Chahar Fasl!

Kouroush Sassanian
by Kouroush Sassanian

She was the first always to declare Spring:

Fortune Shone bright in her as Summer approached.

Fought for years; with no effort to see any seasons

she conquered the palace of Ice, to wit:

We ran into the depths of Earth - six feet no more;


She prepared a bed of Roses even Attila refused,

Scourge of God here for my bleeding heart,

Spite of her many loves, Men loved her the same;

pale ray of good fortune on this heart, one beat less,

Met scoffing and blame with thunders of Fall - one leaf less.

When we erred, they gave her pity for Winter has come - one life less,

But me -- only pain - no more or less.


Recently by Kouroush SassanianCommentsDate
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more from Kouroush Sassanian
Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on


who wouldda thought six months ago when I "left"? When Maz "left"?

Blood really IS thicker than water.

burgundy, crimson,


Rosie Tozih
Read as a Rose


I am..........

by Nadias on




I am your mirror

look upon me

what is the reflection

that you see


I am your compass

when you are set a drift

I shall guide you

 on your path



I am your latern

guiding your path

As you journey

through the mist


I am your life boat

as you find yourself in peril

In the middle

of the storm


I will be the rope

that brings you back to shore




Rosie T.

Oh Kouroush I'm SURE she is all of us...

by Rosie T. on

and isn't it lovely how "all of us" are here together again on this thread?

I mean...just LOOK at all of big happy family!

Plus ca change, plus ca reste egal  (the more things change the more things stay the same...

Catchya later,KiaroStami/Killer Shark..

And the rest of the Swiss Family Robinson.



Kouroush Sassanian


by Kouroush Sassanian on

I am glad you have enjoyed my poem.

She is all of us - she has been lost to many, won by many, enjoyed by many, recreated by many - be khad sepordan - Sepas!

Rosie T.

this is sooo gorgeous, i didn't know when you posted your poem

by Rosie T. on

on my last blog, which i answered you there btw, that you were going through something like this.  i had no idea.  i'm so sorry.  well you read vermillion you know what i went through...for people like us who move so intensely between the dark and the light with so little midddle ground if you know what i mean, although i do think you probably have less middle than I...


you're gonna take the punge.  and then you're gonna rise.  and then plunge again...and rise again...and...

 it's...Orphic...there's just no choice...

until finally we plunge enough and's...radiance...


it's the suffering, the suffering that purifies before the most

 intense ecstatic



you are like a field

radiant with roses

you're just waiting for a seed

to sow

i know it.

all you have to do is say

i am

i can

i am not afraid

and open up your mind

your heart

your eyes

and every orifice

and you

will grow

and you will be a field


with roses

you already are


i know it.


oh kouroush i am SO SO happy that you continued to write poetry...  i am SO SO SO happy, even though i know right now

you're so so sad..



Love always,

your rosie

she who "prays with her legs"


A very touching poem

by Mazloom on

One counts how long one has lived

By the memory of the loved one

                       One has lived

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Hard to say "very beautiful" for such a sad occasion. But that's what it is. Thank you for sharing.