نژاد پرستی‌ عربها بر ضد ایرانیها


by Khers

در چند روز گذشته پس از اتفاقی‌ که در غزه افتاد، گشتاپوی جمهوری اسلامی در این سایت هر کسی‌ رو که نیامده برای فلسطینیها سینه بزنه "نژاد پرست" بر ضد عربها خونده. آخه یکی‌ نیست به اینها بگه که در تاریخ مدرن (و حتا باستان ایران) ایرانیها کی‌ بر ضد عربها نژاد پرست بودند؟ تازه این عربها هستند که بر ضد ایرنیها نژاد پرست بوده و هستند. اینهم چند مثال:

۱. تغییر دادن اسم خلیج فارس به خلیج "عربی‌". اینها انقدر نژاد پرستند که نمیتنند اسم تاریخی‌ یک دریا را قبول کنند چون اسم "فارس" توشه! با اینکه دریای عمان و دریای عرب رو هم دارند. مگر ایرنیها هستند که میخوان اسم دریاهای اینها رو عوض کنند؟

۲. وقت جنگ با عراق، تمام کشورهای عربی‌ (به استثنایه سوریه-اونهم برای منفعت خودش) بر ضد ایران جمع شده بودند و پول و اسلحه و تسلیحات در اختیار صدام میگذاشتند. همین فلستینیهای عزیزتون هم مسلسل به دست گرفته بودند و در جبهه کمک عراقیها ایرانی‌ میکشتند. همه‌اش هم به اسم برداری "عرب".

۳. وقتی‌ که عراقیها به ایران حمله کرده بودند، تمام عربها به خوزستان می‌گفتند عربستان و به خرمشهر می‌گفتند محمره.

۴. عربها هماشون (حتی سوریه) میگن که سه تا جزیره مال عربهاست.

حالا اینهرو داشته باشید و ببینید که در عوض اینهمه نژاد پرستی‌ ایرانیها چکار کردند:

۱. به بحرین استقلال دادند.

۲. هیچوقت چشمداشتی به خاک هیچ کشور عربی‌ نداشتند.

۳. هیقوقت نخواستند که اسم دریای عرب یا عمان رو عوض کنند.

۴. تو سال ۱۹۷۵ با اینکه می‌توانستند تا بغداد هم پیشروی کنند و مادر صدام حسین رو بیارند تو ایران به عنوان کنیز بفروشند، اینکار رو نکردند، و نه تنها با عراق صلح کردند، بلکه حق نصف اروند رود رو هم بهشون دادند.

۵. در ۳۱ سال گذشته هم بیلیونها دلار از حلق مردم ایران در آوردند و به جیب هر چی‌ اراذل و اوباش لبنانی و فلسطینی و عراقی ریختند.

حالا بفرمائید کی‌ نژاد پرسته؟


more from Khers

X Factor

by Onlyiran on

I am basing my prediction on history and evidence.  That is exactly what the Iraqis did when they invaded towns in Khoozestan and Kurdestan.  They leveled cities (Khorramshahr), looted cities, raped and kidnapped people.  There are still missing civilians from that time.

Stop defending the indefensible.   



by Doctor X on

You are Stereotyping and generalizing and basing your assertion on something totally Imaginary. That type of blind judgement is a form of Backwardness in and of itself. There is absolutely No convincing way that you can be sure of such thing, and hence that is why you seek help from your over active and negative imagination. Would you have been Pleased if someone came out with the same exact assertion about Iranians in general and did not Bother to make certain distinctions?

That is really sad for those who declare themselves to be Seculars and Pro-democracy.



by Doctor X on

Are there any other Screen names that start with "Doctor" in here? Also I was the one who posed that question to Masoud A. Save your kara aghah bazi For another time.

I am sorry but I do not accept compliments from Bullies.

Pay closer attention to your spelling instead of your Hatred.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

imagine if Iraq (and its Arab brothers) had the power


You are 100% right . In fact they tried. Why do you think I find it hard to get worked up  over Gaza? They would have raped and murdered every Iranian they got their hands on. Muslim or not; I bet you even Arab Iranians would not have been spared. Maybe even hit harder for being "traitors" to the Arab race and siding with Iranians. 



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Who: told you I meant you by Doctor Who? Anyway that sould be a compliment if you know who Dr Who is.

Regarding: Woese it is "worse" misspelled. 


Can you imagine if Iraq (and its Arab brothers) had the power

by Onlyiran on

in 1980 than Iran had over it in 1975?  As opposed to Iran that restrained itself, it would have marched all the way to Tehran and looted every hone and raped every women from ghasr-e-shirin to darband and everything in between.  And it would have shared the spoils of war with the Jordanians, Egyptians, Palestinians, Lebanese and other Arabs who were fighting shoulder to shoulder with it against the "filthy Fars".  

That's the difference between us and them. 



VP Kapak(that is for intentionally messing with my screen name)

by Doctor X on

I know you are. I care about my people getting bashed but that is certainly NOT the point here.

You have tuned up  and turned on your bashing engine since a long time ago.

Now if you do not mind, Let masoud A give a reasonable answer to that question.

P.S what is a "woese"??




by Dordooneh on

Good article. Thanks.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Doctor Who

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


What do you care if MasoudA bashes the Arabs? Is it your people getting bashed? At least we don't go around trying to rename Arab things. Not like the idiot Nasser and his parrots BBC.

I am an equal opportunity basher: Britain definitely woese than Arabs.



by fooladi on

Thank you for the good article.

Keep up the good work hamvatane aziz


Masoud A

by Doctor X on

Pathetic. Absolutely Pathetic.

It does not matter if i understand what you said in that comment of yours, or the fact that I am familiar with The iranian culture (which is really shallow statement to make given that i am as iranian as you are unless of course you think of yourself as more iranian than me which by the kind of mindset that you displayed so far i would not be surprised at all). 

Frankly, Judging by what you presented at the end of this post, You don't seem to know much about their culture either, It is just that you and others, are trying to Push something down and force one to accpet it, That the arab culture is backward!  Or else, they don't understand you or either one of the cultures! That is the gist of it all for you.

Akhe adame aghel, You put yourself on the pedastal and say that your culture is superior and then  bash other cultures, By simply coming up with  that" they celebrate the death and we celebrate the life" as some Shaky, hollow evidence, sounding all cocky and arrogant while doing it, and then expect the world to respect you? Is that really sufficient In your mind? Do you or anyone HONESTLY know enough about their culture ( Other than us celebrating life and and them celebrating death Bullcrap) to make that Judgement?

Your racism under the Guise of Iranian nationalism comes shinning Through. So disgraceful to Honor your motherland's culture by demeaning and denigrating others.


who cares if Arabs are Racist

by i_support_khamenie on

Whether Arabs or ISraelis are Racist or Not is not an issue to worry about.

If Arabs were not racist, would that mean you would support them?

That is your problem.

STRATEGIC NATIONAL SECURITY INTERESTS precedes Love, affection, nice and culture

For that matter, Iran's interests lie in seeing Arabs slaughtered (inshalla) by Israelis and vice versa. Let them skin one another to death.

Let the Arabs kill the Israelis. In retaliation, let Israel drop a nuke on Mecca and pull out Mohammad's corpse and sexually molest it.....in turn we would expect Arabs to keep fighting them...

This would be a great WIN-WIN situation for Iran. God loves IRI and I am proud to say on the anniversary of the Imam's death, that I hold more respect for Imam Khomeini's fingernail than Prophet MOhammad and his tribe
and I care more if an endangered Iranian tiger died than all Holocaust dead combined


جناب فتح الله





by Fatollah on

nr. 4 rocks!  :)

 and by the way, "mataleb jalebi neveshti" ...


Dr. X

by masoudA on

Did you even understand what I said?  The fact is - you appear not to know much about the Iranian culture, let alone the Arab culture.   You keep looking for a word or two to discredit a whole comment - but that old tactic won't work on the internet - it's all out there to reffer back to.   What part of the Arab CULTURE is backward do you not understand or should we get into details?  Again - people of all races are the same, it is the environment and the culture that makes people different.  

BTW - You ask how the Arab culture has infected ours?  I give you one example: Our culture is about life and celebration of life - the Arab culture is about afterlife and mourning the death - now, can you see how it has infected ours?  Can you see how it has infected Egypt, Lebanon. Syria, Turkey,......and many other countries which have also been infected. 


Masoud A

by Doctor X on

Good Job.

Put that racist attitude of yours on Display with flying colors. Sure.

How Oxymoronic. It is this kinda attitude that diminished our international  image. To so determinedly declare that such and such culture is backward. As if anyone is really authorized to make that declaration. Talk about modesty there!

They have Infected Ours?? how? do they generate special viral vectors and transmitt that infection? Don't you have enough Cultural integrity to protect yourself against this?

If a culture is just plain backward then why insisting on the idea that some other external factor must have been involved in making it so???

that is big time contradiction and double speak.

Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

You make a couple of interesting points.  It is true that Arab Racism is more about an identity (albeit a manufactured one)  than an actual "race".  As you know, aside from the population of the Arabian peninsula, most of the Arab world is not even ethnically Arab.

The factor that has kept the Arab world so backward for so long is its "exclusive" nature.  Much like their Jewish cousins, the Arab social structure is based on exclusivity and a false sense of self-supremacy.  They are resistant to inclusion and to immersion of other cultures.  What sets us apart as Iranians is the exact opposite of racism.  It's our openness to new ideas and cultures and our willingness to incorporate them into our society.  That is why the collective Iranian culture is so dramatically different from our neighbors across te Persian Gulf.

Going back to the first portion of my comment, isn't it striking to see the difference in cultures and social life from the non-Arab, Arab state to the really "Arab" states?  Just compare the Lebanese culture to that of Saudi Arabia.  It's a world of difference.  And you are right about the small, but steadily rising "identity" movement in countries such as Egypt.  People are starting to take note of their pre-Islamic history.   


I can't believe how naive we Iranians are

by fozolie on


Iranians need to wake up and smell.... The navity and idealism is mind boggling, then you moan about our identity coming under attack. It is not racial as nobody in the ME can claim racial purity. It is not about a minority being racist either. The Arab governments actively supported Saddam against Iran spending colassal amounts of money.

One of the main problems of the ME goes back to how Arab Nationalist movement formed by German trained officers under Ottoman alliance with the former.  Then you had the Europan ideas of nationalism come into the area with the phoney demarcations, spheres of the influence etc. after the various European wars. 

It is not a question of being racist. As soons as anyone tries to highlight the danger in Arab Nationalism one gets accused of racism.  How many more Iranian lives would you see lost in addition wo what was lost in the Iran-Iraq war? Are we that gullible?

Mr. Fozolie


It is not about Race

by masoudA on

Because all races are equal - It is about the CULTURE and all Cultures are different.   Some like the Arab culture are just plain BACKWARD.   If I am correct they were the last to give-up idolism and still practive slavery.  They are just culturaly backward and too bad they have infected ours.   Let me also add that the backwardness of the Arab culture has nothing to do with ISlam - in fact it is the other way around, the Backwardness of Islam is because of the Arab culture. 



by cyclicforward on

I agree with all your points. If anything we should be worried about Iranian people and what is happening there.






دوست عزیز خون خودتو کثیف نکن، بعضی وقتها جرّوبحث کردن با بعضی ها مثل  جنگیدن با خوک توی لجن هست، وقتیکه خوب خسته ات کرد تازه میفهمی ولد الز......(لا اله الی الله)....داشت از اینکار لذّت میبرد و تو مایهء سرگرمی ش بودی!

آخه بگو مگه اینجا ساندیس و ساندویچ و چفیه و عقال پخش می کردن که پریدی وسط؟؟


بر گردیم به بحث شیرین و خوشمزّهء سوسمار و ملخ................

اعراب از ازل توافق کردن که سر هیچی توافق نکنن! نمونه اش شکست خفّت بار صد ها میلیون عرب در جنگ ١٩٦٧ با اسرائیل پیزوریه!

کامنت دوستمون «بهرام گوهری» بهترین شاهد این مدّعاست!


خیت میشه شروع


خیت میشه شروع میکنه مو از ماست کشیدن قلابی که یعنی‌ بگه من حرفم درست بوده.  آقا جان خیت شدی، سرت رو بنداز پائین برو پی‌ کارت.  مگر تو شهر شما برای فلسطین تظاهراتی نیست؟  برو تظاهرات رو بکن.  ما اینجا حال و حوصلهٔ بحث الکی‌ نداریم.  برو خدا روزیت رو جای دیگه بده

LOL, Too true. Lat is the operative word here. Great post. I can tell you from first hand experience that most Arabs don't really respect Iranians much though they might pretend they do.


اکتبی، خر و شازده جان


میگن چوب ورمیداری گربهٔ دزد فرار میکنه.  ما گفتیم گشتاپو جمهوری اسلامی، آقای کیو بهش برخورد. :-))

شازده جان درست میفرمائید.  اگر این دوستان مسلسل دار عرب نبودند که هدیه جمهوری اسلامی را برای ما بیاورند آقای خامنه‌ای الان حکومت نیمیکردند که اراذل و اوباش فلسطین پرست براشون عربده کشی‌ کنند.


khers, don't engage an exercise in futility

by oktaby on

with the usual suspects



اول خودتان را جای بچه های ايران بزاريد


اون آقايان و خانم های که هی دم از غزه ميزنند و ميخواهند ما خودمان را جای آنها بگذاريم بايد گفت اول خودتان را جای بچه های خيابانگرد و خيابان خواب ايران بزاريد خودتان را جای ان پداران و مادرانی بگذاريد که شبها به خاطر شرمندگی و دست خالی بودنشان وقتی به خانه ميايند که بچه ها خوابند آنوقت شما دم از غزه ميزنيد؟
اسراعيل که دولت خودفروخته ايران نيست اسراعيل اول به فکر امنيت مردم خودشه.
نه غزه نه لبنان جانم فدای ايران

Shazde Asdola Mirza

آقا خرسه: چرا کفر میگی‌؟

Shazde Asdola Mirza

مگه همین عربا نبودند که ما رو از دست شاهان ساسانی نجات دادند؟

مگه همین عربا نبودند که همه گروه‌های مذهبی‌ و کمونیست زمان شاه رو مسلح کردند؟

بابا انصاف هم خوب چیزیه، مگه همین حزب الله لبنان نبود که واسه جمهوری اسلامی قتل و گروگان گیری میکرد؟

پدرم، چرا یادت رفته که این فلسطینی‌های عزیز و بیچاره چه‌جوری به داداش صدام کمک میکردند؟

الله اکبر، الله اکبر، الله اکبر ... مرگ بر ضد ولایت فقیه ... مرگ بر آمریکا ... مرگ بر اسرائیل ... مرگ بر بی‌ حجاب!


Khers Jaan gol neveshti!

by Khar on

as for Q, he means well but he is just confused and gets lost in Maghlateh. He often speaks with a silver foot in his mouth. ;-)

Ali P.

Call me a nut, but...

by Ali P. on

My experience is this:

Most Iranians, do not have any animosity towards Arabs.

A small, loud, minority, does.



Most Arabs, do not have any animosity towards Iranians.

A small, loud, minority does.






Just an observation, my Friends.


Ali P.


Haha... whitey bear,

by Q on

That's exactly what I thought you would say.



آقای کیو


لات کسی‌ هست که برای خارجیها اشک میریزه ولی‌ طرفداری چاقو کشهایی رو میکنه که مردم خودش رو تو خیابونها میکشند.  و هیچ مقدار سفسته و نوشتن قلمبه سلمبه هم این حقیقت رو از بین نمیبره.  حالا می‌خوای لات ببینی‌، برو تو آینه نگاه کن.  می‌خواستم بگم خجالت بکش ولی‌ میدونم که امثال تو معنی‌ این واژه رو نمی‌فهمند.