My dream come true

by mahmoudg

Yahooooo!!!. If only i had Noah's life span and could see this reality take shape. 
It would be longer for countries like Iran, but this is a start. 
Abolish religion and all will live in peace and harmony side by side.




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more from mahmoudg

"A Medley of Cofused Dreams"

by Demo on

"is it that their "jumbled dreams" urge them to this, or are they but a people transgressing beyond bounds (Quran 52:32)?"

The commentator's "dream" & the provided link's reporter jumbo dumbo writings are nothing but self deceptions as the realities are biting them in their "untold" bodies' spots!!!

PS: The so-called decendents' spiritualities, the "freemasons" association, & owning of the whole world oil have nothing to do with one's own belief in the creator of all worlds. The indicated prerequisite are much attractive to the "Satan" in picking up his pawns!!!

بت شکن

How ironic

by بت شکن on

that you use as your avatar the picture of a man who was a spritual leader of a mystic sect as well as lodge master freemason (not to meantion an oil executive among other controvertial government posts). Both orders had belief in God as their prerequisite!!