Stay in-line or we will take your cloths off!

Stay in-line or we will take your cloths off!
by MM

انتقاد یک روحانی خلع لباس شده در ایران از مقامات جمهوری اسلامی در یک مصاحبه تلفنی با سیامک دهقانپور از صدای آمریکا سه سال خلع لباس (بدون دستمزد و بیمه)، سه ماه زندان و پنج ملیون تومان جریمه برای توهین/انتقاد از مقام رهبری و مقامات جمهوری اسلامی و تبلیق علیه نظام اسلامی


It is almost funny that clergy Ebrahim Maleki (a student of Montazeri) said that; wait a minute.  AhmadiNejad goes abroad and talks to the same news organiztions, but for AN, they are khodi, but for me the news organizations are elements of the anti-regime and I get busted for it? 

But, to be completely honest about it, if this was a civilian, the punishment may have been 19.5 years in prison as in the case of the Iranian blog-father.  So, it appears that while IRI is trying to prevent the flood-gates of criticism from opening from within, they are still watching out for their own kind!  This is a clear message to the other clergy that --> put out or get undressed or worse.


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divaneh - I hope you won the next game(s)!

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I once had the same experience

by divaneh on

I know how he must feel. I once had the same experience when I was playing strip poker.