to screw his fellow American out of a dollar - While this may be done on a grand scale such as the recent financial fiasco, the average Joe sixpack, as dumb and ignorant as he may be - is not corrupt. At least not generally.

That, my friend, is THE difference. 





زنده باد وائل غونیم


موچ بند سبز پوشیده و وقتی‌ ازش پرسیدن کی‌ آیا همبستگی‌ با مردم ایران است یا نه، گفتش که خوشحالم که این موچ بند به آان موضوع ربط داده بشه.  درد و بلا این جوان بی‌ باک مصری بخورد فرق سر مازیار بهاری.



cop جان قربون دهنت



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Corruption in the USA is at epidemic levels. How about the banking fiasco. I have had better (but far from perfect) experience with Iranians.



Bot botak

by Doctor mohandes on

Kale pa nashi yoho! kheili Khatari dari miri. Bepa difal jolote mashti. this is a 20 mph zone you are going Takhte gaz.

Sheytoon bala chieh? been on bad sites for too long i guess ha? Can't break the habit of calling everyone sheytoon bala. That is ok. I am sure you will find the cure soon. As a matter of fact, If you look on top of the main page there is a khnaoom doctor doing a talk on that same topic.

Don't miss it. Aren't you glad you kept the faith and did not give up?



خرس عزیز،


 دلیل مهم این بد بختی ها این هست که ما ایرونی ها, کاسه های داغ تر از اش، همش دنبال کون اسلام بودیم و هستیم. این خمینی امام این ها بود. امامی که تا دسته کرد به همشون.

حالا با هم  هی صلوات بفرستیم......



آقای بت شکن


درست میفرمائید.  یادتون هست موقعی‌ که این خمینی بی‌ همه چیز سوار بر هواپیمای Air France وارد ایران شد؟  این همه ارتشی داشتیم.  این همه شاه لیلی‌ به ممشون گذشته بود و اینهمه خرجشون کرده بود.  یکیشون بلند نشد بشینه تو یک f-۵ و یک موشکی به هواپیمای خمینی دجال بزنه و از اینکه کشورمون به این منجلاب تبدیل بشه جلوگیری کنه.  تازه همشون رفتن دست بوس مردک هندی زاده که گفت هیچ احساسی‌ نداره که به ایران برگشته.  

این فرهنگ چاپلوسی و نون به نرخ روز خوردن ماست که ما رو بدبدخت کرده.  جمهوری اسلامی مخلوق فرهنگ ماست.   


چرت و پرت،


کسی میفهمه این بابا اصلان چی میگه؟ آقا خرسه، شما چی؟ اگر ماعر خان، زبون شما رو صحبت میکنه میشه لطفآ به فارسی ترجمش کنی؟ شما حد اقل فارسیت خوبه.

بت شکن

بابا شاه هم شاه های قدیم

بت شکن


اینقدر خنگ نبودن. با با چند بار بگم این مبارک این قدر غیرت داشت که بگه من از مملکتم بیرون نمیرم سرجام هستم تا دوره‌ام تموم بشه. بعد اون نکبت گیت یه تلفن زد قاهره طرفو کشیدن پایین. دست کم اینقدر غیرت داشت که تو خاک کشورش بمونه. حالا دو زاری افتاد؟

hamsade ghadimi

sane jaleh's brother speaks

by hamsade ghadimi on

بت شکن


بت شکن

مهندس جون


اگه این سایت خونوادگیه پس تو اینجا چیکار میکنی‌ شیطون بلا؟ در ضمن اگه تو مهندسی ، من دکترم، اگه تو دکتری، من پرفسورم، اگه تو پرفسوری، من برنده جایزه نوبلم. دیگه بالاتر نمیرم چون میترسم سرت گیج بره بیفتی پایین.



Palestine Lovers!

by Doctor mohandes on


Attention Palestine lovers:

The Official Femal soccer team has just been launced and they played their first game. All with No Cover! Can you imagine that?

Cyrus Khorasani

There is no comparison

by Cyrus Khorasani on

Well considering the goons these guys are up against the level of protests are truly remarkable. 

Have you forgotten 3 million people were on the streets in the Green movement? 

By way of comparison the crowds in Egypt only initially numbered tens of thousands. The numbers only bulged when the army announced it would not fire on the public.

In Iran everyone knows how ruthless these guys are. Its not that Iranians are not brave, just that the Government is entrenched and will stop at nothing. This government, unlike the Shah in 1979, Benali or Mobarak is not beholden to any restraining limits.



چون قافیه تنگ آید// شاعر به جفنگ آید


آقای ماعر، اینجا فرموده بودن:

آی‌ گفتی‌!
بت شکن
Sat Feb 12, 2011 06:51 AM PST
ملت به این بی‌ غیرتی‌
هرگز ندیده امّتی
(شاعر خودم)

حالا ایشون از سیبیل استالین گرفته تا غیرت ایرونی به هم داره جفنگ میبافه!!.

بت شکن، بت شکن .... بت خودتو بشکن

Anonymous Observer

Cyrus - take it with a grain of salt

by Anonymous Observer on

To every rule, there is an exception.  I don't think that anyone can deny that there are brave people in Iran.  But I think that Khers is talking about the majority's position.  Just compare the level of discontent in Iran with the number of people on the streets yesterday.  That should give you your answer.  

Cyrus Khorasani

Shame Khers

by Cyrus Khorasani on

We all see what we want to see and hear what we want to hear.

You want soaring gheyrat read Malek ol Motakellimin's speeches during the constitutional revolution in 1908. 

You want patriotic gheyrat consider Sattar Khan and Bagher Khan and 2,000 supporters who took the arduous root from Tabriz to Tehran to support the constitutional revolution in 1909.

You want dignified gheyrat study Hassan Pirnia's (Moshir ol Dowleh's)refusal to ratfy the Anglo-Iranian Agreement of 1919.

You want national gheyrat consider the eminent diplomats Aliqoli Massoud Ansari and Hossein Ala demanding Iran a seat at the League of Nations in Paris in 1919. 

You want bold gheyrat consider Brigadier Fazlollah Zahedi's decision to land in Khuzestan to face Sheikh Mohammareh and save the oil rich province from being severed from the rest of the country in 1924.  

You want courageous gheyrat read Hassan Moddaress and Mohammad Taqi Bahar in the Parliamentary Hansards of 1924. 

You want sovereign gheyrat review Abdolhossein Teymourtash abrogation of over a century capitulation agreements between Iran and other countries in 1928. 

You want erudite gheyrat consider Issa Saddiq's pioneering efforts in the area of expanding educational opportunities for all Iranians for five decades. 

You want legal gheyrat read Ali Akbar Davar's legal defense of Iran at the League of Nations in 1933.  

You want charitable gheyrat consier Hajj Agha Malek's decision to donate all his wealth to charitable causes in the 1930s 

You want humanitarian gheyrat consider Iranian diplomats who saved thousands of jews from the Holocaust during the second world war.

You want sophisticated gheyrat review Hassan Taghizadeh's submissions to the United Nations in 1946 demanding the Soviets withdraw their troops from Iran.

You want individual gheyrat consider Pahlevan Takhti in 1952.

You want considerate gheyrat fathom Mohammad Namazi's decision to endow a hospital in Shiraz with his own money in the 1950s.

You want noblesse oblige gheyrat consider Mahrangiz Manouchehrian and Mehrangiz Dowlatshahi tending to women's causes in the 1950s.  

You want selfless gheyrat trace Dr. Baghcheban's efforts to assist childeren in the 1960s. 

You want social gheyrat consider Mahnaz Afkhami' and Haleh Esfandiary's legislation considering women's welfare rights in the 1970s.

You want dignified gheyrat read Karim Lahiji's petition to the court demanding legal safeguards in 1977.  

You want prescient gheyrat listen to Shapour Bakhtiar in 1979.

You want collective gheyrat consider how much public looting attended the chaos and social tumult of the 1979 urprisings.

You want personal gheyrat consider Ayatollah Shariatmadari stand off against Khomeini in 1980.

You want national gheyrat consider the hundreds of thousands who gave their lives during the Iran-Iraq war. 

You want scholarly gheyrat praise Dr. Yarshater for devoting decades of his life to producing the Encyclopaedia Iranica. 

You want heroic gheyrat see Ahmad Batebi's picture during the student uprising of 1999.

You want highminded gheyrat consider the world's strongest man, Hossein Rezazadeh, refusing to represent other countries or accept commercial endorsements in 2001.

You want defiant gheyrat consider Shirin Ebadi marching into court knowing full well as soon as she stepped out she could be the target of an assassin on a motorbike. 

You want collective gheyrat witness the 3 million Iranians march on the streets of Tehran during the Green Movement, knowing full well they were faced by assassins perched on rooftoops and thugs and hooligans attacking them.   

You want heartfelt gheyrat youtube Majid Tavakoli and Simin Behbahani and their fearless indictments of the Islamic Republic.

You want artistic gheyrat read Jafar Panahi's letter to the Berlin Film festival a few days ago. 



by Cost-of-Progress on

It is impossible to compare the US (or the West) to Iran or similar cultures with similar mentalities.

True that in the recent years we have seen personal gain as the driver for the economic meltdown that almost crashed the entire system, but if you look at the history of the US, you see that corruption is not an epidemic, integrity and ethics are the driving force and the motivator for a lot of folks whose ingenuity and forefront thinking has made this country what it is today. It is true that a lot of folks from other places have contributed to the strength of this nation, but what brought them here in the first place?

Having an open system where filth is not swept under the rug in a systematic way paves the way for greatness and prosperity. The more transparency, the harder it is to hide filth.

As we all know,  some of us belong to the Party of Wind (or hezbe baad). If it is to our benefit to support tyranny today, then we hardly think about the consequnces and fall for it right away. Certain principles and ethics are secondary or non-existent when it comes to "what's in it for me?"

So you see, while the nature of humans are pretty much the same everywhere, it is the envirnment in which our cultures have nurished that defines who we are and how we manage our respective regulatory and ruling institutions knows as governments.

Perhasp we are this way because our nation has been invavded, violated and brutalized by numerous people over thosands of years. It is our surviavl mechanism, but one that may also prove to be our demise.  

This is not an endictment of Iran, nor is it an endorsement of the Western ways - it is merely an observation - my obsevrations, right or wrong.





Whoa...Calm down There

by Doctor mohandes on

Easy there Melinda/betsy/amber/tiffany

حالا هی‌  برین تا جون دارین خودتونو جر و‌ا جر کنین

You know, Bot-shekanThis is a Family - Oriented website here. we don't like poo-poo mouths.



بت شکن

تا دنیا دنیاس ایرونی‌ به غیرت بوده و خواهد بود

بت شکن



بذارید لبّ مطلبو بهتون بگم.  یه موی رنگ کرده حسنی مبارک می‌ارزه به هزار تا موی رنگ نکرده محمد رضا شاه و به تمام کله کچل مصدق و به تمام سبیلای استالینی تودهٔ ایها و بچه چریکا یکجا و به همه ریش و پشم صد میلیون آخوند و ملا. حالا راحت شدین؟ حالا هی‌  برین تا جون دارین خودتونو جر و‌ا جر کنین.




by deev on

@Khers: Great article, a lil' naggy as it seems to dismiss/belittle the plight of people but plenty of truth in it as well, over all a tough and bitter self realization

@SamSamIIII: Gol gofti with the part about how people go nuts if god forbid somone critics reza pahlavi or mousavi or rajavi or mosadegh or hafez, this goes to our trait of idol-worshiping, Iranians tend to go one step beyond being a fan of someone, they worship their idol and in the process lose objectivity, which i'm currently writing an article about soon to be published here...

@Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi: my friend you seem to copy and paste the same long reply in other articles, sure you raise some good points but copy and pasting the same generic response is also spamming

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


What about us in the USA. What steps do you propose? 



by Doctor mohandes on

That is Going over board

And i mean you outta all the people should know how some people who out of concern for their lives, for whatever reason they may have, would opt not to go out . MAybe they are protesting through other means, maybe they are doing what others on the street can not do, Ever considered that?:)

Do we honestly have the galls to call them Bee Gheyrat?? For as long as we have seen these demos' people have called for Hemayat and hemayat...

Anonymous Observer

The test of Iranians' "Gheirat"

by Anonymous Observer on

Is to see if millions will come unto the streets to support the few thousands who braved the barberic regime's thugs and came out to protest today.  Even people on Iran's streets were demanding that by chanting "Irani ba gheirat hemayat, hemayat."  Let's see what happens.  

PS-Sorry brother Samsam for using the Taazi word, but I had to go with the flow so that people knew what I was talking about.   

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Two questions:

  •  Do Americans put collective gains above personal gains? I would say a definite no Why are they doing so well.
  • How do we put collective gains above personal?




Things will never change

by Cost-of-Progress on

until we Iranians place collective gains above personal gains. 

This applies to a lot of us in lots of ways.





بت شکن !!


کپی از چی کردم؟ کم اوردی، مزخرف میگی؟ تو اسمته ایرونیه ولی فکرت متحجره، هنوز هیچی نشده بود نشسته بودی اینجا ضد ایرونی شعر (یا بهتر بگیم معر) سر هم کردی، حالا خجالت کشیدید ؟ فهمیدید غیرت یعنی چی؟
اگر هنوز نه؟ ! بیایید اینجا ببینید چه خبره ! !!


بت شکن


by بت شکن on

با با تو هم که فقط بلدی کپی کنی‌ (اونهم به این بدی). لا اقل یه چیز تازه بگو - آخه تا کی‌ تقلید؟

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Even the police came and didn't want to do anything with it. Isn't that bee-gharat.?

This is unfortunate but no it does not prove what you say. This happens all over the world. There are plenty of stories of people getting beaten in USA and no one going to help. It is human nature.

Why do some people like to trash Iranians? We are no better or worse than anyone. We are like other people. Do not expect us to be all heroes; or claim we are all villans. Just normal people.