Mr. President, don't let us down.

Mr. President, don't let us down.
by Mike Kazemi

The Obama's candidacy and subsequent presidency has been nothing but an expected political centerism; on the one hand/on the other hand. The enthusiasm of his campaign rhetorics has soon been adjusted to fit the reality of politics. As a student of politics and law, for so long as I remember politicians on both side of the electoral politics have always gave us the sweet side of the cake and then the crust, and all hidden between the lines and warped through implications. During the race Obama's speeches were appropriate and affecting. But not the same during his post election period. 

From Gitmo to escalation of war in Afghanistan and holding back on full transparency, the main thrust of Obama's presidency, at least for the first year, has been not far from other presidents, with perhaps some minor deviations. We'll wait and judge his second year.
