October 10th is World Day Against Death Penalty

October 10th is World Day Against Death Penalty
by Maryam Nayeb Yazdi
Monday October 10th is the global day against the death penalty. This is my favourite picture against the death penalty in Iran.  "No to executions"  The power of unity can make it a reality. 

more from Maryam Nayeb Yazdi
Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Death penatly in the so called civilized world is used to prevent the guy who murderd and raped your neighbor's daughter from doing the same to yours! Does it work? Mat be, may be not.

The only nation in the so called civilized world that widely uses death penalty is USA. And it is not used to protect your daughter. It is used to keep the blacks and Mexicans in check.

Thankfully we are now getting to equal rights among races. Now all it takes is money. As you know a rich black man (OJ Simpson) gets away with murder. We might as well ban it.



Death Penatly

by Cost-of-Progress on

is used in Iran and other assbackward places as means to silence political resistance. IT IS WRONG.

Death penatly in the so called civilized world is used to prevent the guy who murderd and raped your neighbor's daughter from doing the same to yours! Does it work? Mat be, may be not.

You could be oppoosed to it, but these are TWO VERY DIFFERENT reasons why death penalty is carried out.





Human society becomes a MURDERER

by Mamane-Omid on

When there is Death Penalty.



moratorium on all executions in Iran - how to do it?

by MM on

International outcry led by the Iranian Diaspora!  Any suggestions?


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