Kiosk: Coming to a city near you

Kiosk: Coming to a city near you
by mihanyar

Kiosk "Triple Distilled" Tour 2010. Coming to a city near you!
Tour Schedule: //


more from mihanyar

Very Cool!

by Monda on

We'll be there when they're here!


Sargord, you are one of the

by TheMrs on

Sargord, you are one of the most entertaining people here. You make me laugh a lot. The longer your sentences are the funnier they get.

There's room for all kinds of music in the Iranian community. Even wannabe hipsters striving for an imagined merican hipness with Persian lyrics. I take my Irooni music in all the different varieties it comes in.



Sargord Pirouz

No thanks. Their music

by Sargord Pirouz on

No thanks. Their music bores me. Too wannabe 'Merican alternative. Unoriginal. They'd have nothing going for them if there weren't desperate Iranian-American wannabe hipsters striving for an imagined 'Merican hipness with Persian lyrics. Nothing.

(sorry to be so blunt)