INF-Abroad 3rd Congress

INF-Abroad 3rd Congress
by Masoud Kazemzadeh

Iran National Front-Abroad just completed its third Congress on June 11-12, 2011. Delegates from the U.S., Austria, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Sweden, France, and the Netherlands attended the congress.

The day before the congress on June 10, 2011, we held a program:

More photos will be posted on our sites later on. These are some photos of the program on Facebook:


the speakers of the program on June 10 were:


The following is the brief preliminary report of the Congress (June 11-12):


The following is the solidarity messages from friends:


The following is the ghatnameh (statement) of the congress:

to be posted shortly


more from Masoud Kazemzadeh

Thanks again Masoud

by divaneh on

Thanks for your additional explanations and examples of the actions taken by the JM and INF. It was hearth warming to see that this widely respected party has not been reduced to statements alone. Lets hope that we can see more of these actions and a broader participation by the Iranians abroad. The last paragraph from Ghaemmagham report of his meeting in the UN is exactly what I have tried to convey. There are actions such as onnfronting Russia and China who seem to pull the strings in Iran that Iranian diaspora can perform better than Iranians inside the country and hope that JM leads us on that.

در خاتمه بنظر ما میرسد که فعالین خارج از کشور که به پشتیبانی از مبارزات آزادیخواهانه مردم ایران پرداخته اند بسیار میتوانند در این کمک رسانی مؤثر باشند. و همانگونه که در بالا اشاره شد پیشبردن سیاستهای سازمان ملل در جهت دفاع از مبارزات آزادیخواهی و طرفدار دمکراسی در ایران، بفعالیتهای زیادی نیاز دارد و اگر فعالین زیادی در خارج از کشور نیروی خود را در اینراه بگذارند مطمئنآ نتایج بسیاری عاید مردم ایران خواهد شد. بالاخره فراموش نکنیم که ما بسهم خود میتوانیم با تظاهرات افشاگرانه در برابر سفارتخانه های کشور هائی نظیر روسیه و چین که  سیاستهای مزورانه و سودجویانه ای در پشتیبانی از حکومت کودتائی و سرکوبگر ایران  اتخاذ نموده اند، و سایر راههای مناسب برای افشاگری از ایشان، بانجام سیاستهای در خدمت مبارزات آزادیخواهانه مردم ایران در سازمان ملل متحد کمک نمائیم.

Masoud Kazemzadeh

forward e-mail

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

دوستان گرامی جبهه ملی ایران،

با درودها و شادباش های فراوان برای برگزاری کنگره پربارتان.

از اینکه نتوانستم دعوت شما را به جا آورده و شخصا در کنگره شما حاضر شوم، پوزش می خواهم.

با خواندن گزارش خوبتان، دریافتم که کنگره شما دستاوردهای سودمندی در روند استقلال، دموکراسی و حاکمیت ملی ایران داشته است.

برای ما ایرانیان باعث افتخار است که شما پرچم و نام دکتر مصدق و آرمان های جبهه ملی را را در برونمرز زنده و برافراشته نگاه داشته اید. ارزش کار شما زمانی دو چندان می شود که می بینیم کنگره شما، پیمان جهانی حقوق بشر و دفاع از زندانیان سیاسی و عقیدتی را هم در سرلوحه کارهایش قرار داده بود.

به امید روزی که همه نیروهای ملی و مترقی و آزادی خواه ایرانی با گرایش ها و رنگهای گوناگون، در زیر نام دکتر مصدق و در یک جبهه پایدار و توسعه یافته ملی ایران برای آزادی و آبادی ایران دست به دست هم داده و گرد هم آیند.

به امید آن روز

پاینده و آزاد و آباد باد ایران

انور میرستاری

رئیس فدراسیون اروپرس

Masoud Kazemzadeh


by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Divaneh jaan,

Your criticism is valid. JM and INF should play much more active role. It has been and is the historical responsibility of JM to bring democracy to Iran and we have not succeeded (so far). The weaknesses of our leaders and rank and file are to blame to a large extent.

Let me provide a few examples of what we have done in RECENT times:

Many JM members have been put in prison for organizing. For some recent examples (from a non-JM news source) see:


INF-Abroad does not lobby the U.S. govt.

We have successfully lobbied the UN to send special rapporteur for human rights monitoring to Iran. As far as I am aware, we were the first group to do so. We also successfully lobbied the Swedish and EU entities (parties and parliament). In one example, we lobbied the Swedish member of the European Parliament who was the Chair of the EP’s Human Rights Committee.

Here are some examples:








Political parties are different than "semi-lobby"/"lobby"/"whatever" organizations.* One cannot compare the two as one cannot compare a chelo kabob restaurant with a political party. Their functions, sources of funding, balance of rewards/sacrifice are very different. For example, you join one of the opposition political parties, and you go to Iran you will probably get into prison. But if you join some of the so-called "lobby"* groups, you may actually have the VF regime pay for your trip to Iran and host you in the hotel where Ahmadinejad gave the talk at the Grand Gathering of the Iranians Outside Iran.

Among political parties we have JM, monarchist groups, socialists groups, Melli Mazhabi group, Nehzat Azadi, and PMOI. One can compare each of these against the others. Their mission is clear. JM wants to the VF regime in the garbage can of history, and establish democratic secular republic. Monarchists want VF regime gone and RP established as king. PMOI wants VF regime gone and Rajavi established as ruler. I do not know what the hell Melli Mazhabis and Nehzat Azadi want.

Among the so-called "semi-lobby," "lobby" or "whatever" group one may call them* there are AmirAhmadi’s AIC, Trita Parsi’s NIAC, and Edalat’s CASMII. Their mission is to remove sanctions against the VF regime. These groups are similar in that objective and their leaders actually were in each other’s group. Trita Parsi worked under AmirAhmadi at AIC. Alex Patico was a top leader (founder?) of both CASMII and NIAC. One may compare these groups with each other, but one cannot compare them with a political party. I have NOT followed these groups very much, so I do not know exactly how they differ.


* I do not think they like the term "lobby." I am NOT using the term "lobby" in the technical sense used in the U.S. to refer to those who "lobby" U.S. government. I am using the term "lobby" or "semi-lobby" or "whatever" to refer to whatever it is that they do: words and activities to convince various audiences to remove sanctions against the Nezam Velayat Faqih (System of Rule by High Ranking Shia Clergy). That is why I used quotations marks to connote the very loose and broad manner. I am not sure WHY the mentioned groups do not like the term "lobby." I think they do not like it.

I personally do not mind using the term "lobby" to refer to the words and actions of INF to convince various audiences. Actually it would be accurate to call us "the Iranian pro-democracy lobby." Our words and actions are to get rid of the terrorist regime ruling Iran and establish democracy there.

In conclusion, you are right. JM and INF should have done more.



P.S. I look forward to reading any and all criticisms of JM, INF, and my writings here. It is through honest criticisms that we all learn. Actually, I would be grateful for honest criticisms.



Thanks Masoud

by divaneh on

Thanks for your explanations. Reading through your response and the published statement, I have not been able to detect any activity on behalf of the JM or INF other than condemning the regime for its wrongs. I have no affiliation to any group but think that practical measures taken by groups such as NIAC who seem to lobby the US government are more effective than the statements of the obvious facts. I hope you do not take this wrong; I have great respect for the JM and INF but cannot see why they fail to play their historical role at the point that the country needs them most. They are possibly best positioned to lead the Iranian diaspora whose energy and resources in my view is largely wasted. We now need more than statements.

Masoud Kazemzadeh

More Photos

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

More photos. It is my utmost honor that my photo was featured on the panel (7th photo from the top) along with the photos of Allahyar Saleh, Dr. Sanjabi, Dr. Bakhtiar, Dariush Forouhar, Pavaneh Eskandari, GholamReza Takhti, Dr. Boroumand, Bazargan, Sahabi,..




چه جالب!


مثل اینکه جبهه ملی‌ از این جلسه‌ها در زمان شاه هم زیاد میگرفت.  البته چون شاه "خونخوار" و ستمکار مثل اینکه کاری به کارشان نداشت، این گروه آنموقع در ایران تشریف داشتند.  ولی‌ مثل اینکه پس از انقلاب شکوهمند اسلامی، که این شخصیتهای برجسته بانی‌ و باعثش بودند، این جماعت فلنگ رو از ایران بست و رفت و الان مجبورند که جلسه‌شان را در پاریس و آمریکا و بقیه کشورهای ضدِّ مصدقِ استعمار گر بگیرند.  به قول آمریکایی‌‌ها "how ironic."  

البته یک نگاه به شکم فراخ این آقایون نشان میدهد که اقامت در خارج خیلی‌ هم برایشون بد نبوده است.  به نظر میاد که بساط چلو کباب دائم به پاست.   

Masoud Kazemzadeh

قطعنامه کنگره مصدق نماد آزادی و دموکراسی

Masoud Kazemzadeh

Dear friends,

Here is the ghatnameh (statement):



Masoud Kazemzadeh

Thank YOU

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Dear P_J,





Dear Comraid’s Concubine,

Congratulations on the pregnancy.




Dear Anahid,

Thank you.





Dear Divaneh,

JM in Iran and INF-Abroad have had our share of shortcomings as well as achievements and sacrifices. Iranian politics is unusually tough, unusually brutal, unusually volatile, and unusually unpredictable. For good or ill, JM is an open, above ground, non-violent, moderate, democratic party. Many times such politics simply could not work in such an extreme environment.

Since 1949, some of the best and most decent Iranian politicians and statesmen and women have been part of JM. They include Mossadegh, Fatemi, Allahyar Saleh, Sanjabi, Bakhtiar, Sedighi, Khalil Maleki, Khonji, Hejazi, AmirEntezam, Parvaneh and Dariush Forouhar, Darabi, etc.

Our members comes from our society and reflect the best our society has to offer, but also we share the shortcomings of our political culture. JM leaders should have done better; the Iranian people should have done better. The fact that after 105+ years of struggle for democracy in Iran (against Qajar, Pahlavi, and VF regime), our country is still under brutal tyranny is evidence of our collective failure.

There are huge obstacles. For good or ill, JM offers the best hope for establishing democracy and freedom in Iran. JM leaders and members have to do a lot more. JM has failed in the past, and it will make mistakes in the future.  

In cooperation and coalition with other forces, we hope to build a broad-based coalition of all pro-democracy (majority rule, civil liberties for all), secular (separation of state and religion), republican (free elections for ALL political offices in executive and legislative branches, no unelected position whether clerics or monarchical) alternative.  To be more specific, we are working to bring together first all the Mossadeghi forces, and then make a broader coalition with democratic socialist forces.

We are part of the secular democratic segment of the Green Movement.  Those whose slogans are "esteghlal, azadi, Jomhuri Irani" and "marg bar asl velayat faghih" are part of us.

As long as the reformist segment of the Green Movement (Mousavi and Karrubi) stand up to the hard-liners, we will support them (conditionally). 

We hope that a non-violent transtion to democracy would be an option, but we think (due to the utter dictatorial nature of Khamenei, Ahmadinejad, and their gang) that eventually, there will be a mass uprising to overthrow the regime.





Thanks for sharing Masoud Jaan

by divaneh on

It is good to see that INF goes strong. I would have appreciated if you provided a brief summary of the action that has been taken and what plans the INF has to help bringing proper democracy to Iran. As one of the oldest and most respected parties boasting some of the most experienced politicians, it seems to be in some way absent from the news and I hope that we would see more of their activities in the near future. I think they can play a big role in channelling the Iranian diaspora into the right channels.

Anahid Hojjati

Dear Masoud, thanks for sharing.

by Anahid Hojjati on

thanks for sharing news of this gathering.


cough cough

by ComraidsConcubine on

 Is it wise for a Liberal Democrat to join  the  "National Front" from Austria and Germany?



Thanks again Masoud for the great post!

by P_J on

I was so glad to see that people are still remembering this GREAT man whose love of the country exceeded all else, and despite sickness and advanced age, when it came to the country and people’s welfare he stopped at nothing defending it, even with his life as he did!

He truly symbolizes HONOR, HONESTY and INTEGRITY, standing firm against the British imperialism and American collaboration, and all ALONE, with a group of internal traitors, i.e. Pahlavis and their cohorts, going against Iran's welfare, causing chaos and disorder, that clearly benefited our enemies.

All this resulted or culminated in the ascension of a Stone Age group of GANGESTERS to power, destroying our beloved country and embarrassing our citizens!

Great men like Mossadegh and Amir Kabir inspire us all!



Masoud Kazemzadeh

Dear Mash Ghasem and Dear Roozbeh

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Mash Ghasem jaan besiyar gerami,

Thank you.

I agree with you and Roozbeh regarding "pendar nik." He is a supporter of the fundamentalist regime who hides his identity behind various character and then attacks various opposition groups.

Best wishes,




Roozbeh jaan besiyar gerami,

Thank you.

I agree with you that "pendar nik" that he is IRI infiltrator. The readers and commentators on are very sophisticated and do not fall for the IRI tactics. He used to use the screen name "comrade" and failed then as well.

Best wishes my friend,



Thank you Dear Masoud for sharing.

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

It is great to see the political party of our beloved Dr Mossadegh is alive, active and I dare say expanding.

Ta felan jaye mozdoor palid regime besoozeh! 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Masoud Kazemzadeh

another photo of some of the delegates

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Mash Ghasem

اندر باب 'سولاخی' که دنبال سوراخ میگردید

Mash Ghasem

.یکی بود، یکی نبود، یه خط امامی کله خر بود،... و تو خود حدیث مفصل بخوان، مضاف بر اینکه این خط امامی نه چندان عزیز ما خیلی هم " سولاخ"[۱ ] بود.
یعنی به زبان فرنگی میگویند "هول". 
[۱] با تلفظ صحیح و اصیل کرمانشانی. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- با معذرت از مسعود عزیز از بی ادبی و تشکر  از گزارش مبسوط.


بقیه کوشن؟ تو سوراخ موشن؟


Please extend  my most sincere congratulations to all 12 of yous. Hearing and optical aides, oxygen masks, and bed covers are available, upon request.

Masoud Kazemzadeh

another photo

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on