Basij calls and punks Sooresrafil

by MaryamTabrizi

Funniest part of the video is when Sooresrafil says "kafesho" to the Basij




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by KharGir (not verified) on is another of IRI dekoons advertising IRI made videos to belittle anti-IRI movements.
They are loaded with IRI made videos.
Again: khar khodetoonid.

Azarin Sadegh

At least he makes us laugh...

by Azarin Sadegh on

Since these basijis, in Iran could only make the most of us terrorize or cry, so i wouldn't complain about someone who can make me laugh!

Anyway who cares about a basiji who dares to call someone who, (like Don quichotte,) still hopes to return to Iran, when the rest of us have given up the idea...

I suggest that you spend your time doing something constructive, positive, meaningful, like reading some book. Why not starting by don quichotte? :-)

As i look at your contribution to, I see that all you have been doing is to promote this site irannegah that is filled with propaganda from IRi. Are you the producer of this site? :-)  

Instead of making fun of some Iranian in diaspora, you could help another Iranian in Iran.

For example, you could help a child prisoner named Behnam Zare who is going to be executed soon. Why not signing the SCE petition instead of wasting your time watching YouTube and these "funny" videos of your site? 

And voila the link: //




by Mehdi on

Funny :-)