Maryam Hojjat
14-Jul-2008 (5 comments)
An interview with Oxford Scholar, Professor Homayoun Katouzian, provides a challenge to the notion that the British helped prop Reza Shah to power and helped remove Ahmad Shah from office (report from Rouznamak Blog)
Maryam Hojjat
08-Jul-2008 (2 comments)
من از وقتي هم چون يك دانش‌آموز در درس ادبيات فرانسه با اين پرسش آشنا شدم اغلب آن را مثل يك نشانه‌ي استفهام پيش نظر داشته‌ام و بارها درباره‌ي آن انديشه كرده‌ام>>>
Maryam Hojjat
07-Jul-2008 (3 comments)
As you enter each location, it feels like you are standing in the center and are turning 360 degrees >>>
Maryam Hojjat
10-Jun-2008 (3 comments)
Attempted de-Iranization of a historical Iranian figure by the USSR >>>