Start with the ancient empires in Mesopotamia all the way to present day. WWII in Europe and pacific. the British, Dutch, and Portuguese colonies of Africa, and the slave trade. The holocaust, the Bosnia, the Rwanda, the darfur. Have you ever wondered how the hell small countries like Portugal and Holland were controlling the lives of peoples 100 times larger theirs own population. As cruel and unfair it may sound. One can draw one lesson:
IF YOU ARE STRONG (Intellectually, Economically, Physically, financially and militarily), YOU ARE RIGHT. IF YOU ARE WEAK, YOU ARE WRONG. Period
In reality, we all worth to others, as much as we contribute to humanities overall well being. Those who solve problems, not the ones who create ones. There is no room for those who always wait for others to feed, dress them, or cure their deceases. Unfortunately Muslims in ME in general, and the Pals in particular are part of that formula. They contribute (well beside oil) nothing to society, yet demand more then anyone else.
Now anyone can play the Dixie song of "Justice", "fairness", and suffering of innocent people all day long. On one can plaster these beautiful phrases of "International Law", "occupation, schmaocupation" and the "sufferings of the Pals" all you wish. It does not change the sad reality of our lives. We all participate in, and are part of the same barbaric and vicious game of life.
Now coming back to those "benevolent" Muslims, during Islam's brutal expansion between 7th and 8th centuries . These beduins invaders led by Muhammad, they also thought of themselves of dooing the e "right thing" and got their way, because then they were stronger and no one could resist these barbarians at the gates of many countries . Now Muhammad's followers are weak, therefore anybody can invade their land and do to them pretty much whatever they wish. The only strength they have left is their oil. Does anybody around the non-Muslim world pays much attention to their cry for justice?. You tell me. Are they exerting much influence or respect elsewhere. You be the judge.
In reality, it is not only Muslims, but the entire human race is no different then any other living species.
To drive this point further, lets take few countries around the world and look into this philosophy of the survival of the fittest. Lets see when leaders use their head and look forward, they can lift their countries from ashes to economic and social prosperity.
Germany: Notwithstanding the circumstances of the war.. Just 62 years ago, this nation was down and out. Obliterated to it core. Occupied by foreign forces. Lets look at the Germans now. One of the most advanced societies, with one of the highest GDP in the world. A very respected country around the world.
Japan: Again 62 years ago, this country not only faced the same fate as Germany. They are the only country which had experienced nuclear holocaust. They also were on the verge of total collapse as viable state. Like Germany, today they are also one of the most developed and advanced countries in the world.
Israel: Just 60 years ago, this tiny state, has risen from the ashes of holocaust. They started out as backward rural agricultural society, based on failed socialistic ideology of that elusive utopian society. A state which spends 40% of its GDP on defense. Look where they are today. Strong economy, strong political system (though some screwed up leaders) And strong military power.
USA: Well we all know US's capabilities.
Now compare these countries to the Arab & Islamic states in the ME & Gulf region. Despite their staggering wealth, they are still mired in the past, which leads them to be dysfunctional and weak in every facet of social and economical system.
What distinguishes these two groups?. Neither one of the first group has the biggest population, nor the largest military force. But they all have one thing in common. KNOWLEDGE BASED SOCIETIES. They recognized and adapted the power of knowledge, where knowledge is power, on which they have built upon a combination of economic-social-political and some also military strength.
Who is going to touch the Americas, the Israelis or the German, or Japanese. The positive irony here that China and India are also joining this club. The answer if NOBODY. Why? It is because they are strong, and Arab-Islamic countries are weak – despite their massive wealth.
The fact is that, one weakness, mainly economic leads to other weaknesses as well. Which result with the type of dysfunctional and failed societies where oppression and luck of social progress still lingers.
One of the reason Israelis enjoy the support from the West is mainly, they feed, dress, educate and capable to defend themselves. They also contribute to the world communities with the type of knowledge and industrial, Agricultural, pharmaceutical and other technologies which help those who buy them to enjoy a better quality of life. Israelis today are respected by West because of its economic, political, and educational strength, and feared by its enemies due to its military power.
People admire and fear US for its its massive economic output. It feeds hundred of million of starving children around the world every day.
Now compare that to the Pals, and the rest of the Arab-Islamic states. What do they contribute to the rest f the world and how demand from us.
That's what it meant to say. Might Makes it Right.
Recently by Mehdi Mazloom | Comments | Date |
Obama: "The World is watching" | - | Jun 19, 2009 |
Is that the begining of the end? | 3 | Jun 16, 2009 |
Davidka - Israeli secrets are revealed | 24 | Feb 05, 2009 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Mazloom, Israel is US CONDOM
by Jaleho on Mon Jul 28, 2008 03:57 PM PDTin the Middle East. That's the proper way to describe US and Israel in the same sentence, why are you so confused?!!
I wrote this about an article which the arrogant Jew, Benny Morris- converted to Hitler-wanna be, has written in the other arrogant Jew, Salzberger's NYTimes. You can use this part also. Concentrate on the last sentence:
Things these arrogant Jews forget is this:
1) Israel has been created and used by western powers, and after
1956 by US exclusively, as a CONDOM to have safe sex with Arab oil.
2)Israel indeed served that purpose nicely up to the fall of Soviet Union.
3)The usefulness of Israel post soviet times is finished.
Now the only thing that has been ARTIFICIALLY keeping US-Israel
realtion as before is the Israeli Lobby, the wishful thinking of some
old hags of US foreign policy hoping that Israel can still serve the
military lobby positively,
4)The Jewsih hold in the media as shown by the effectiveness of Iraq
war pushed by Jews like Salzberger family were strong, but internet is
killing that power rapidly. Furthermore,
NYTimes which was one of the pillars making the war possible, lost
credibility among Americans because of the lies it spread for Iraq war.
Just look at its stock since 2003 lies:
5) Despite huge extra time and extra EMERGENCY bombs that US gave to
Israel to finish off Hezbollah in Lebanon, Israel couldn't handle a
small proxy militia of Iran under its nose! That alone has proved the
US that the times that Israel begged and got BILLIONS boasting its
effectiveness as in 6 day war victory, is OVER. Israel is now just a LIABILITY for US dragging it into wars directly, not the good bulldog it used to serve its American boss.
6) The statements like "Israel has to do it itself" is just
toothless barkings of Israeli dogs to engage America before it leaves
the region.
7)War with Iran is suicidal for the US and no amount of Jewish propaganda is going to force the US to do it. US will flush the well served Israeli condom before any attempt at a war with Iran.
But you do agree you are a twerp.
by KB on Sun Jul 27, 2008 09:12 PM PDTYou have proved my point. You are a childish twerp with an inferiority complex which has made you such a bigot.
No one here has ever said any thing derogatory about Judaism yet you keep coming up with one sided crap which you come up with on your own in your bedroom.
No body I know has called Jewish people “Najes” but I can see how, with your stupid comments, you might drive some one to call you all sorts of names.
by Suomynona (not verified) on Sun Jul 27, 2008 07:26 PM PDTAccording to you:
"Per capita, Israel graduates more engineers, doctors, archtects, then all Arab & Islamic state - combines"
List of Arab and Islamic states:
1 Afaganistan
2 Albania
3 Algeria
4 Bahrain
5 Bangladesh
6 Cameroon
7 Central African Republic
8 Chad
9 Dahomey
10 Egypt
11 Ethiopia
12 Gambia
13 Guinea
14 Guinea-Bissau
15 Indonesia
16 Iran
17 Iraq
18 Ivory Coast
19 Jordan
20 Kuwait
21 Lebanon
22 Libya
23 Malaysia
24 Maldive Islands
25 Mali
26 Mauritania
27 Morocco
28 Niger
29 Nigeria
30 Oman
31 Pakistan
32 Qatar
33 Saudi Arabia
34 Senegal
35 Sierra Leone
36 Somalia
37 South Yemen
38 Sudan
39 Syria
40 Tanzania
41 Togo
42 Tunisia
43 Turkey
44 U.A.E
45 Upper Volta
46 North Yemen
Give me that statistics for the last 1-5 years. Make sure that it can be verified by all readers. I am not even including countries with huge muslim populations like India. Nor included are the moslem population graduating from other non-moslem countries.
As far threats go, I think that most people agree that Israel's nukes and military are the one's to be concerned about. I agree with you that Israel can be consdered an "arsonist". The Zio-Nazies in Israel have started so many wars with other countries and Iran has started none!
Mehdi, heheheh...
by Q on Sun Jul 27, 2008 06:05 PM PDTIt is a wake up call to Arabs & Muslims to realize their current phylosophy of revenge and hate is working against them.
you're too funny. This from a guy who perpetuates the Nazi philosophy of "Might Makes Right" ???
Don't you understand, my extremist friend, you are the cause of the "revenge and hate"? Tell me, Mr. Genius, If people who think like you adopt the "might makes right" ideology, as you admit Israel and US have, and then they invade and dominate others, what other choice is there for the weak other than armed resistance?
by Mehdi Mazloom on Sun Jul 27, 2008 05:28 PM PDTMan you don't fail to disappointed me. Keep reinforce your brain size of Q-tip with limited capacity and intellectual cognitive to read between the lines. Understand that, all I tried to present is, the sad reality of life.It is a wake up call to Arabs & Muslims to realize their current phylosophy of revenge and hate is working against them.
Go get some life. Your hatred and bitterness sucks the best out of you.
Mehdi, be careful what you wish for, could embarass yourself
by Q on Sun Jul 27, 2008 04:50 PM PDTone day, perhaps not too long in the future, you maybe on the "weak" end of things. Your entire culture could be on the brink of destruction. Your own life and that of your family could be at the mercy of someone stronger. Perhaps we would be part of that stronger force.
On that day, we may not kill you despite your own pathetic begging that you should die only because you are weak.
You will have to live with yourself and rethink your entire miserable existence. That would be really embarrassing for you. It may make you think twice about advocating Nazi ideology.
I have never heard anything more un-Jewish in my life. Might makes right? Have you killed your grandmother? She is weaker in every aspect. So are children, disabled people, animals, national minorities.
There are only 2 possible explanations: Either you are retarded, or you have yet to graduate grade school. Your own "intellect" is sorely lacking. Lucky for you, we do not punish people with your obvious deficiencies.
KB - speaking of crap
by Mehdi Mazloom on Sun Jul 27, 2008 11:49 AM PDTquote: We thought you had gone back to school, in some places 9th grade starts early. Should you not be on the Disney site?
Correction. I came here to remind 9th graders like you that it is the blind hatred of your akhoondah in Tehran which is the main cause of problem in ME right now. Not Israel
Quote: you are not an Iranian, you do not have friends and family in Iran, you
care much more about Israel than Iran so post your crap somewhere else.
Na agha, ban-deh Irani ni-stam. As a non-Muslim, got sick and tired of the dihimmi and being called neggest. I do care lot more about a little country which occupies 0.02% defending its survival amid a sea of hatred, yet manage to maintain its democracy and freedom of expression. then a fundamentalist state which stones woman.
I will decide where, when and what I will post my comments , not you.
We are here to exchange opinions and present the other side views and opinions.
Suomynona - your reply is misguided
by Mehdi Mazloom on Sun Jul 27, 2008 11:13 AM PDTQuote: Are you comparing Israel with US, Germany and Japan?
US, Germany and Japan built their nations on the capability of their own people and technology.
Right after WWII, Japan was allowed to copy lots of US techs in electronics to develop their own industries. Moreover, Japan was allowed to export to US all its wanted with little or no tariffs. While it closed its own market to US good.
In regards to Germany. Perhaps you need to be reminded the "Marshal Plan".
US support of Israel begun only after the 6 days war. in 1967.
Quote:Israel was helped entirely by the U.S. in technology, science, military
and financial support. Whatever they did not get in the provided
support, they stole by the support of Zionist Jewish spys and traitors.
You live in a la la land my friend. Israeli universities are ranked among the top 100 universities in the world. While the highest raked among the Islamic ones, including Iran are below...............3000.
Per capita, Israel graduates more engineers, doctors, archtects, then all Arab & Islamic state - combines.
Quote: So Israel is more like a pet guard dog of the Western world rather than an equal.
Israel is only guard dog to its own security.
Quote: If Iran got the same level of support that Israel had for the past
20 years (not even 60 years), Iran would have been a First World
Superpower by now.
Use the big head to build viable nation. that excludes preaching hatred of others 1000 km away from your borders.Unfortunately, what Iran seems to have done well is the use of the little head. In pst 30 years Iran had DOUBLED its population with little mean to support, educated and feed this massive surge.
Quote: As it is, even now when Iran wants to expand its nuclear
technologies and science, you ZioNazies want that stopped too! Like
technology and science is good for you but not Iran.
Any country which calls for the annihilation of another country, and tries to arm itslf with the means to fulfill that wish is bound to stopped - regardless which country.
You do not hand a match box to an arsonist.
Mola - your reply is below par.
by Mehdi Mazloom on Sun Jul 27, 2008 10:47 AM PDTNot worthy of response. you can do better then that.
Mazloom jan: Are you feeling
by asdf (not verified) on Sat Jul 26, 2008 09:08 PM PDTMazloom jan: Are you feeling well??? Do you need to adjust your meds??? With all due respect, Mazloom jan, this is not one your best essays...You could do much better.
Mola Nasredeen-jan , I love your cool style
by Sadaia_qesa on Sat Jul 26, 2008 08:55 PM PDTI can not stop laughing.
Khaili koob Gofti. Khandidam .
The man with gold rules the world!
by ali reza (not verified) on Sat Jul 26, 2008 08:50 PM PDTI am not anti sematic, anti Christian, anti Muslim or anti anything,but I have noticed that almost all the
Jews think of Israel as their motherland and migrating to Israel is their wish and they do not consider their country of residency as their own country.In USA if a politician is not Jewish he has to be an Israeli supporter otherwise he wouldn't make it in politics.I have not read the whole book of Elders of Zion but it talks about the need of the Jewish to control the world.What is better than controlling the world than controlling the way people think.This is why we have a lots of Jews in the publication and other media related businesses.Peace(shaloom) on earth
Oh no, not this twerp again..
by KB on Sat Jul 26, 2008 08:01 PM PDTOh no, not this twerp again..
Mehdi Mazloom ( or should I say Yaghoob Geda), you are back. We thought you had gone back to school, in some places 9th grade starts early. Should you not be on the Disney site?
I have read some of your stuff before, I did not bother this time.
As others have pointed out previously, you are not an Iranian, you do not have friends and family in Iran, you care much more about Israel than Iran so post your crap somewhere else.
Israel is a Joke
by Suomynona (not verified) on Sat Jul 26, 2008 07:22 PM PDTAre you comparing Israel with US, Germany and Japan?
US, Germany and Japan built their nations on the capability of their own people and technology.
Israel was helped entirely by the U.S. in technology, science, military and financial support. Whatever they did not get in the provided support, they stole by the support of Zionist Jewish spys and traitors.
So Israel is more like a pet guard dog of the Western world rather than an equal.
If Iran got the same level of support that Israel had for the past 20 years (not even 60 years), Iran would have been a First World Superpower by now.
As it is, even now when Iran wants to expand its nuclear technologies and science, you ZioNazies want that stopped too! Like technology and science is good for you but not Iran.
Yaghoob, our savior is back, a Sheqel for your thought....
by Mola Nasredeen on Sat Jul 26, 2008 06:00 PM PDT1. As you know we (my camel and I) converted to a different religion after you revealed to us the evils of Islam. We converted to Judism by mulla Gholi. He has given the authority to convert muslims to religion of their choice. From now on count us as your comrades to expose and fight muslims every where.
2. Since you mentioned the wealth of some muslim country we decided to send a letter to United Nation (not to be confused by United States, although the former does what the latter wishes anyway). We indicated the land of Iran (specially the oil fields) belongs to Israeli jews becuase the jews have lived in Iran for more than 2000 years.
3. Due to expansion of American jews' projects in Israel, namely building their second houses, rentals and villas more land is needed and Palestinian land alone is not going to be enough. By taking the land from the IRI and giving it to jews we will get one step closer to our dream, The Greater Empire of Israel ruling over the whole Middle East. I am so excited thinking about it. I'm getting goose bumps.
P.S: My camel is eager to see a picture of your camel. You guys have camels in Israel don't you?