Anti-Iranian poster in Texas, USA

Anti-Iranian poster in Texas, USA
by Mohammad Ala

Anti-Iranian sentiment in the USA is on the rise: Anti-Iranian poster in Katy, Texas, USA.

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more from Mohammad Ala

Time for J.K

by Siavash300 on

"....I don't have time for myself." J.K

Make your time my friend, it benefits you in a long term. I am sure you will be happier in your life once you receive Gestalt therapy. Consequently,  you will appreciate all beauties that Persian culture has to offer you.

Payandeh our Aryan Land Iran.



by Raoul1955 on

Is a mathematical concept and it becomes totally nonsensical when applied to social issues.  And unfortunately when 'projected' on human issues it also creates totally unrealistic expectations in humans...and in turn [the belief in equality] could and does cause social unrest.

Mohammad Ala


by Mohammad Ala on


Racism is Alive and Well Everywhere, in Every Human Being

by JahanKhalili on

... especially in those who pretend that they don't have any.



by JahanKhalili on

I'm too busy giving you guys your therapy, so I don't have time for myself.

iraj khan


by iraj khan on

is alive in the United States.

This is how a jewish neighborhood in New York reacted when it came under attack, it was reported today:

"About 100 people are marching through Brooklyn today to protest vandals who torched three cars and scrawled Nazi swastikas in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood, the Associated Press reports."


Racism is alive in U.S. and it wont go away by just 'ignoring' it.

I'm just saying,


Mohammad Ala

Therapy session?

by Mohammad Ala on

Although the focus has changed a bit, shouldn't Siavash suggest therapy session to the owner of the hole in the wall? 


J.K question

by Siavash300 on

"Why should I believe that anything here on has any impact on anything inside of Iran?" J.K

VPK is right. No one expected you to believe anything here has any impact on anything in Iran. It is your judgement call to figure it out, but for sure many people on this site such as "anonymous observer" are university students and way far from being "coach potato". Anyway, please consider therapy session. I am sure you will like it once you try it. It makes you much happier than you think.  Gestalt Therapy is very powerful technique in dealing with unfinished business. Remember you can't fight with Iranian as a nation, but you can challenge your "little father" inside you through therapy sessions.



OK, That's Cool

by JahanKhalili on

Glad you liked that series; more's coming!

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Dude, I guess you did miss it, but that's ok. The moment passed. . And I like the things you mention in your "know it all" series. I can relate to a lot of the things you mention.

Just dial down the unprovoked rage a bit. Try sarcasm and cynicism. It works for me!


jk jaan,

by rtayebi1 on

as a great man once said WOMAN, CAN'T LIVE WITH THEM PASS THE BEER. For myself I am getting into Latino woman, they R great, much better then Asian, and whites, which I used to exclusively date. Try them U won't be tire of them.   


Ala jaan

by rtayebi1 on

I agree with some of your writing. Thank U


Take What?

by JahanKhalili on

Did I miss something?


Aghay Nouraee

by rtayebi1 on

این از شما بعید بود. شما خداتون باید این کامنت را دیلیت بکنید لطفا. ما با جوانها خودمان این جوری صحبت نمیکنیم

Kaveh Nouraee

I'm not upset, dude

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Just wanted to see if you take it as well as you dish it out.

Mr. Ala.... My point is still valid. I'm just getting a clearer picture of our friend here.


Kaveh The Class Advocate

by JahanKhalili on

Dude, you're funny. 

Don't have a heart attack, now.

I didn't mean to upset you so much. 

Mohammad Ala

Ey baba, Kaveh

by Mohammad Ala on

Kaveh jan;

You make good points then resort to personal attacks?  They do not add up bro...:-(

Kaveh Nouraee

I'm sick of women, and have too many hands?

by Kaveh Nouraee on

In other words:

you're a gay jerkoff?


Eh, I've got nothing better to do

by JahanKhalili on

I'm sick of women, and have too many hands.


Very Interesting Article, Mr. Ala

by JahanKhalili on

Thanks for sharing! 



JK how many hands do u have?

by rtayebi1 on

dude U R all over. Any ways a young good looking guy like yourself, should not worry about how shitty Iranian are on a Saturday night. You should worry about how you gone get laid tonight. Be shallow a little bit, have fun, there is no grand purpose in life

Mohammad Ala

No social responsibility

by Mohammad Ala on

Iranians come from different family backgrounds, they grow up in different parts of Iran, most of them pretend to be religious.  Failure of our community demonstrates why we have not been successful (as a group).  Many times I have observed ISP members resort to personal attacks to make a point. Is it necessary to criticize someone’s picture, name, or his/her title?  I agree this is not limited to Iranians.  As I wrote before, we are good in three so-called Rs (math, reading, and writing) but fail big time in fourth R (social responsibility).  Again, Iranians are not alone.  A Pakistani thought my article was useful for their community.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

It has nothing to do with political maneuvering. I am probably more politically incorrect than you can dream about. Look me up on this site. My comments over the years speak for themselves. I have summarily trashed a few people. Some of them are masochists, because they STILL pop up on this site after I exposed them for the idiots they are. The fact that they are supposedly Iranian is merely related to the fact that this is an Iranian-centric website. I don't ask for your passport before proceeding to either agree with you or putting you through a shredder.

You can say what you think. I certainly do.

Just exhibit some class when doing so.


Iranians Adjust What They Say or How They Say It

by JahanKhalili on

... out of fear of what others will think.

Let others be damned.

Say what you really think. Be honest. 


Who Cares What "Works"

by JahanKhalili on

Why is everything about getting a particular effect with you Iranians?

Everything has to be a political maneuver, with Iranians. 

Why don't you just tell what you see as the truth and let public opinion be damned? 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Well said and I totally agree with you on all your points. Shock only works when given in small amounts.


Hey Kaveh

by JahanKhalili on

Very interesting.

But I'm not trying to change or to convert anyone. I realize that's a lost cause.

I'm here to say what I think.


Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

You may be only 50% Iranian, but you're acting like 100% Jerk.

In making all of these criticisms, you employ the exact traits of the parties you're slamming. But while the typical Iranian way is to act aloof and standoffish in the ways that you have described, you are just being plain vicious. You have become what you loathe.

Maybe you are doing it partially for effect or shock value. But honestly, it's getting old.

I agree with some of your points of view. Especially in the area of Iranians' ignorance of native species, archaelogy, and things like that. It indeed sucks that we know less about that subject than we should, and it sucks even more that it's treated as "childish" or "foolish" (can't remember the word that you used).

Bottom line, no one is going to care about the message you have if, as the messenger, you antagonize everyone.



"Believing that they are infinitely superior...

by JahanKhalili on

... to every other organism on the planet."

 They're actually infinitely inferior to every other organism on the planet.


I Agree

by JahanKhalili on

With everything you said except the last sentence.

I'm only half Iranian.

I can't stop criticizing Iranians. I don't know what it is.

They're just so loveable and faultless, and they have elections to determine who criticizes them.

But here I am making a coup.

I couldn't get past their Guardian Council, so I gave up and figured I'll just take over.