Emirates Airlines

Emirates Airlines
by mahmoudg

Why is it that Emirates, an Arab carrier, installs a full bar on all of its long haul ships, while Iran air has retrofitted all of its ships with a "namaz Khaneh".  Why are we Iranians always "kaseyeh dagh tar az ash" for this religion that was shoved down our throats by this same once backward people.  We used to be the envy of the region, and look what Islam has done to us.


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چه به روزگاه همای ایران آورده اند؟

Anonymous rooz (not verified)

پیش از انقلاب، درخشندگی و سرعت پیشرفت هواپیمایی ماچشم جهان را خیره کرده بود. هواپیمایی ملی ایران "هما" به رهبری تیمسار سپهبد خادمی ایمن ترین هواپیمایی های جهان شناخته شده بود و از افتخارات مردم ایران بود.

مدرن ترین هواپیماها را در اختیار داشت و سرویس آن زبان زدبود. بهمین دلائل هما انتخاب اول بازرگانان غرب بویژه امریکابود.امروزه به روزگاری افتاده که آنرا مفت نمیخرند. در وضعیتی قرار گرفته که سازمانهای جهانی که هواپیمایی های جهان را بررسی میکنند و درباره نکات کلی آنها نظر میدهند آنرا قابل قضاوت نمیدانند و آنرا از فهرست شان خارح کرده اند. بگفته مدیر عامل هما، بزودی اتحادیه اروپا از پرواز های آن به کشورهای این اتحادیه جلوگیری خواهد کرد. تو خود حدیث مفصل بخوان از این مجمل.


> I used to work for Emirates

by Another Lost Iranian in France (not verified) on

... and just like you Mahmoud , I was thinking the same thing every day ''why not us ?'' . well , it's much better to have arabs playing in golden malls or installing bars and showers(true) on Airbus 380s than persians building the strongest army in the region. Some much money in this damn region... Western powers prefer to have bedouins riding Porshe Cayennes on 6 lanes highways than Iranians educating themselves.

I met some former Iran Air pilots at Emirates. Instead of retiring, they were joining Emirates with a very good package (health insurance, high salaries, and much more benefits...). They were telling me that many airlines around the world are looking for iranian pilots because of their strong skills and trainings.

Our airline industrie is just like our country's image : high potential, lack of interest, corruption and stupidity.

p.s : Emirates will soon be launching a direct Dubai / Los Angles non stop flight.


It's the Zionists

by Anonymous Observer (not verified) on

It's all these Zionists, Plaestinian children, Gaza, Israel, Zionists, Muslim world, conspiracy, blood of Christian babies, Elders of Zion....

I'm sorry. Did I go off on an anti-Israeli rant here? It must be this damn virus. I was having lunch the other day at a world affairs meeting with Soufi, Jaleho, Shining Head and Mammad. We all shared a salad. I msut have caught the virus there. I am taking my medication now, and the dcotor says that I should be OK by next week. He says that it's a common virus among Iranians, especially the leftover leftists and Islamo-leftists. Whe you catch it you uncontrollably blame every misery in your society on others, usually on imaginary Zionists.


2 +2=5

by maziar 58 (not verified) on

once obama become the next president IF he is not assassinated by the unknown......
America and the west is always about$$$
no body cares if mil. of other have to die for this cause.
and if mc caine is the next guy ;bring in your Blancket
to watch cause theres gone a be a 4th of july every friday in the middle east.!


I know "little"er than you do

by Majid on

آقا ما بعد از اینکه از کامیون شلغم افتادیم پائین، بقیه راه رو با دوچرخه اومدیم!

 می‌شه یه جوری حرف بزنین ما‌ها هم بفهمیم؟ ممنون



Hamash kaare Englisias!

by The man who knew too little! (not verified) on

we were just the victim of world politics.I believe after the Shah became useless and too unpopular super powers decided to replace his regime .A religious government was the best since it was anti communist and anti nationalist government.The country became over populated which brought many problems.


We ARE the "envy of the region"

by daryush_the_great (not verified) on

The top 2 leaders in the Middle East are "Nasrallah and Ahmadinejad", the first being sponsored by Iran.

So if you want to talk about "envy of the region", then we still are #1 and #2.

Envy of the West? Since when did the Persians try to make the West happy? Even during Sassaniad times, we were at WAR with the WEST, as we are now.

Nothings changed. Get over it.


In today's world.......

by Majid on

They learned something from their neighbor up north, and that is... DOLLAR TALKS, BULL SHIT WALKS !

Baghiyeh oon k*s-o sher haa ham baraay-e maast, na baraay-e khodeshoon.





چون ايرونيايه سيا باز ياد گرفتن عرقو همراه با  نماز کوفت کنن که گناهش بشوره بره.. ايرون اير ملا عربم هم چون خوديه مردم خودشو خوب ميشناسه حال داده فول بار و نماز خونه رو يکی کرده که لات و لوتايه حزب الله و بازار و بسيج با عرق قاچاق نمازشون هم بپا باشه..توو فور وان..يه زمان دانشجويی در مسافرت به اصرار يه شوت رفتيم خونه يه خرپول بازاری حزبالهی در فلوريدا ..به من ميگفت شورت اسپورت نپوش متدينه و زنش اونجاست..رفتيم منشن اين تخم عرب ..زنش ايران.. جاش کلفت کوباييش نيمه لخت.بار عرقش پر..اتاق گالری هم پر نقاشی لختايه خراباتي..همين مفت خورميگفت هفت تا ضابط قضايی رو تو کفش داره و چند تا امام جمعه نون خور واسه قاچاق و بساز و بنداز..هيييها

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