Alethophobia (fear of truth)

Manoucher Parvin
by Manoucher Parvin

Fear of truth is linked to shame which is considered the most powerful emoton in human psyche. For instance, the fear that a dominant religion, ideology, or values may not work for an individual( or group) living in a given society can become unbearable. So the person must live with the fear of exposure even though he has done nothing wrong to harm anyone, or violet any laws. As a consequence he would have to live underground so to speak as if he /she was already dead or living but in a sunk submarine. And if this person risked and surfaced he/she would face host of disasters ranging from death to imprisonmnet, losing job, public redicule etc. Like a surfaced submarine attacked by bombs.

Except for a few principles the numerous so called good values are not good values for everyone. Unless this problem is recognized and appreciated we will all live now and then, here and there in temporary cells of our own creation! Fear of truth is a contageous disease that we must prevent. Manoucher Parvin






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Whats the relationship

by Pers_west (not verified) on

Whats the relationship between the characteristics of the environment(society) and emergence of this profile? despite of its literal implication, this state does not seem to be a psychiatric syndrom and rather seems as a socio-politically charged condition? right?
In a country claimed to be free of prejudice and racism such a fear is unjustified...however there are always implicit dominance of mainstream culture that may impact the collective uncounscious of minorities.