Rats deserting the sinking ship of the Islamist Rapist Republic

by mahmoudg

Rats deserting the sinking ship of the Islamist Rapist Republic.  Read, rejoice and keep an eye on anyone with headscarf in your neighborhood.




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Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

Rat population can only be reduced through massive bombings...!

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on

The reduction in rat population in big cities in US usually takes massive poisoning and extermination effort. I think reduction in akhoonds, bacheh akhoonds, and nocheh akhoonds would take massive amount of sustained bombing preferably by the Israelis! I think Israeli pilots are a lot more skillful in hitting the rag-head targets than their American counterparts.



This is a great blog Mahmoudg, Thank You.

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

The names of all these individulas should be reported to FBI, for investigation. They need to be investigated for crimes of terrorism, and money laundring and theft, at least.

 "Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Iran is used as a private bank

by Cost-of-Progress on

In every era there's a group of people who use the country as their personal bank and cash in while the cashing is good. Then, just when they feel that it is getting too hot to stay in the kitchen, they get out with their millions and take resident in one of the countries which they used to bad mouth as capitalist and impersialist.

Placing personal gain in front of the collective betterment of the people and the country is the number one reason our country is in the situation it is now after over 3000 years of civilization and culture. Of course, using religion in a mind numbing way to advance one's agenda is the perfect means to an end - in this case stealing lots ond lots of money.

Question is: what will happen when oil runs out? Have Iranians been diversifying their economy broad enough and strong enough to switch the depenedency of their economy from oil to other industries or stealing from each other has left us no room, no time,  to strategize how we would want to rip each other off in the future?




Sargord Pirouz

Mahmoud, the "rats" deserted

by Sargord Pirouz on

Mahmoud, the "rats" deserted Iran back in 1979. And yes, there was much rejoicing when your class did the "cut and run." 

By the way, when did you desert Iran?