نژاد پرستی‌ عربها بر ضد ایرانیها


by Khers

در چند روز گذشته پس از اتفاقی‌ که در غزه افتاد، گشتاپوی جمهوری اسلامی در این سایت هر کسی‌ رو که نیامده برای فلسطینیها سینه بزنه "نژاد پرست" بر ضد عربها خونده. آخه یکی‌ نیست به اینها بگه که در تاریخ مدرن (و حتا باستان ایران) ایرانیها کی‌ بر ضد عربها نژاد پرست بودند؟ تازه این عربها هستند که بر ضد ایرنیها نژاد پرست بوده و هستند. اینهم چند مثال:

۱. تغییر دادن اسم خلیج فارس به خلیج "عربی‌". اینها انقدر نژاد پرستند که نمیتنند اسم تاریخی‌ یک دریا را قبول کنند چون اسم "فارس" توشه! با اینکه دریای عمان و دریای عرب رو هم دارند. مگر ایرنیها هستند که میخوان اسم دریاهای اینها رو عوض کنند؟

۲. وقت جنگ با عراق، تمام کشورهای عربی‌ (به استثنایه سوریه-اونهم برای منفعت خودش) بر ضد ایران جمع شده بودند و پول و اسلحه و تسلیحات در اختیار صدام میگذاشتند. همین فلستینیهای عزیزتون هم مسلسل به دست گرفته بودند و در جبهه کمک عراقیها ایرانی‌ میکشتند. همه‌اش هم به اسم برداری "عرب".

۳. وقتی‌ که عراقیها به ایران حمله کرده بودند، تمام عربها به خوزستان می‌گفتند عربستان و به خرمشهر می‌گفتند محمره.

۴. عربها هماشون (حتی سوریه) میگن که سه تا جزیره مال عربهاست.

حالا اینهرو داشته باشید و ببینید که در عوض اینهمه نژاد پرستی‌ ایرانیها چکار کردند:

۱. به بحرین استقلال دادند.

۲. هیچوقت چشمداشتی به خاک هیچ کشور عربی‌ نداشتند.

۳. هیقوقت نخواستند که اسم دریای عرب یا عمان رو عوض کنند.

۴. تو سال ۱۹۷۵ با اینکه می‌توانستند تا بغداد هم پیشروی کنند و مادر صدام حسین رو بیارند تو ایران به عنوان کنیز بفروشند، اینکار رو نکردند، و نه تنها با عراق صلح کردند، بلکه حق نصف اروند رود رو هم بهشون دادند.

۵. در ۳۱ سال گذشته هم بیلیونها دلار از حلق مردم ایران در آوردند و به جیب هر چی‌ اراذل و اوباش لبنانی و فلسطینی و عراقی ریختند.

حالا بفرمائید کی‌ نژاد پرسته؟


more from Khers

تا یادم نرفته


تمامی‌ دوستان که اینجا کامنت گذاشتند، جناب اکتبی، غیاثی، بهرام، همساده، مازیار، اننیموس ابسرور، فقط ایران، مازیار، و پ ک، دیوانه...



Khers jan, don't get frightened

by Q on

It's very simple. Why the fuss? I'm looking for any group of people ('gestapo') making this statement:

"Anyone who doesn't beat his/her chest about Palestine is a racist"

Can you find it? Yes, or no? It's the claim you made. Am I wrong?

Good, we both know the answer, no amount of "laat baazi" will result in anything other than laughter at your expense. So until next time...

khosh galdiz!


این آقای کیو


وقتی‌ که خیت میشه شروع میکنه مو از ماست کشیدن قلابی که یعنی‌ بگه من حرفم درست بوده.  آقا جان خیت شدی، سرت رو بنداز پائین برو پی‌ کارت.  مگر تو شهر شما برای فلسطین تظاهراتی نیست؟  برو تظاهرات رو بکن.  ما اینجا حال و حوصلهٔ بحث الکی‌ نداریم.  برو خدا روزیت رو جای دیگه بده


still waiting Khers... try harder please,

by Q on


I did not ask for an instance of the word "racist" being used. That is a valid observation after all.

To translated your farsi you said

The "gestapo" has called anyone who doesn't come forward and beat his chest for the sake of Palestine 'racist' and 'anti-arab'.

Like I said. Please try harder, or at least admit you make stuff up.


You want "an" instance? Befarma aghay-e-Q

by Khers on

here its is:

 no you are just pranoid. was responding to sk if you don't mind. you have blogged a racist diatribe. stop complaining.

From this thread:




I would like to see an instance of this "gestapo"

by Q on

در چند روز گذشته پس از اتفاقی‌ که در غزه افتاد، گشتاپوی جمهوری اسلامی در این سایت هر کسی‌ رو که نیامده برای فلسطینیها سینه بزنه "نژاد پرست" بر ضد عربها خونده.

today, if possible. I can't quite continue reading unless I can accept the validity of the first sentence. So, don't disappoint me.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

We have to discount the

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

We have to discount the recent years and the Mulacracy. It has just been a hiccup in our history and will pass.

More like a big old hairball or "Golleh Pashm". I hope it passes into you know where; then we flush it.


Dear Mazir

by divaneh on

We have to discount the recent years and the Mulacracy. It has just been a hiccup in our history and will pass.  We possibly don't go without them but we drag them behind us.

maziar 58

going forward

by maziar 58 on

way to go!!

with out mullahs' OF COURSE.         Maziar


Arab Racism

by divaneh on

There is no doubt that Arabs are racist and that the Arabism plays a very big rule in their life and politics. This racism is directed not only towards Iranians but also towards all other non-arabs. Interestingly its not the race that they share but a common language and there are now some awakening in some turned Arab societies.

I dont think Iran gave independent to Bahrain willingly or that it was free to make a decision about entering Iraq in 1975. We should not fool ourselves and picture ourselves the good cops. We may not be racist but we are certainly supremacist which is not necessarily a bad thing and could even be an engine to push us forward in a very competitive world. We are however (unlike Arabs) more open, tolerant and accepting of other cultures and tradition and that has been a strong point of our country.




maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

Actually the Arab merchants were also involved in slave trade to the new land in 1650 selling poor blacks to the white for profits.     Maziar


Khers you are absolutely right حق گفتى



Mr. Fozolie


د خفه شید دیگه، خجالت هم خوب چیزیه


هر وقت صحبت دربارهٔ یک چیز ایرانیهٔ زود مثل چو... نماز بر میپرند وسط و درباریه اسرائیل چرت و پرت میگن.  اسرائیل و فلسطین بما چه.  گور پدر هر دوشون رو کردن.  خدا برای هم ساختتشون. یک مشت دیوانهٔ نژاد پرست.


join IDF

by Darveesh on

pay is good and bullets are paid by USA, you can kill as many arabs as you want and you can call it self defense.


meanwhile, a 19 year old american citizen was shot 5 times, once in the chest and 4 times in the head by BRAVE and FREEDOM fighters of IDF, on the decks of  humanitarian aid flotilla bound to starving gaza residents.


side note, a 21 year old amreican girl was shot in the eye by IDF peace loving police in tel avive  who was protesting against massacre in INTERNATIONAL WATER by peaceful IDF execution and firing squads.


more aid to israel. more more more


Bahram Gohari

I have to put my 2 cents into this.........

by Bahram Gohari on

My suggestion to the Arabs is, instead of trying to change the name of Persian Gulf, try to capture the lost lands to the Israelis and stay away from what is Iranian, you lizard eaters and tent dwellers.


Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

I don't think that anyone is disputing bloodlines.  Most racists have a self-defined vision of their "bloodlines" or genetic pool that are inconsistent with scientific facts.  But this has never stopped racism, and will never stop it in the future either.  Racism in this context is a sense of self-superiority, which, trust me, is quite rife in the Arab world.  


We are all from the same genetic pool

by reader1 on

and unfortunately borne out of very similar cultural influences.   I do not buy the notion that Arabs are more racist than any other nations, including Iran. Arab nationalism cannot always be equated with racism. However, in extreme cases nationalism could be as vile as racism and the mix of these two “isms” can be found at the root of almost all the genocides of the twentieth century.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You are right my fried and I agree 100%. Iranians that is real Iranians not the Islamists are not racist. Islamists on the other hand are incredibly racist. It is the Islamists who are always:

  • Bragging about being seyyed: that is braggig about their race. That means Islamists are racist.
  • Making remarks about Jews. Anothert proof that Islamists not Iranians are racist.
  • Who came up with "Ajam"? Not Iranians but again Islamists in order to berate Iranians.
  • Non stop degrading Western people specially women.  More Islamist racism by those who decry racism the most.
  • Always putting Arabs above others. Just see how outraged they get about Palestinians. But don't give a damn about Iranians.
  • Deny the holocaust: proof that they hate Jews. A racist trait beyond doubt.
  • Get offended when I even mention that there is a Persian script. To them anything Persian is offensive. More proof of theri racim.
  • Get offended if we suggest that just maybe Persian should be Persian not Arabic.
  • Coined things like "gharbzadegi". Once again proof of their racism against Westerners.

Keep up the good work AO.


Anonymous Observer

Very true

by Anonymous Observer on

Iranians are not racist.  Calling people "racist" is an IRI ploy employed by it and its supporters to deflect attention from their own bigotry and religious supremacy.  I lived in an Arab country for a long time and saw many examples of this racism. 


سگ ِ اصفهان آب و يخ ميخورد



عرب در بيابان ملخ ميخورد

سگ ِ اصفهان آب و يخ ميخورد


حزب فقط حزب‌الله! رهبر فقط روح الله!


Everything is sacred.


Arabs are some of the most racist people

by Onlyiran on

on this planet.  Have you noticed that a lot of Arab countries have the word "Arab" in their official name?  Like "Egypt Arab Republic" or "Syrian Arab Republic" or "The Arab Kingdom of Saudi Arabia".  As if they have to emphasize the word to prove they are more "Arab" than the other.  

And what about Darfur, where Arab militia are committing genocide in the name of Arab race? 

hamsade ghadimi

سگ پارس

hamsade ghadimi

سگ پارس نمیکنه، واق واق میکنه.  اعراب این واژه را به زبان ما اضافه کرده‌اند که یعنی‌ زبان فارسی زبان سگ است.

نگویید غذا میخورم، بگویید خوراک میخورم.  این واژه هم اعراب به زبان ما اضافه کرده‌اند. غذا به عربی‌ یعنی‌ شاش شتر (دهخدا).



Damet Garm. Harf hesab javab nadare

by oktaby on


Sahameddin Ghiassi

Gol kofti

by Sahameddin Ghiassi on
