Bahai writings on covenant breakers

Mona Tahiri
by Mona Tahiri

Baha'o'llah Says :
"Protect yourselves with utmost vigilance, lest you be entrapped in the snare of deception and fraud." This is the advice of the Pen of Destiny."Therefore, to avoid these people will be the nearest path by which to attain the divine good pleasure; because their breath is infectious, like unto poison.""Endeavor to your utmost to protect yourselves, because Satan appears in different robes and appeals to everyone according to each person's own way, until he becomes like unto him -- then he will leave him alone."
"...If you detect in any man the least perceptible breath of violation, shun him and keep away from him." Then He says: "Verily, they are manifestations of Satan."
(Bahá'í World Faith, p. 431)

Abdol Baha Says :

Bahá'u'lláh, in all the Tablets and Epistles, forbade the true and firm friends from associating and meeting the violators of the Covenant of His Holiness, the Báb, saying that no one should go near them because their breath is like the poison of the snake that kills instantly.
(Bahá'í World Faith, p. 430)

And now, one of the greatest and most fundamental principles of the Cause of God is to shun and avoid entirely the Covenant-breakers, for they will utterly destroy the Cause of God, exterminate His Law and render of no account all efforts exerted in the past.
(Bahá'í World Faith, p. 448)

My object is to show that the Hands of the Cause of God must be ever watchful and so soon as they find anyone beginning to oppose and protest against the guardian of the Cause of God, cast him out from the congregation of the people of Bahá and in no wise accept any excuse from him. How often hath grievous error been disguised in the garb of truth, that it might sow the seeds of doubt in the hearts of men!
(Will and Testament of Abdu'l-Bahá, p. 12)


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more from Mona Tahiri


by Souri on

You first came here as an impartial commentator who asks an innocent question, then you follow up with the accusatory questions. Too bad for you because there are always impartial readers around to see your motivation trough this dancing game.

You said to Anahid : 

"The message Moammad delivered is called Qoran."

Do I have to remind you that this is a polemical question?

If she had chosen the word "prophet" instead of "messenger" would you still use this "terminology" excuse for another demagogic point?


Ahang Rabbani

by Anony5 (not verified) on

How cheap was that! A scholar of your caliber with such cheap and unreasonable words. I feel sorry for you.


To Anahid

by ali_UK on

You say , " Baha'is are the largest non-muslim religious minority who do believe in Mohammad as true messenger of God "

The message Moammad delivered is called Qoran.

Bahai's should then believe in Qoran?Do they?



Statistical Data?!

by ali_UK on

I am sorry , I should have checked your statistical data which supports your assertion

"" 4,000 valid responses were received, of which half were from Iranians living in Iran ""

The view of 2000 Iranians with access to internet?

Also the question was about religion in general ( not shia sect as you put it ).

Therefore you even misrepresent some small internet poll .

It does not bode well for the rest your "references".



by Alexx on


 Baha'is are the largest non-muslim religious minority who do believe in Mohammad as true messenger of God.

"Beware of prejudice! Light is good in whatsoever lamp it is burning. A rose is beautiful in whatsoever garden it may bloom. A star has the same radiance whether it shines from the east or from the west."

-Baha'i writing


Islam=Baha'i=Christianity=Buddhism=Judaism=Zoroastrianism= FROM SAME DIVINE SOURCE



by ali_UK on

Having said all that I have posted so far , and at the risk of stating the obvious , I would like to clearly state that no one human should be persecuted for their beliefs, Bahai , muslim , budist , etc...

I am form Tehran and my heart is in Iran.


To Ahang Rabbani

by ali_UK on

"" group that is strongly disliked by all Iranians, then it's the Shi'a sect "" ??

99% of the population of Iran are Shia muslims.Good ones , bad ones , indifferent ones etc...Shia by birth anyway.How can they be be disliked by themselves?!!!

 I do not know much about Bahai faith to form an opinion.Little bit that I have read about its origin , etc . does sound like a cult.I do not have any problems with any faith untill it begins to show little or no respect for another faith.This is excatly what you are doing.

You have your beliefs , why do you have the urge to rubbish the faith of over 70 million shia's or all the muslims in the world?

OR is it it just shia's you have problem with and not suni's.Do Bahai'sm have the same problem with Suni muslims??



Mr. Ahang Rabbani

by Anonymousy (not verified) on

I m a moslem and I believe in Human rights of Bahais. They r human being and must be respected, they are our brothers in humanity. Only thing demanded from the Bahais is loyalty to the government and obedience of laws of Iran and they can live in peace. There may be more than 300,000 bahais in Iran. But iranian government (regime) in not harassing them all. They only check some people who are some how guilty. As per your record how many Bahais (in total) are lying in Iranian prisons?
Also - Sir, I request you humbly to please let me know the ruling as per Bahai law for Murder and Rape? What Bahai law states for Murderers and Rapists and what is the punishment for theft? Please sir, I beg you - earlier also I asked you this question but some of your friends came up with some sayings of Bahaollah regarding unity stuff.
Thank you.

Ahang Rabbani

A response to ali-UK

by Ahang Rabbani on

Your data and inference is completely flawed.  If you want to find a group that is strongly disliked by all Iranians, then it's the Shi'a sect.  Here's statisticial data to support this assertion:   //

Having said that, I find it distubing that you have concentrated on who is disliked.  Why not concentrate on who is liked broadly by liberated and thinking Iranians?  And that group is the Baha'is.

In recent months, just about every thinking Iranian has written and voiced support for the Baha'is of Iran.  Over 400 Iranian educators, journalists, writers, intellectuals and other professionals have expressed their deep regret over what has befallen the Baha'is of Iran in the past 160 years.  Read for yourself what they have written:  //

Or read what the renowned Farhang Farahi has recently written in support of Baha'is:  //

Or read what the learned Dr. Majid Naficy has written about the Baha'is:  //

Or read hundreds of other intelligent Iranians are writting in support of the Baha'i community of Iran and their repulsion over the unjust and brutal persecution of the beleaguered Baha'is at Iran Press Watch:  //

Ali-UK, you may live in the UK, but it appears that you have left your heart in Qom.  The age of Baha'i-bashing has passed.  The time of enlightened Iranians has arrived. 

If you want to continue living in the dark age of ignorance, continuing to say the same mindless things that the akhunds have been saying about the Baha'is, you can.  But the rest of the nation has passed you by and has entered the age where human rights and civil rights for all people is expected, indeed demanded.



by ali_UK on

I think some of the reason couldd be that , the bases of your "cult" undermines and dismisses the beliefs and make up of most Iranians who are Shia muslims , Not neccesarily practicing ones ( majority ar not ).However , even with the "soft muslims " ie average person , you start disrespecting their beliefs , you will not get a warm reaction.

 Somewhere in here , there may be embeded partial explanation as to why the inherent dislike towards this cult.


Mona taheri Shame on you!

by amigo19 on

Bahaullah's covenant is a marvellous and wonderful phenomenon,for over 160 years enemies of the faith have tried to split and divide the Faith of God and they have been and they will be unable to do that, in the past all the divine religions lacked this wonderful mechanisim to protect them from disunity and division, now in this age we have the right tools to prevent the division. so I as a Bahai listen with all my heart to the advice and warning of Bahaullah and Abdul Baha. Imagine, the Christian Faith and Islam has over several hundred sects .that is because they did not have a written and genuine covenant as we Bahais do. So Mona Taheri as a fraudulent character be ashamed of your blog,shame on you!

Mona 19

Baha'u'llah's covenant is a unique and priceless heritage...

by Mona 19 on

...and has no parallel in the records of religion.His covenant is like a vast ocean, and people like you my evil twin(Mona19) and this desperate blogger(Mona Tahiri) are no more than the foam of this ocean that won't last long and will vanish while the ocean of the Covenant surge and roar. :)





To Mona19

by Anonymous414 (not verified) on

That blog you linked to is complete BS. Are you sure you don't work for the Baha'is trying to make genuine Baha'i critics look bad?


We are taking Baha'u'llah's advice to heart

by Anonymous414 (not verified) on

""Protect yourselves with utmost vigilance, lest you be entrapped in the snare of deception and fraud."

Hence the purpose of exposing Bahaism as just another dangerous cult to be vigilant and protective against.


Adib Jaan, It's always good..

by faryarm on

Adib Jaan, It's always good for people to see who is behind the Baseless

propaganda against Bahais..

The IRI has no foundation in truth or decency, lets hope we will begin to see some change...



What is your point?

by Souri on

We still don't get your point from posting those bigotry here. Your senseless blog has no meaning, like all the other posts of yours.

As Faryar said, the very name you chose here, says a lot about your fraudulent motivation. You don't need to explain anything.

Adib Masumian


by Adib Masumian on

All that needs to be said about that blog is that it unquestioningly accepts the Dolgorukov Memoirs as an accurate and completely valid source. Unfortunately, it is not only filled with contradictions, but historians like Abbas Iqbal Ashtiani and Ahmad Kasravi have even denounced that hodgepodge of incoherent drivel as an ill-conceived forgery, not an iota of which has ANY basis whatsoever in history.

Also, look what I found on the blog:

***The content of this Blog is taken from a book that was first published by Nashr-e Farhang-e Inqilab-e Islami, The Hague, Holland.***

In other words, the content of that blog comes from the IRI. What does that tell you?


Main purpose of covenant is to preserve unity.

by Tahirih on

Bahaullah's gift to humanity is the concept of unity of mankind, therefore he has made sure that this unity is firmly established in bahai faith.

In the past , people distorted the teachings of the manifestations of God, putting forward their own ideas and rituals so much that the simple purity of the original teachings became hidden. this has resulted in divisions within these faiths and eventually to the decline of these religions.

Those times has past and cycle of fulfilment is now with mankind.

The main purpose of the covenant established by Bahaullah is to maintain unity, to protect the faith from division arising from within-, created by the ego of some followers themselves!

I do not see any problem with this miraculous Bahai principle, what is wrong with unity, and following the original teachings of Bahaullah, without changing them according to some personal egos.




by faryarm on

one possible answer simply is:


Judging by the progressive nature of Bahai Principles and the backward influence of the Shia Ulama, and their need for survival, the Bahai Faith has from its inception been misrepresented and prevented from being investigated freely by the Iranian public.leading to generatons of misconception and deep rooted blind prejudice.

Today however, the situation has changed, as information technology is allowing iranians to gain first hand knowledge about the Bahai Faith. 

The answer to your question is therefore; simply:

The truth  and rise of authentic  knowledge about the Bahai teachings


and history is a nightmare for the self serving, power hungry Shia Cleric.

Judging by the low opinion held by most Iranians for the "Akhound" On The horizon, There will soon be mass unemployment in the ranks of Shia Ulama, as once people realize the extent of lies and deception they have promoted and killed for in all  these years, they will become part of the endangered species list.

Its just a matter of time..



To ali_UK

by Mona19 (not verified) on

read this blog completely and carefully


Why Bahai's are so hated in Iran

by ali_UK on

I do not know why Bahai's are hated in Iran.We have christians , jews , hindu's , zartoshti's and none are hated or disliked ( for their beliefs ).

I am talking about pre revolution times and not now.

 I never understood why?


To Frauds like "Mona Tahiri"

by faryarm on

The Very name you have chosen shows your fraudulent motives and impure intention.

As to the subject of Covenant Breaking; Sadly, you and others who conspire against Bahais have with your every post demonstrated your only mission related to Bahai Faith; TO spread the disease of disunity and dissension.

The Following would be the advice of ANY loving protective mother or father to a son or a daughter against associating withfrauds like you who choose names of familiar Bahais  to entrap and deceive.

""Protect yourselves with utmost vigilance, lest you be entrapped in the snare of deception and fraud."




Selfish motives! and perfectly aware...!!

by Alexx on

Covenant-Breaking and is considered to be a spiritual disease and is punished by expulsion from the community.
Abdu'l-Bahá writes:
"These do not doubt the validity of the Covenant but selfish motives have dragged them to this condition. It is not that they do not know what they do-- they are perfectly aware and still they exhibit opposition" (SWA 215-216). Thus a cardinal factor in Covenant-breaking is considered by `Abdu'l-Bahá to be willful and conscious opposition to the divine will as manifested in the Covenant.
Biblical verse:
 "Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him . . ."
(Matthew 12:31-2).
Source:Bahá'í Library Online