Jimmy in Westwood!

by masoudA

On Oct. 25, 6 p.m. he will be at the Borders, Books & Music, 1360 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles.

If you live in LA - please join the rest of Eyranians to give the fool a piece of your mind.

When it comes to the Iranian Revolution, Carter was just a sidekick - The Brits-Russian alliance planned for years to get rid of the shah and oust USA out of Iran - they even tried in 1342 and failed. Carter just happened to be the fool implant in the WHite house pulling the rug from under MRP.

My beef with him is not why he did not support the shah or allowed himself to be used to advance Euros interest - my beef is he was a bolbol on human rights violations under the shah yet he has gone into a khafeh khoon mode in the last 30 years. Just a few weeks ago he was crying fould over the abuse of Palestinians by Israel....


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VPK jaan,

by Bavafa on

A few things perhaps we need to keep in mind, first any president or figure head in US has limited power and one can not expect total miracles from that one person. Secondly, I believe he has done far more good towards humanity as a x-president rather then as a president. In fact most of those who have respect for him and his Nobel peace prize was due to his work as an x-president and not while he was in power.

What matters is what one does in the course of his/her life. Anyone is capable and almost certainly make mistake in his/her life time. Not learning from those mistakes or acknowledging the wrong doing is the difference between the wise and not so wise.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


OK, lets talk Palestine.When Carter was president he did not do a damn thing. In fact when Andrew Young his UN ambassador met Arafat JC fired him. Down to the letter the AIPAC plan on Palestine. Talk is cheap. 

What matters is what you do when you have power not after wards. If JC wanted to help "Palestine" he should have as president. Not as big mouth noise machine. I bet you Obama will follow suite.


Agh Maziar and VPK jaan....

by Bavafa on

A fast engine would be awesome, if you have any pulls in to help me out with that, it would be great as I could use one.

However, I am totally lost where/when/what I said that gave you the impression of me supporting IRI ? Is that when I believe Iranians should and must choose their own government or was it when I believe we must accept responsibility for our action and not just blame others for our short comings?


You may not give a damn about Palestinians and no body says you should… but the truth of the matter is that they are a victim of an oppressive and criminal regime (i.e Israel) just as Iranians are a victim of IRI. So, JC speaking against the brutality of Israel at the same time condemning Hamas for their rocket attack on civilians shared among many millions of people around the world that believe in peace and justice for ALL.

There is absolutely no argument that Iranians were lied to and fooled during and after the revolution but we were primarily fooled by the mullahs and not Carter.

Did Carter pushed Shah to open up the society to more political freedom…. Sure he did.

But isn't that what we have been wishing and asking the West, Americans mostly, to push IRI to open up for political and social freedom, perhaps a referendum, etc? If the answer is yes then don't you think we are applying a double standard here? Don't you think we are being hypocritical in our wishes?

I believe we, Iranians, have sort of f*&ked up once in 79 and I believe it is immensely important to try to learn a lesson from it and try to get it right the next time.

Lets not blame Carter for our short comings during the last revolution, we had a chance and f*&ked up.


maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

in 1977 for jc ?

you're full of it SP.            Maziar

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


So just because JC sides with Hamas that makes him good? Palestine could go to hell for all that I give a damn. Not that Carter helps them any. While he was president he followed the exact path as all the other US presidents. Now he goes blabbing off his mouth. He is impotent with a big mouth. Sounds a lot like Ahmadinejad.

The Iranian people were lied to and fooled. Thye wished for freedom. They got hell. Yes the Shah of Iran was a dictator. He also gave us social freedom; peace; education and prosperity. All this gone thanks to idiots who overthrew him. Every single one of the war casualties in directly his responsibility. Every one IRI executed is thanks to Carter. This great "humanitarian" left a trail of death in the wake of hie policies. What an ass.

Please do not try to whitewash  this man's criminal legacy. I can tell a poison plant by its fruit. The results of Carter policies are generally disasters for all poor souls involved. The man is rotten to his core. A fool without honor or man enough to accept responsibility.

The best proof that Americans are NOT stupid is that they ditched him. I am a Democrat and ashamed to have this jackass in my party. It is people like him that drive people like me to "Independent". God help us if there is another one like him with power.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am not in exile I am welcome in both Iran and USA. As well as pretty much any other nation. 

I do not hate either Iran or USA. I am not the kind who returns hospitality with hatred. In return I get to be welcome. You  on the other hand live in a nation you hate. 

Sargord Pirouz

VPK, the first person I

by Sargord Pirouz on

VPK, the first person I voted for, for President of the US, was Jimmy Carter.

And I remind you, I'm not an exile. Big difference between people like me, and people like you. 

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

Agha mehrdad thank you very much for bringing and supporting the rapist republic to our brothers  & sisters in Iran for the TRUE face of freedom may god give you a 'HOMA' with a fast engine in kalifornia.   Maziar 


Delete: double post

by Bavafa on

double post

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

and what's more funnier about it is that he'd recieved a Noble peace prize for them all !?      Maziar


I could not have said it better what Dr. X said

by Bavafa on

JC is the most respected x-president in recent history of US in my mind and what he has done to advance the peace in the world, speaking against the brutal and fascist like treatment of Palestinians and all other humanitarian work he has done around the world makes him the most honest, sincere and respected politician in US history.

For those who blame JC for Iranian revolution, they fail to see that Shah was a dictator and did not deserve to remain in power. Likewise, they fail to appreciate the wish of Iranian people in choosing a regime for themselves rather then imposing one by a foreign power (i.e US in this case). The responsible party for the Iranian revolution should be owned only by Iranian people just as the subsequent f*&k-up of it and the misery that followed. We Iranians do have the habit of blaming others for our short comings and this is no different here.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

the one stooge I know that is in USA is you. I am still wondering why they keep you here. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Jimmy Carter

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Is responsible for more disasters and human right violations than G. W. Bush. No president in recent American history has done so much harm. To: Iran; Afghanistan; Pakistan; Zimbabwe and countless other nations. 

The man is a walking disaster. The worst America haters on this site are nowhere near as anti-American as that man. His policies are directly responsible the Ian Iraq war; Taliban; Mugabe; and screw ups in Pakistan. Plus he so badly tarnished the names of Democrats to bring Reagan to power. And to turn Liberal into a ditry word. As a Democrat I detest the man for ruining that party. There are not enough bad words to describe his legacy. 

Maybe he had good intentions. The same kind that pave the road to hell. If there is justice in the world Carter will be held accountable. 

He is very outspoken on US but not one word on anti American dictators. If you hate America Carter is your friend. All he needs to love you is to know you hate America. 

That man has a lot of nerve showing his face among Iranians. Of course he will not criticize IRI: it is his rotten handiwork. His gift of misery to the world. He should keep to his buddies in Hamas and Hizbollah and go hug those guys.

With friends like JC does America need any enemies? May lord spare us another of his kind.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dr. X

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

I am just wondering what the Carter haters propose he should have done in 1979

How about a few things like this.

  • Realize Britain was playing him for a fool and not fall for it.
  • Not forced the Shah to make changes that destabilized Iran.
  • Not had his UN Ambassador call Khomeini a new Ghandi
  • Have some sense and put his hated of Shah aside.
  • Not focre the Iranian Generals to be at the mercy of IRI
  • Give Bahktiar full support.
  • Have some idea of whom he was promoting i.e. Khomeini
  • Realize his advisers Brzezinski was putting Poland above US
  • Not be such a wimp when it came to hostages.
  • Once he botched it up be a man and admit he messed up.
Jimmy Carter simply is an idiot. And and evil one at that. He did much more than "not interfere" in Iran. He deliberately pushed the Shah out of power. Because of a personal hatred for anyone pro America. I will most definitely blame him because he deserves it.

Dr. X

By the way,

by Dr. X on

I am just wondering what the Carter haters propose he should have done in 1979? Perhaps orchestrate another CIA coup to keep the Shah in power such as in 1953? Because certainly, the Shah did not have the majority of popular support in Iran at that time.


Millions of fringe

by Escape on

To this day not even regular American Democrat's love Carter.Only the most fringe Brain twisted liberal's love Carter.Noone else.He was the most hated US President in my lifetime.Even Bush had more support than Carter.Try living through that and then read this about this 20 years later.Believe me,it's a good laugh!


He's a brave man

by Aryana-Vaeja on

For venturing into hostile territory like that. I bet the grocery stores in the vicinity will run out of egg and tomato supplies for the day.

Comrade Sargord, at least the Shah had somewhere to go when he was deposed. On the day your Chinese-Russian stooge masters are shown the door, they'll have no place to go on earth. Even these leash holders won't take them in. The only place for them left to go will be straight to hell!


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Yasna XXX 9


dear Vildemose sees the practical response

by bushtheliberator on

 Attacking,& vilifying Carter does nothing to advance Iranians' human rights, and it merely distracts from the current egregious oppression of Iranians. By all means , use Carter's fame to advance awareness, but avoid the useless rut of "the Great Satan did it "

Dr. X


by Dr. X on

I agree...He did not interfere with what was a popular movement in Iran at the time, which the majority supported. Stop blaming the shortcomings and atrocities of the regime which followed on Jimmy Carter. We can only blame ourselves for such mistakes, but then again not many at that time would have expected what would follow in the coming 30 years. As far as JC not speaking out against the current situation, that can be said of many others as well.

کلاه مخملی

متوجه شدید ... ؟ !

کلاه مخملی

ایشون بالا میرن پایین میان، فقط حرف حرفِ جنایت های اسراییل بز ضد فلسطینیاست ... ! یک کلمه راجع به جنایتهای این آخوندا بر ضد مردم ایرون صحبت نمی کنه ... ! ابدا .. ! :)





by masoudA on

yours was the only comment meriting a response so far -  please do not use the "Respect" card - yes it is better to be respectful - but respect or disrespect do not change the facts - only provides copouts for the weak. 


he was the only truthful president

by Anonymous8 on

the only 1 who resisted meddle in iran. thats Y taghooti hate him. why didn't U attack and save the shah's a$$ by force? that's what they want. no double standard only taghooti crying.

god bless Jimmy.

Sargord Pirouz

Carter was warned not to

by Sargord Pirouz on

Carter was warned not to allow that deposed stooge into the US, and he didn't listened. Iran ruined his presidency and cost him reelection.

Too bad, too. Had it not been so, we'd have a decreased dependence on foreign oil and the metric system here in America. 


please be respectful to

by vildemose on

please be respectful to him. He is loved by millions of Americans. Just mention his hypocrisy of not speaking a workd against the IRI which is a hundred times more brutal and vicious than the Shah and the Israelis against Iranians. Why not a whisper out of him?

Why the double standards?

Maybe carry placards of those who have been killed and tortured by the IRI will speak volume to the audience and him.