Pig With Lipstick

Louie Louie
by Louie Louie


Oh pig,

You elitist pig,

You lie, you cheat

You give me that lesson of morality

You give me that lesson of being good

But you do the opposite

You hypocrite pig!


Your hefty trotter caught in the cookie jar

You look me in the eye

You tell me: No, what you see is false!


You are not alone

Your thin long friends eat off of your sweet waste

You know, your elitist friends

Your noble friends

They are as honest as you, even more so!


Oh pig,

You are in dire need of makeup

Cause your face got stained with that brown

Here, rub some lipstick and rouge

Rosie cheeks cover the truth!



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more from Louie Louie


by yolanda on

Wow! I just learned a new abbreviation.......I had to look it up in the urban dictionary!

Dirty Angel

yolanda, you're so pffft sometimes

by Dirty Angel on



Now repeat! 


Every Iranian is a genius.




OrYou will never be any form anything.







Just kidding, checking your poncho cojones


"The shorter the life, the longer the death."



by yolanda on

Your poem reminds me of Aesop's fables! Wow! We have a lot of poets and poetesses on IC!

 Thank you for sharing!

Dirty Angel


by Dirty Angel on

Couldn't identify at all,but I could have done with some Sarah Miller (was that her name?) scalping for some form of inititation at least into tucking into fatso crackling, PFFT!


"The shorter the life, the longer the death."

Louie Louie

How Odd!

by Louie Louie on

I mention pig and hypocrisy, and you end up here!

How very odd!

Anahid Hojjati

it is my oddiciousness that toro koshtepppppppppppppPPppPppppppp

by Anahid Hojjati on


Anahid Hojjati

temper,temper. My friend.

by Anahid Hojjati on
