Ramsar dinosaur follow up

Ramsar dinosaur follow up
by Manouchehr Zargarani

The four holes in the back of the skull of the dinosaur indicate that the fossil is a plesiosaur.

In you tube, or my face book in yahoo two sides of the head can be seen.


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Manouchehr Zargarani

dinosaur of ramsar

by Manouchehr Zargarani on

I took it indor Thanks for advise body.

Anonymous Observer

The only dinosaurs that we have in Iran are these guys

by Anonymous Observer on

    //iranian.com/main/blog/anonymous-observer/curse-iranian-left                                                                                                                                                                                                         many of them are still alive and kicking! Here's one of them:                                                                                                                                                  //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamid_Dabashi

Esfand Aashena

If it wasn't a dinasour last year, it certainly isn't this year!

by Esfand Aashena on

Everything is sacred


Be careful.

by pedro on

Be careful, I am not sure if they way this piece is just place there is not going to damage it. You may need to support the middle preventing it from breaking in half.

Thanks for sharing.

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